View Full Version : File-Sharing Site Was Actually an Anti-Piracy Honeypot

October 26th, 2013, 23:48
The administrator of file-sharing site UploaderTalk shocked and enraged his userbase a few days ago when he revealed thatthe site was nothing more than a honeypot (http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/oct/25/filesharing-site-anti-piracy-honeypot-uploadertalk-user-data) set up by a company called Nuke Piracy. The main purpose of the site had been to gather data on its users. The administrator said, 'I collected info on file hosts, web hosts, websites (http://www.uploadertalk.com/ut-site-information-center/ut-news-announcements/2008-special-announcement-ut-acquired-nukepiracy-wdf-consultant-nukepiracy.html). I suckered $#!&loads of you. I built a history, got the trust of some very important people in the warez scene collecting information and data all the time.' Nobody knows what Nuke Piracy is going to do with the data, but it seems reasonable to expect lawsuits and the further investigation of any services the users discussed. His very public betrayal is likely meant to sow discord and distrust among the groups responsible for distributing pirated files.
