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View Full Version : Ranger-to-Pearl Problem

August 1st, 2007, 13:36

Wonder if you can help. I've completed Ranger, and got the Manaphy Egg, just in time for Pearl to come out (I'm in the UK, it's only been out a few days). I have a DS and a DS Lite, and naturally want to send the Egg to Pearl....but for some reason, Pearl is not picking up the signal form RangerNet.

I've tried it with both Ranger in DS/Pearl in DS Lite and the other way around; no joy. I know both DS's can link to other machines (they've been tested in my presence, using different games). Is there something I'm not doing? Pearl, by the way, is at the stage of having completed the second Gym, so I'm a good way into the game.

I've looked up advice on how to transfer the egg, and done everything it says, but Pearl just won't pick up the signal.

Can you help?


Carl Q.

August 5th, 2007, 21:45
have you activated mistery gift because i think u need that

pokemon master matt
August 13th, 2007, 21:17
you need to have mystery gift and then go to the town were the is a ferry to iron island and go in th poke mart talk to the one next to the counter he gives you the manaphy egg hatch it and manaphy is at lv 1