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View Full Version : Blu-ray investment justified, says Sony

August 1st, 2007, 18:53
via Games Industry (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=27217)

Responding to comments from PGR4's developer indicating that the team had problems fitting the data on a single DVD, Sony says that its Blu-ray investment is justified.

"We took a lot of heat at launch for including Blu-ray in PS3. Now it looks like that investment is being justified," said SCEA spokesman Dave Karraker, speaking to GamesIndustry.biz.

"Next generation games simply need more space on the disc to contain all that high definition content. Take a look at Lair, for example, already pushing 25GB of content, and that is a first-generation title. At 50GB storage capacity, Blu-ray gives the PS3 plenty of headroom for developers to fully realize their visions well into the future."

Bizarre Creations, the developer of PGR4, recently announced on its forums that players would not see different times of day in each racing location, not because it was a problem for the development team, but because it was a problem to fit the texture data on a single DVD.

In order to work around the issue, Bizarre provides different lighting models for each city.

August 1st, 2007, 19:40
I agree with Sony on this one.

El Stefio
August 1st, 2007, 20:52
Me too - saw this one coming.. ooh... back when the 360 was launched i guess. Pretty short-sighted of M$ really. I mean - imagine if the ps2 had only had a CD-Rom drive :P

August 1st, 2007, 22:19
So will Xbox owners be okay with splitting a racing title onto two discs, hu, huh? :P

August 1st, 2007, 22:36
So will Xbox owners be okay with splitting a racing title onto two discs, hu, huh? :P

They dont exactly have choice....I would think the xbox might be redesiged in terms of the drive it using - either switch to bluRay or ms introduces a new format.

August 1st, 2007, 23:28
I agree with Sony on this one.

i second that

August 3rd, 2007, 02:17
I love it. How long ago was it, that many people were on these very boards saying how useless Blu-Ray would be for games, that we would not need it?

Yeah. I am glad Sony has stepped up and introduced new formats when other companies have stuck to their guns. PS1 using CDs rather than carts, PS2 using DVDs rather than CDs, PS3 using Blu-Ray. Hell I am willing to bet that MS will use Blu-Ray for their next console, while Sony will use Holographic discs for PS4...

Keep up the good work Sony, thank god you're thinking of your fans. I cannot imagine how shitty MGS4 or Heavenly Sword would be if it was limited to a DVD...

August 3rd, 2007, 03:48
I love it. How long ago was it, that many people were on these very boards saying how useless Blu-Ray would be for games, that we would not need it?

Yeah. I am glad Sony has stepped up and introduced new formats when other companies have stuck to their guns. PS1 using CDs rather than carts, PS2 using DVDs rather than CDs, PS3 using Blu-Ray. Hell I am willing to bet that MS will use Blu-Ray for their next console, while Sony will use Holographic discs for PS4...

Keep up the good work Sony, thank god you're thinking of your fans. I cannot imagine how shitty MGS4 or Heavenly Sword would be if it was limited to a DVD...

PC Engine CD did it in 1988, Sega CD in 1991, 3DO in 1993, Amiga CD-32 in 1993, Jaguar in 1993, Saturn in 1994 ....

August 3rd, 2007, 03:53
So will Xbox owners be okay with splitting a racing title onto two discs, hu, huh? :P
Fine by me. I know some people can't get up and actually WALK over to the 360, they have to roll, but its good workout. Really, burning the .000001 calories may be good for you.

August 3rd, 2007, 05:30
PC Engine CD did it in 1988, Sega CD in 1991, 3DO in 1993, Amiga CD-32 in 1993, Jaguar in 1993, Saturn in 1994 ....

Yeah... I was talking about consoles that didn't fail.

August 3rd, 2007, 05:41
Yeah... I was talking about consoles that didn't fail.

Then you must edit your post, because PlayStation 3 is a commercial failure actually

August 3rd, 2007, 05:49
Then you must edit your post, because PlayStation 3 is a commercial failure actually

Well played Mr. Dark, well played....

I was thinking. can anyone give me a GOOD explanation as to why they don't know how to change disks? It sounds easy enough, you know...I suppose for people who can't use their arms or legs and would have to roll themselves over, but still. Paying $400 just so I don't burn the .01 calories to change disks still doesnt sound appealing at all.

August 3rd, 2007, 08:24
With Sony's reported Install Base of 6 million I fail to see how thats a failure... via: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/808/808656p2.html

(And before you noobs go arguing, INSTALL BASE means IN USER'S HOMES. And secondly, Sony would violate International Trade Laws had they fudged the numbers. So don't bother saying it, your points are already refuted, just accept it fanlosers.)

Secondly, developers don't give a rats ass about you wanting to swap discs. The days of disc swapping are over. Why? Because its more work for the developers having to make a 2 disc game rather than a 1 disc game and as far as the devs of PGR are concerned, its not extra effort they want to spend.

I am glad they don't want to spend it either. Microshit should have known long ago that HD games will require more than 9 gigs of space to work. Games for PC have been surpassing 9 gigs for the last 3 years. Microshit should have known this.

August 3rd, 2007, 15:29
I am glad they don't want to spend it either. Microshit should have known long ago that HD games will require more than 9 gigs of space to work. Games for PC have been surpassing 9 gigs for the last 3 years. Microshit should have known this.

That is true. I remember Black and White 2 (lol, 7 disks O_O) And FFXI (4 disks)

But there was something about them that can't corrolate to the PC and 360. The PC installs, and holds the memory for the game. Too bad neither of them do.

And six million PS3 owners? Fascinating.

August 3rd, 2007, 17:49
That is true. I remember Black and White 2 (lol, 7 disks O_O) And FFXI (4 disks)

But there was something about them that can't corrolate to the PC and 360. The PC installs, and holds the memory for the game. Too bad neither of them do.

And six million PS3 owners? Fascinating.

That is the difference between PC and Consoles. PCs can afford to use multiple discs for installation, and with ultra compression methods possible on PC, data can be compressed to fit on a DVD and simply uncompressed when installed.

Consoles don't have that luxury sadly.

The article about there being 6 million PS3 owners was an interesting read (not only for that; OLEDs look cool as hell), and when I first read it I was rather shocked, since units sold has been stable for the past few months at 4.4 million (depending on the source). However the price drop and E3 could have, in theory, sparked 2 million sales.

The IGN author mentioned that the speaker at the event assured them that it was units sold and not units shipped. (which is a common claim for people who reject Sony's information; that they are talking about units shipped not sold.)

August 3rd, 2007, 20:38
@ F9zDark:

Units sold: 4.48 million+
Units shipped: 6 million


August 3rd, 2007, 21:12
Its obvious that more space is sensible in this day and age, I hope loading improves , although its not to bad, but vf5 takes quite long without part of the game installed on the hd

August 3rd, 2007, 23:14
@ F9zDark:

Units sold: 4.48 million+
Units shipped: 6 million


LoL, citing wikipedia as a reliable source is just ridiculous.

August 4th, 2007, 00:11
LoL, citing wikipedia as a reliable source is just ridiculous.

It seems you don't know how to use google. Please see the next link, I think you failed :p :rofl:


August 4th, 2007, 01:06
It seems you don't know how to use google. Please see the next link, I think you failed :p :rofl:


Sorry but IGN is a more reliable source than some unknown UK website.


August 4th, 2007, 01:11
lets not forget that the hddvd are still around :P

August 4th, 2007, 03:23
Sorry but IGN is a more reliable source than some unknown UK website.


I dont know, man. Last time I posted something from IGN about the 360 being equal to PS3 in power on Maxconsole, I was called a liar and banned. Then I posted something about DC2 and, well we know.

So how reliable is IGN again? Maxconsole doesn't think so....

August 4th, 2007, 05:51
Sorry but IGN is a more reliable source than some unknown UK website.


lol 6 million consoles purchased by the retailers, also you should read the comments on the IGN forum



August 4th, 2007, 07:25
With Sony's reported Install Base of 6 million I fail to see how thats a failure... via: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/808/808656p2.html

(And before you noobs go arguing, INSTALL BASE means IN USER'S HOMES. And secondly, Sony would violate International Trade Laws had they fudged the numbers. So don't bother saying it, your points are already refuted, just accept it fanlosers.)

I find it amazing that you actually believe Sony sold 6 million ps3s 4 months. If my memory serves me correctly the Nintendo Wii sold around that same amount by the middle of March.

August 4th, 2007, 13:55
If Sony's only sold 3-4 million, it wouldn't make sense for them to think 14.5 million by March '08.

August 4th, 2007, 23:16
Like others have said, Sony reports sells as shipments. I know I know, that makes no sense on Sony's part, but it wouldn't be the first time Sony reports shipments instead of sales! So 14.5 million shipped is highly possible

August 7th, 2007, 18:05
The slide in the IGN article says INSTALLED BASE. (Meaning in USERS HOMES.)

And again, why is it only the PS3's numbers are questioned? The PS2 numbers are on the same slide and they are at 120 million (which is substantiated by plenty of other sources).

Sony having sold 6 million consoles to USERS is not outside the realm of possibility.

Last time I posted something from IGN about the 360 being equal to PS3 in power on Maxconsole.

But the PS3 and 360 are not equal in power... Stanford university went with the PS3 because it is SUBSTANTIALLY more powerful than the 360. A security firm uses a PS3 to handle its biometrics devices and said that the PS3 has a QUARTER of the computing power of their 80,000 sq ft super computer.

So no, the 360 and PS3 are no where near equals in terms of sheer computing power.


Regardless of sales or power, the topic at hand doesn't change. Almost 2 years into the 360's life, games maxed out the DVD. Now Microsoft has a choice, gimp further games because of their shortsightedness or adopt HD-DVD as a game medium. Who wants to take bets that Halo 3 will be the first game to require HD-DVD?

I wouldn't put it past Microshit to make all their Halo 3 fans buy the addon just to play the game.

August 7th, 2007, 23:15
The slide in the IGN article says INSTALLED BASE. (Meaning in USERS HOMES.)

ONE site says 6 million, and 75624523 sites say 4 million...

August 8th, 2007, 00:31
If Sony's only sold 3-4 million, it wouldn't make sense for them to think 14.5 million by March '08.

Hold on, when did Sony became sensible? :confused:

August 8th, 2007, 01:01
Well the numbers were from March, it is now August. The price drop increased sales of the ps3 by how much? Over 100% right that was IN JUNE right? Then using the numbers from ign lets say the ps3 was selling at a rate of 1 million every month. Worse case scenario is the ps3 sitting at around 10 million units sold. Putting it right behind the Nintendo Wii.

WTF am I talking about? You caught me I'm bullshitted my numbers. Much like another site we all know!!! Hint: it's a site F9zDark and $n!pR L-O-V-E.

August 8th, 2007, 04:17
ONE site says 6 million, and 75624523 sites say 4 million...

And WTO would be all over Sony's ass for lying (International Trade Law violations anyone?). When I see Sony taken to court for spreading lies about their system sales to customers, then I'll believe you fantardish bullshit.

Funny, how I try to get the topic back on topic and the close minded douche bags who don't even want a PS3 keep it off topic.

Could be worse I suppose. Would take being a PS3 fanboy over being a nazi tart with a fetish for failed consoles any day.

August 8th, 2007, 04:48
And WTO would be all over Sony's ass for lying (International Trade Law violations anyone?). When I see Sony taken to court for spreading lies about their system sales to customers, then I'll believe you fantardish bullshit.

Funny, how I try to get the topic back on topic and the close minded douche bags who don't even want a PS3 keep it off topic.

Could be worse I suppose. Would take being a PS3 fanboy over being a nazi tart with a fetish for failed consoles any day.

Sorry short hair boy, but the IGN article didn't say "6 million consoles sold to users". It's obviously to retailers.
You are the only one saying there are 6 million users actually.

August 8th, 2007, 05:03
And WTO would be all over Sony's ass for lying (International Trade Law violations anyone?). When I see Sony taken to court for spreading lies about their system sales to customers, then I'll believe you fantardish bullshit.

Funny, how I try to get the topic back on topic and the close minded douche bags who don't even want a PS3 keep it off topic.

Could be worse I suppose. Would take being a PS3 fanboy over being a nazi tart with a fetish for failed consoles any day.

Um....freedom of speech anyone?

Sony can't get sued for what they say. At least, not in this country. Maybe in Uzbekistan.

August 8th, 2007, 06:25
Simply because freedom of speech exists in America doesn't mean it exists worldwide. In fact I'd be willing to believe that only 50% of the countries in the world have Freedom of speech similar to that of the US.

And even in the US Freedom of speech has its limits. Lying and defaming someone through spoken word is slander, whereas lying and defaming someone in the press is libel, regardless of "freedom of speech". Radio show hosts being kicked off the air for telling jokes or stories is also proof that freedom of speech isn't what it used to be.

The WTO holds companies responsible for what they say when selling products in a global marketplace. For good reason too. If companies were allowed to say what they want, when they want about their products, they could easily motivate other markets into buying their products over those of their competition.

August 8th, 2007, 18:49
do all these count towards the 6 million?
