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View Full Version : GBAX 2007 Coding Competition - Winners Announced

August 3rd, 2007, 13:53
Guyfawkes (http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=28944) posted this news:

It took slightly longer than we anticipated to judge the entries and decide on the winners. This years competition was our hardest ever to decide, there were half a dozen or so entries that were deserving of the three winning places and we had a truly tough time deciding on them. But there can only be three winners and they are...

Find out at http://gbax.gp2x.de/gbax2007.html

August 3rd, 2007, 15:08
Only a few emulators ... :-(

1º Knight Lore
2º JEnesisDS
3º CAM2X

^ My list