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View Full Version : Windows Vista for PSP

July 31st, 2007, 18:31
Hi all,

Newbie here. Maybe you have heared about this application.....

Instalation will take less than 2 minutes...


- Internet Explorer 7
- My PSP (My Documents etc...)
- PSPTunes (iTunes)
- Control Panel
- User Login etc...
- Alarm clock, Calender, Clock, PSPaint, Msn messenger, PSP tunes, Analoge clock, My portals and lots of more.

see the screenshots below:





July 31st, 2007, 22:04
pics or it didn't happen.

Post a screenshot.

July 31st, 2007, 22:23
screenshots posted ;)

July 31st, 2007, 22:45
Cool stuff, alifar. I like it.

July 31st, 2007, 22:51
Thanks for your feedback ;) lol

July 31st, 2007, 23:02
There are a few issues, though. Whenever I try to go to some of the links, like PSPAIM and IRC Messenger, it tells me that I have to be connected to the internet. I connect, but it doesn't take me to the websites. It takes me to some PSP Portal-like page with a Google search bar.

Edit: http://onlinedeals.nl/psp/ <-- this page, to be exact

August 2nd, 2007, 14:51
Thats right, cause you must connect with internet before you can see these pages.

August 2nd, 2007, 19:52
cool portal

August 3rd, 2007, 18:19
i have no idea on how to install it, i was so exited but there isn't a Read me file or something that can guide me... plz help, TY ^_^

August 3rd, 2007, 18:51
Sure there is a read me file attached.

Installing pspWxp Manually:

1. Unzip to a folder on your hard drive
2. Plug in the PSP using the USB cable
3. Copy the folder "pspWxp" (without quotes) directly onto the PSP's memory
4. Unplug the USB cable after it has finished copying
5. Go into the internet browser of the PSP
6. Type in the address "file:/pspWxp/index.htm" (without quotes)
7. Press enter
8. Press Triangle to hide the browser's toolbars (press triangle again to show it)
9. You should now be at the Windows XP desktop. If not, go to troubleshooting.

Setting pspWxp as home page:

This will allow the webpage to be opened immediatly on the browser.

1. Follow the steps above to get to the desktop
2. Press triangle to reveal the toolbars
3. Using the arrow keys, go to tools and press X
4. Select Settings and press X
5. Select Home Page Settings and click X
6. Select Use Current Page and press X
7. Select OK and press X
8. Press Circle and then triangle to return to the desktop

August 21st, 2007, 22:00
i have no idea on how to install it, i was so exited but there isn't a Read me file or something that can guide me... plz help, TY ^_^

see above

September 1st, 2007, 19:42
I'm sorry, i mean the first page

September 2nd, 2007, 09:14
when i try and pick a game, it says "maximized window move the cursor to the very bottom of the screen and press x to return to the desktop click to skip this screen" and when i click the screen it says "content cannot be displayed." help?

September 2nd, 2007, 11:20
It's kind of cool but buggy. The IE is useless and nowhere resembles IE. It's just a back/forward button, a google search bar, a refresh, and a home bar, yet it asks me if I want to go online repeatedly while using it when I'm already online. It sort of brings flashbacks of IE back in the day when it would do that to me. It would be a lot cooler and performance a lot better if it wasn't all running on a browser.

September 19th, 2007, 11:16
This type of mod is sweet, anyone can use it :D

September 23rd, 2007, 22:11
hi, i was thinking, and this might sound realy stoopid but, how about some one actually making this as a real homebrwe app? i read about some one who got windows 98 to work on there psp, but it was slow and buggy. maybe if some one starts from scratch they came make it look like this and it wouldn't be so slow. i'm sure it wouldn't be that hard, if yoyu asked around and got some code from other people. dont ask me to though. i've never coded anything in my life.

September 24th, 2007, 08:45
No way, no how, don't even waste your time thinking about it. :)

Firstly, windows is closed source so there is nothing to port over. Secondly, even if it was open source, the amount of the code that would have been re-written would be enormous. If you ported the OS you would then need to port/at least recompile every app also, which doesn't help when most are closed source.

A total re-write of windows by a single (or small group) of homebrew coders is just a concept so insanely huge/ambitious and yet also pointless that I don't know how to comment.
"Wouldn't be that hard", "ask around and get code from other people"??????? It wouldn't be hard, it would be REALLY, INCREDIBLY, BEYOND COMPREHENSION HARD. I don't think you get just how complex an OS like windows is.
No one has the windows source code so anything they got from others wouldn't be windows code.

The only way it has been seen to run was through an x86 emulator like Bochs, which will be unbelievably slow and most likely buggy also, but at least you wouldn't have to port every app also.

Don't expect anything PC related above dos emulation through dosbox or SCUMMVM (only for specific games, mostly point and click SCUMM based).

September 27th, 2007, 23:06
Weird. PSPWXP.

Play Station Portable Windows XP


September 28th, 2007, 06:17
WOW this is coooooooool ... thxxxx
i made it my homepage.... & i think every1 should do the same.......

thx again ...

October 1st, 2007, 20:11
Soon there will be a update available, i will post it in this topic

December 1st, 2008, 00:29
it says when i type in everything "cannot be displayed"
What can i do?