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View Full Version : Mupen64k 0.7.9 released

August 7th, 2007, 01:01
Mupen64k (http://okaycreations.com/) is a mod of the Mupen 64 emulator for kaillera support.


- Imported Kaillera library (sync not working)
- private beta

- now syncs.
- removed the child property for kaillera window

- added old kaillera support
- added a special feature for super smash brothers and save data
- fixed packaged RSP plugin causing lag
- fixed some menu bugs

- fixed some crashes caused by mupen
- made setup a little more automated

- removed some nasty crashes
- cleaned up GUI for more support
- removed debugview

- players drop from game correctly now
- added hack allowing older jabo plugins to work correctly
- added beta ingame chat (control + m)
- released to public
- pause on development

- resumed development due to user challenge
- cleaned up GUI
- fixed bug regarding game list not displaying correctly
- online recording/offline playback works
- recording to avi at full speed
- supports goldeneye hacked roms
- fixed bug where a different rom would load in kaillera even though it wasn't the one selected to play
- updated SupraclientCPPE to final version
- improved performance of online play
- recording avi from current play & recording from movie file
- better chat callback
- displays CRC for speed benchmark and simple debugging
- wrote a custom movie file format .mkr (Mupen64K Recording)
- tons of new little features

August 8th, 2007, 00:17
wats the romlist for do i put it in the folder for the emu?

August 8th, 2007, 01:15
wats the romlist for do i put it in the folder for the emu?

No. The rom list is a compatibility list.