View Full Version : Possible inconsistency regarding the Forest Scene/Elder Wand

George's Ear
July 25th, 2007, 03:45
Why did Voldemort's Avada Kedavra send himself and Harry into the ghostly King's Cross station?

It seems to me that the Elder Wand cannot be turned against its owner (proof: Voldemort's Cruciatus curse did nothing to Harry but make him flop around, the last AK curse meant for Harry rebounded on Voldemort). And when Voldy used AK on Harry in the forest, the Elder Wand apparently refused to harm harry and instead destroyed the fragment of Voldy's soul that resided in Harry, making him no longer a Horcrux.

But why exactly would this result in Harry and Voldemort's souls being transferred into a spiritual limbo? Unless the AK really killed Harry, but since Voldemort carries Harry's blood in his veins, Voldemort's soul anchored Harry to the living world and Harry's departing soul just sort of dragged them both into the train station. But if this is true, and Harry really "died," then it contradicts the idea that the Elder Wand cannot harm its owner.

Thoughts? Maybe the Elder Wand can only lessen the damage of spells cast upon its owner, so that Crucio makes Harry flop and Avada Kedavra only halfway kills him?

July 25th, 2007, 04:57
The curse hit Harry only because he wanted so, if he tried to defend himself the curse would have bounced to Voldemort, but it didnīt half killed Harry, it wuould have killed him if it wasnīt for the blood protection. I think that the blood connection had to do with Voldemortīs fainting more than the Horcrux issue, but it can also be because the Elder Wand also backfired at the same time it hit Harry...donīt know.
Finally, the Cucriatus curse didnīt affect Harry, because he didnīt wanted to, and as being the true master of the Elder Wand he was the one at control.

July 25th, 2007, 10:16
was he actually in a spiritual limbo? maybe he just got knocked out, because Dumbledore did tell harry it was all in his head.

July 25th, 2007, 12:16
i think that when voldemort sent the AK curse to harry becasue there was a part of voldemort in harry that part of voldemort died and becasue the majoirty of blood in voldemort was harry's that part of voldemort died.