View Full Version : Anyone want video cut scenes for their homebrew?

August 1st, 2007, 21:15
I've been dabbling in digital animation, and decided to extend a helping hand to all the homebrew creators out there. After all, nothing livens up a game like some nice intro videos/animated cut scenes.

So, if anybody wants me to do some videos for them please post in this thread or send me a PM. Simple animations would be best (logos, plot line scrollers ETC...), but whatever you need just tell me. I'll do my best to get it done.

Here's a few samples for you guys to check out...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyXUJSobOIc (for a FPS I'm making with FPS Creator)

RPG Lighting Demo (http://youtube.com/watch?v=J0T349lZ0FU) (just a test I did for dynamic light interaction)

RPG Maker 2003... IN 3D!!! (http://youtube.com/watch?v=RAhs7dIZ20w) (video I made that plays the first time you enter town)

Dimension Quest Campfire Scene (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Prwm7P4UfXY) (animation I did for after one of the characters died in my game)

Dimension INC. Logo (http://youtube.com/watch?v=zSESenPvQwg) (simple logo animation I did)

If you have any requests, just let me know. It doesn't have to be restricted to videos either... I could always make some nice background pictures and such :D.

There's a few picture examples HERE (http://dimensiont.proboards99.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=digi&thread=1184110681&page=1).

August 1st, 2007, 21:24
Don't forget to mention that they're for RPG maker only ;).

August 1st, 2007, 22:00
What makes you think they'd only be for RPG maker? They'd work on any homebrew that would have video playback support.

Most the samples I posted are for RPG Maker (all except the first and last ones). But those are for my own personal use :p.

August 2nd, 2007, 03:10
unfortunently, alot of coders code in lua. the current luaplayer cant play videos. but for those who know c, im sure will be extreamly appriciative of this.

and i just watched all the videos. very nice work. i expecially like the 3d rpg maker thing. too bad the house sprites are already supposed to look like they have roofs so when u make them 3d it looks all gay

August 2nd, 2007, 04:57
unfortunently, alot of coders code in lua. the current luaplayer cant play videos. but for those who know c, im sure will be extreamly appriciative of this.

and i just watched all the videos. very nice work. i expecially like the 3d rpg maker thing. too bad the house sprites are already supposed to look like they have roofs so when u make them 3d it looks all gay

I've been talking about videos for LUA in another thread. Aparently you need a script that shows each consecutive frame as a picture. Kind of like a .gif that's not already strung together. This wouldn't be a problem on my end, as I can export each frame as a seperate image straight from the source program.

Maybe I could learn some simple LUA coding and make the script for each movie myself. It would make things alot easier for the person making the game.

I'm glad you like the samples! I know the buildings look a little retarded in that RPG video. They're ment to have depth on a 2D plane, so when I put them on a 3D plane it doesn't work too well. It could be fixable by lowering the top of the roof in the texture, then tilting the houses slightly backward.

Does anyone know why this isn't being posted on the front page? I can understand if it doesn't qualify as news... But I really want everyone to know that I'm willing to make videos for them.

August 2nd, 2007, 08:47
I've been talking about videos for LUA in another thread. Aparently you need a script that shows each consecutive frame as a picture. Kind of like a .gif that's not already strung together. This wouldn't be a problem on my end, as I can export each frame as a seperate image straight from the source program.

Maybe I could learn some simple LUA coding and make the script for each movie myself. It would make things alot easier for the person making the game.

I'm glad you like the samples! I know the buildings look a little retarded in that RPG video. They're ment to have depth on a 2D plane, so when I put them on a 3D plane it doesn't work too well. It could be fixable by lowering the top of the roof in the texture, then tilting the houses slightly backward.

Does anyone know why this isn't being posted on the front page? I can understand if it doesn't qualify as news... But I really want everyone to know that I'm willing to make videos for them.

yes you could do this, but the video would have to be extreamly short. as each frame would be a full psp screen size. 480x272. and the psp only has so much ram. and you couldnt load each image as you wanted to use it because it takes a second. the psp's ram can only hold mabey (im guessing) 20-30 full size frames. so your video would be quite short before having to load the next part.
ive tried to do this before, i had about a 3 second video and it was around 45 frames. i ran out of ram. good theory, but unfortunently it doesnt work well. also if you did manage to make one small eveophe to fit oin the ram, the filesize would be huge. 30 480x272 images would make quite the large file.
and thats just for the intro, then u have the whole rest of the game. so good thinking, alot of us have thought of it before. but it simply just cant work like you want.

edit: for those who want to do this ive wrote a easy to use code for lua

--cut scene code by Buddy4point0
--load 25 frames
for i=1,25 do
Frame[i] = Image.load("Images/intro/Frame"..i..".png"
--set default time
time = 0

function growtime()
time = time + 1
if time > 25 then
-- start game

--main loop
while true do

for i=1,25 do
if time == i then
frame = Frame[i]



untested but should work. if u have any problems pm me or post here

edit again: i just had an idea of how this could acually work. you could have the short video run then show some text, while the text is showing unload all the images and load the next set. this would work for cut sceens but not an intro. also it would make the file ginormus. but if someone wanted to so it, that would work

August 2nd, 2007, 09:59
Would you be able to do something like I did in the intro video for my FPS? Show a short animation, then a single picture while you unload all the others? That would be slightly better then just text.

Also (I don't know about LUA coding, so bare with me), is there a script command you could use to make a smaller picture display in fullscreen? That would cut down on file size alot. What image formats are supported? 30 images in JPG or even BMP with 256 colors should come in at under 1 MB. That's not a WHOLE lot of space.

My guess is that looping videos would be best. Someone in the other thread mentioned seperating the sprites from the pictures or something. That way you could use a looping animation for the background.

I've done something similar in RPG Maker by only using 20 or so frames, and the results look pretty good. Here's a video of it if you want to check it out (http://youtube.com/watch?v=kWLG64aRqLE).

I could do all sorts of videos in this method. Animated clouds in the background, swaying trees and water rippling etc... This could add some significant quality to levels in a game.

Like I said in my first post, I'm not restricted to videos. Pictures would allow for more detail, as I would only have to render one frame as apposed to many. Some of the pictures in my forums took half an hour to render. Doing a video like that would take DAYS!!!

August 2nd, 2007, 10:09
Would you be able to do something like I did in the intro video for my FPS? Show a short animation, then a single picture while you unload all the others? That would be slightly better then just text.

Also (I don't know about LUA coding, so bare with me), is there a script command you could use to make a smaller picture display in fullscreen? That would cut down on file size alot. What image formats are supported? 30 images in JPG or even BMP with 256 colors should come in at under 1 MB. That's not a WHOLE lot of space.

My guess is that looping videos would be best. Someone in the other thread mentioned seperating the sprites from the pictures or something. That way you could use a looping animation for the background.

I've done something similar in RPG Maker by only using 20 or so frames, and the results look pretty good. Here's a video of it if you want to check it out (http://youtube.com/watch?v=kWLG64aRqLE).

I could do all sorts of videos in this method. Animated clouds in the background, swaying trees and water rippling etc... This could add some significant quality to levels in a game.

Like I said in my first post, I'm not restricted to videos. Pictures would allow for more detail, as I would only have to render one frame as apposed to many. Some of the pictures in my forums took half an hour to render. Doing a video like that would take DAYS!!!

yes looping videos like that could be used, and yes you could show one image while you load and unload your other pictures. also yes, lua can resize images, and yes it can display jpg. wow, i thought the file size would be much bigger than you said. that makes me happy. what i ment when i said text was like still show the last picture behind it and just show the text over top.

do you have msn or aim? i would like to talk with you further about this but posting is not a good way to talk as you post multiple questions and you dont get answers imediately. and its anoying. my aim is esskater229 and my msn is [email protected]. send me a message on either

August 2nd, 2007, 10:21
I'll add you to my contacts on AIM (my screen name is DthSix6Six if you want to add me). I'll probably IM you or send you an E-Mail sometime tomarrow. It's 2AM here and my eyes are starting to close on their own, lol.

August 2nd, 2007, 10:26
I'll add you to my contacts on AIM (my screen name is DthSix6Six if you want to add me). I'll probably IM you or send you an E-Mail sometime tomarrow. It's 2AM here and my eyes are starting to close on their own, lol.

its 5:26 am here. i dont sleep anymore. muhahaha.
and ok. ill talk more about the lua videos with you tommarow

August 2nd, 2007, 11:11
Well for C coders, you'd have to code your own video player (if you don't already have one) in order to play the cutscene!

August 2nd, 2007, 23:25
Well for C coders, you'd have to code your own video player (if you don't already have one) in order to play the cutscene!

That's completely possible... It might be hard, but it's possible.

C coders would still have a use for my help even if they don't code in a video player. Displaying pictures that I've made for backgrounds and such wouldn't be too hard. I could make title screens too.

Again, I'm not making videos and pics for any particular format. Weither you code in LUA, Basic, C, flash, RPG Maker... Whatever. I'm more then willing to help with my skills in anyway I can.

August 4th, 2007, 10:04
what app is he using to make this stuff?

August 4th, 2007, 11:59
Carrara 5 PRO