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View Full Version : Nintendo DS slide controller add-on revealed in Japan

August 9th, 2007, 18:08
via engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/09/nintendo-ds-slide-controller-add-on-revealed-in-japan/)


Recall that motion-sensing patent from the Big N just, oh, two days ago? Turns out that may have a thing or two to do with the recent slide controller accessory unveiled for the Japanese market. Bundled in with the game Slide Adventure: Mag Kid, the device plugs directly into the GBA cartridge slot of the DS / DS Lite and essentially allows you to set the handheld on a flat surface and slide around 'til your heart's content. Unfortunately, there's no dirt on whether or not this peripheral will ever be released outside of Japan (sound familiar?), but for those making their home in Tokyo, you can become the envy of us all by picking the bundle up for ¥5,800 ($49). Click on for some closer shots of the slide controller itself, and check out a videoed demonstration here (http://touch-ds.jp/mediagallery/st76.html)

August 9th, 2007, 21:20
...... This was already revealed was it not?

August 9th, 2007, 21:29
Yeah, this is old news... And linking it to the "motion sensing" handheld Nintendo was "working on" is also a bit misleading... I'm pretty sure the general consensus on the "motion sensing" is that it was refering to the Pokemon Mini - Nintendo's least succesful handheld.

August 10th, 2007, 00:32
Ummm guys the older news was a rumour that they were working on the slider attchment, The big N only just released it in Japan which is the new news wraggy is posting.

ill stick with the MK6 all the same

August 10th, 2007, 02:48
Ummm guys the older news was a rumour that they were working on the slider attchment, The big N only just released it in Japan which is the new news wraggy is posting.

ill stick with the MK6 all the same

But I could have sworn when they announced the game they said they were working on it....

wiggy fuzz
August 11th, 2007, 20:02
i always though patents would at least look a little more... complex