View Full Version : Go Green With The PSP

August 5th, 2007, 11:34
Via PSP 117 (http://www.freewebs.com/psp117)

This is a guide on how to go green with your psp!:)

Go Green with the PSP

With all the talk of global warming and carbon footprints everyone seems to be paying more and more attention to the amount of energy they use and emissions they are causing. So I’m writing this to try and do my bit towards helping the planet by teaching PSP users how to save energy on their PSP.

1. Don’t just leave your PSP on when you aren’t using it, when paused why not put in standby or turn off the system?

2. How bright do you need it? Turning the screen brightness down when listening to music or using in the dark is always going to help save battery life. Do you really need to see visualisers with music?

3. If you use your PSP to play music, then hold down the screen button to put the screen into standby mode, your music will keep playing for many more hours because your using your PSP efficiently!

4. Use headphones! No one else wants to hear your hip-hop anyways so plug in some headphones, get some better sound quality and save some more energy.

5. If your downloading a large file then keep the screen on standby till its done, the memory stick and WiFi light will stop flashing so you’ll know when its done.

6. Not all games need music on the top volume, why not bring it down a bit?

7. In USB mode, why wouldn’t you put the screen in standby and save a bit more juice.

8. You don't need to leave your PSP on standby for weeks, turn it off instead.

9. Get a solar power charger, and then you can charge up wherever you are without using any unrenewable resources.

Hopefully these ideas will encourage you to use your PSP a but more efficiently, after all, you get longer battery life out of it if you do, save some money on electricity bills and do your bit for the environment!

Via PSP 117 (http://www.freewebs.com/psp117)

August 5th, 2007, 22:37

August 5th, 2007, 22:44
im all up for saving battery life on my psp. i know many people that put the volume of their psp at max and also screen brightness at max and its kinda annoying.

August 5th, 2007, 23:13
nice 1 JP .
dont know if its true , but I read somewhere that lower screen brightness is done by
increasing opacity of the screen substrate.
The backlight intensity is constant , so changing brightness makes no diff to power consumption.
tip #3 is great , didnt know this b4.

August 5th, 2007, 23:23
backlight makes a huge diff... so its true

August 5th, 2007, 23:36
not sure if u mean that what I read was true, or not (do u know the approx Milliamps used ?) ..
..just remembered another tip..
Slower CPU = less heat = lower power use + longer chip life

the homebrew bookr offers v. slow cpu speed for power saving

August 5th, 2007, 23:46
yea. lower the cpu speed when listening to music or watching videos.

August 5th, 2007, 23:58
its all about the green X]
oh well these are great tips

August 6th, 2007, 00:11
Good tips but...global warming is a bunch of crap. There is no such thing. And if there was, and what Al Gore said (the stupid liberal moron) we will all be dead by 2013. SOOOO...no. I won't use this lol. Great tips though. But alot of these i already knew or did in the first place.

August 6th, 2007, 00:13
LilSwish722, your not realizing ehh???

August 6th, 2007, 00:14
Same here LilSwish, I do the majority,if not all of these already. Great to post this though.

August 6th, 2007, 02:59
good tips, going to save a crapton of milla-amps!

there the psp is not in standby any more, i feel great saving the earth

welp if you will excuse me i need to continue browsing the web on my pc (you know the one with a 500 watt power supply) and family guy is comming on so i need to fire up my 27 inch crt TV

oop! the toaster oven is done, pizza time


August 6th, 2007, 05:01
from what ive heard the earth supposedly goes through hot and cold stages regardless of what we're doing. the tiny heat change we're seeing could either be that or global warming. who knows which..
anywho i dont do any of those things :D

August 6th, 2007, 05:17
nice 1 JP .
dont know if its true , but I read somewhere that lower screen brightness is done by
increasing opacity of the screen substrate.
The backlight intensity is constant , so changing brightness makes no diff to power consumption.
tip #3 is great , didnt know this b4.
dangee is offline Report Post Reply With Quote
If that were true there would have been no need to
disable the fourth brightness level when running from the battery.

The PSP is already a very power efficient device.
THe small power savings you make on the PSP amount to nothing.
It would be far better to turn a heater off in your house a few seconds earlier.
That will save more power than anything you do to
save energy with a PSP all year.

August 6th, 2007, 05:18
good tips, going to save a crapton of milla-amps!

there the psp is not in standby any more, i feel great saving the earth

welp if you will excuse me i need to continue browsing the web on my pc (you know the one with a 500 watt power supply) and family guy is comming on so i need to fire up my 27 inch crt TV

oop! the toaster oven is done, pizza time

^^^ what he said!

August 6th, 2007, 05:50
lmao i missed what osgeld said.
that pretty much sums it up no?

August 6th, 2007, 07:12
I totally understand this thread on a 'get more life out of your PSP' level. But saying this is about global warming? Seriously.. that's a bit out of hand. This reminds me of the time a guy complained about his eBay account being hacked and how, clearly, someone was going to make money off of his eBay account and use that money to fund terrorism.

Not all regular problems need to be thrown into the global scale for attention. =D

August 6th, 2007, 07:23
I already do all that just to save battery life and don't need to recharge so often
except the solar cell stuff, but i think it would take ages to charge.

mp3 playing with the screen off goes like for 10 hours or more

August 6th, 2007, 07:36
i always keep my brightness all the way down unless its plugged in. then its at lvl 2, because for some reason i get an anoying hum if its plugged in and all the way down

August 6th, 2007, 08:35
i always keep my brightness all the way down unless its plugged in. then its at lvl 2, because for some reason i get an anoying hum if its plugged in and all the way down

eh check your connections, its just a ground loop which could be caused by

A faulty wire
B loose connection
C faulty connector
D cold solder

worst case its a bad component witch after looking around the web last night isnt that expensive for parts (screens for 50 bucks! backlights for 19.99 wow, cant buy a matrix orbital serial 16char x 4 line + G lcd for both combined)

August 6th, 2007, 09:23
nice guid [= thx

August 6th, 2007, 09:37
This doesn't just help the environment it also saves your battery which is just as useful!:thumbup:

August 6th, 2007, 09:51
I'm a geography student, i guess my teachers got in my head so I really couldn't help myself!

August 6th, 2007, 11:53
I think the substrate thing is about relative intensity
of individual pixels, so a Black pixel uses the same power
as a White, & both use more power at higher backlight levels.
solar charge time depends on panel size -you need about 25 watts
and bright sun to charge at the a/c rate
Its surprising no ones mentioned that reading a UMD uses
more power than reading a memstick...

August 6th, 2007, 12:27
The energy used to change/hold the state of each sub pixel is nothing compared to the current the backlight uses.

Increasing the brightness of the backlight certainly does increases current draw.

I don't really think using headphones or changing the volume level would make any noticeable difference, though youll get a much better sound from a decent pair of headphones compared to the tinny speakers.

To use a PSP differently to save battery life makes sense, but nothing you do is going to make any meaningful difference to your household's power usage unless you're Amish (even they often have their own off the grid power).

I certainly cant live with the first 2 brightness levels unless Its a bright game and I'm playing in total darkness.

August 6th, 2007, 14:22
The energy used to change/hold the state of each sub pixel is nothing compared to the current the backlight uses.

Increasing the brightness of the backlight certainly does increases current draw.

I don't really think using headphones or changing the volume level would make any noticeable difference, though youll get a much better sound from a decent pair of headphones compared to the tinny speakers.

To use a PSP differently to save battery life makes sense, but nothing you do is going to make any meaningful difference to your household's power usage unless you're Amish (even they often have their own off the grid power).

I certainly cant live with the first 2 brightness levels unless Its a bright game and I'm playing in total darkness.

Yeah but remember every little helps!!

August 6th, 2007, 19:02
The irony here is that while people are talking about doing everything to save PSP battery power and "save the environment" (which will have little to no impact from charging your PSP a little less often), how many of them are checking these message boards on massively over-power PCs? How many people here are using large PC monitors, the latest graphics cards with new processors and a huge PSU to manage all that power consumption?

Seriously. Wanna save the environment? Start making meaningful changes. Your PC drains way more power than your PSP ever will.

August 6th, 2007, 20:33
Anybody who actually gives a **** about the environment will promote the building of more nuclear power plants, and the decommissioning of the coal plants. Nuclear power plants are the safest and cleanest providers of enough electricity to make a difference.

August 7th, 2007, 12:25

Via PSP 117 (http://www.freewebs.com/psp117/)

A Green PSP

August 7th, 2007, 18:27

August 9th, 2007, 02:52
I don't think the PSP creates enough "waste" to aid in global warming. Unless your house is a hub for charging PSP's and you can't step anywhere without a psp charging their, this is pretty useless.

August 13th, 2007, 00:41
Via PSP 117 (http://www.freewebs.com/psp117)

This is a guide on how to go green with your psp!:)

Go Green with the PSP

With all the talk of global warming and carbon footprints everyone seems to be paying more and more attention to the amount of energy they use and emissions they are causing. So I’m writing this to try and do my bit towards helping the planet by teaching PSP users how to save energy on their PSP.

1. Don’t just leave your PSP on when you aren’t using it, when paused why not put in standby or turn off the system?

2. How bright do you need it? Turning the screen brightness down when listening to music or using in the dark is always going to help save battery life. Do you really need to see visualisers with music?

3. If you use your PSP to play music, then hold down the screen button to put the screen into standby mode, your music will keep playing for many more hours because your using your PSP efficiently!

4. Use headphones! No one else wants to hear your hip-hop anyways so plug in some headphones, get some better sound quality and save some more energy.

5. If your downloading a large file then keep the screen on standby till its done, the memory stick and WiFi light will stop flashing so you’ll know when its done.

6. Not all games need music on the top volume, why not bring it down a bit?

7. In USB mode, why wouldn’t you put the screen in standby and save a bit more juice.

8. You don't need to leave your PSP on standby for weeks, turn it off instead.

9. Get a solar power charger, and then you can charge up wherever you are without using any unrenewable resources.

Hopefully these ideas will encourage you to use your PSP a but more efficiently, after all, you get longer battery life out of it if you do, save some money on electricity bills and do your bit for the environment!

Via PSP 117 (http://www.freewebs.com/psp117)

O.k.! LOL

September 17th, 2007, 19:51
Another way to help is to slow down the cpu speed on your psp you can do this by accessing recovary mode.

This is good for if are listening to music or watching a video

September 24th, 2007, 14:50
Anybody who actually gives a **** about the environment will promote the building of more nuclear power plants, and the decommissioning of the coal plants. Nuclear power plants are the safest and cleanest providers of enough electricity to make a difference.

Amen to that.

September 28th, 2007, 02:25
I always would turn off the screen and downclock the CPU to 33 mhz when I used to use my PSP for music. Now I have an iPod.

September 28th, 2007, 03:52
Another way to help is to slow down the cpu speed on your psp you can do this by accessing recovary mode.

This is good for if are listening to music or watching a video

actually if you're using the m33 firmwares you just need to hit home while you're in XMB mode, from there you will be able to downclock your psp. =)

September 28th, 2007, 04:02
Number 7 is a given. I saw that the USB mode killed my battery so I started doing that. Nice guide by the by

October 6th, 2007, 03:43
This has got to be the most asinine thread I've ever seen. This kind of thing makes me embarassed to call myself a liberal.

If you knew how little even every single person would even be effecting the enviroment by doing everything you said, your head would explode. It would take much less time, much less money, and much less work to do the exact same thing for the cost of electricity by rather switching some bulbs to floresence, ect.

This is ludicrous. Should we all get black PSPs and play in the sun to keep heating costs down, too?

October 6th, 2007, 10:13
OMG it's only a guide, follow if you want just ignore it if you don't!

Anyway the whole point of this Guide isn't just to Save The World it also helps you save your battery!

Its only suggestions!

Johnny Rash
October 19th, 2007, 03:15
I save power by not using electricity to listen to music on my PSP.

Instead, I take my acoustic around and play my own music.

October 19th, 2007, 06:17
HELP! i just wanna know if it's safe to update (network update) 2.81 to 3.5x....

Johnny Rash
October 19th, 2007, 08:01
HELP! i just wanna know if it's safe to update (network update) 2.81 to 3.5x....

#1 - Not unless you want Custom Firmware and homebrew.

#2 - Ask questions in the proper place!