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View Full Version : Sony 1gig Pro Duo discontinued?

June 21st, 2005, 01:24
I went to go buy the Sony 1gig Pro Duo stick at BestBuy and not only were we out of them, they were discontinued. The BestBuy website no longer sells them. Does anyone know why?

Fly On
June 21st, 2005, 04:40
Hmmm...interesting, didn't know that.
You probably don't need a full gig, unless you wanna put a movie on it. Personally, I don't use my PSP much for movies, and that saves me mucho space. My 256 meg stick is perfect for my music and emu needs. I can really only keep one movie at a time on my 1 gig stick, so yeah.
Now if ya really want it, try to ebay it :)

June 21st, 2005, 05:50
I have 256mb, but its not enough. MAME roms are ~50mb, and my PSP will be my music player.

Well I work at BestBuy so I get a discount.

December 27th, 2005, 08:50
i got a 526 it works great its lexar tho....
still awesome
ps i just got a psp today
so far its loved unconditionally

December 27th, 2005, 08:54
oh yea i got 48 songs on my psp about 20 images, game saves and 2 episodes of the boondocks approx. 25min in length

December 27th, 2005, 12:38
well my friend got 4 - 2gb, 2 - 1gb and some smaller owns.
i got a gig and im going to buy a 2gb.
wath is a good prise for a 2gb?
at e-bay, i can get a 2gb for abaut 95€ (shipping included).
well they used to be cheper, but after chrismas.....