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View Full Version : Nintendo DS Emulation Hits the PSP - DeSmuME Test Release

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August 10th, 2007, 01:10
Japanese Coder NekoMiMi (http://nekomimi.cafe.coocan.jp/wiki/?%CA%AA%C3%D6#a24210f3) has released the first Nintendo DS Emulator for the PSP. This is a test release and based off the DeSmuME Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows.

Heres what he says:

How to use?
"test.nds" is rom image file name. so you must change your own image file what you want to run.
and put it at same directory EBOOT.PBP.

How to compile?
You can find out makefile.psp at src/psp directory.
change directory to src/psp.

make -f makefile.psp

I do not make input. so it just(only?) look at.

DIGG THIS NEWS (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Nintendo_DS_Emulation_Hits_the_PSP)


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August 10th, 2007, 01:12
Woah could be pretty sweet!

No PSP to test right now could someone try it out por favor.

August 10th, 2007, 01:15
Can someone try this out to confirm that it is real please =P

August 10th, 2007, 01:15
Haha, thats pretty funny. Though I doubt NDS emulation will ever be at all useful on the PSP.

August 10th, 2007, 01:17
YESSS yes yes yes. all these retards thinking that it wasnt possible have been proved wronggg!!!

im kinda scared to try it out. wraggy did you try it? or are you busy..

August 10th, 2007, 01:19
Posted this on qj.net, posting it here:

"Yeah, someone finally ported DesMuME to PSP and the newbs are just going wild over it. "omg everyone said it couldn't be done but someone did it and we sure showed you!" I could have told you from the start that this could be done - actually, I was nigh certain that someone would eventually do this. Does that mean that it qualifies as "DS on PSP"? Not at all.

Unfortunately no one seems to understand that this will never be fullspeed, and the compatibility will probably remain terrible. People think that porting an emulator is a big accomplishment - well, it isn't. When it comes to this stuff on PSP the accomplishment is in getting it to run quickly, not to get an existing emulator (that struggles to reach full speed on a PC..) to run on it. DS emulation will NEVER run well on PSP, and this emulator in particular will probably never even run a fraction as fast as it could.

To whoever ported this, shame on you. You probably just did it for the blind attention, which you're very much receiving. You should know full well that you haven't actually accomplished anything."

Hopefully no one HERE will be ignorant enough to respond to me "oh yeah? look at gpsp!"

August 10th, 2007, 01:22
Big news really

August 10th, 2007, 01:23
at least we know that it can be done knowing that it wont be full speed ever

August 10th, 2007, 01:26
as a tech demo its nice but i agree with exophase, you will never see a full speed emu on the PSP, not to mention you cant truthfully emulate the touchpad.

Nice for a techdemo though

August 10th, 2007, 01:27
This is not big news at all and since it is a PC port it will never have decent compatibility or run at any acceptable speeds. If someone had been coding this from scratch for ages then I would class it as big news but as it stands, people are falling for the hype and not understanding the fact that it is just a port. Even calling it a proof of concept is stretching it a bit. When will people learn.

August 10th, 2007, 01:29
at least we know that it can be done knowing that it wont be full speed ever

Anyone who knows anything about emulation could have told you that this was possible from day one. Any machine can emulate any other machine so long as it has enough memory and the right physical resources (sometimes with an approximation, like getting around less buttons, missing input, or lower resolution). This just means emulate it so that it will have the same results EVENTUALLY. Emulating something at the correct speed is a whole different story.

August 10th, 2007, 01:32
I can confirm that this is real, Super Princess Peach reaches the title screen (after several minutes)

August 10th, 2007, 01:34
i tried compiling it with all my knowledge when i talked to this guy with the psptouchme screen... that source code i edit it for psp, worked... but was way to slow, then crash and burned.
sm64.ds was the game i used as a basic

August 10th, 2007, 01:36
but speed can be achieved cant it? im not saying that speed can just fall out of the sky but that with hard work and dedication im sure that this emu can turn out good..

August 10th, 2007, 01:39
this has never worked on the pc. not even come close.
we have n64 emus for pc, we have snes emus, but we cant do nds. this probably runs 1 game at 1 fps.

sorry kiddos

no no never xg

August 10th, 2007, 01:40
but speed can be achieved cant it? im not saying that speed can just fall out of the sky but that with hard work and dedication im sure that this emu can turn out good..

No. People who are capable of achieving dramatic speed increases don't port emulators and do barely any work for it (don't kid yourself, this port doesn't even handle input)

But one written with a better model for emulating at high performance still wouldn't be fast enough. Not for DS.

August 10th, 2007, 01:41
No. People who are capable of achieving dramatic speed increases don't port emulators and do barely any work for it (don't kid yourself, this port doesn't even handle input)

But one written with a better model for emulating at high performance still wouldn't be fast enough. Not for DS.

true true

August 10th, 2007, 01:43
but speed can be achieved cant it? im not saying that speed can just fall out of the sky but that with hard work and dedication im sure that this emu can turn out good..
Here's one way to look at it, the DS chipset is basically the GBA's CPU running in tandem with another CPU which is roughly as powerful as an N64. So if you were running gPSP, which pushes the PSP pretty hard, you'd have to use the residual power to run an N64-equivalent emulator on top of that to achieve NDS emulation.

August 10th, 2007, 01:44
this has never worked on the pc. not even come close.

DS emulation on pc is not far from perfect. Latest version of Ideas and no$gba improved compatibility and speed significantly.

August 10th, 2007, 01:45
this has never worked on the pc. not even come close.
we have n64 emus for pc, we have snes emus, but we cant do nds. this probably runs 1 game at 1 fps.

sorry kiddos

no no never xg

Are you living under a rock? DS emulation on PC is very good. A lot of games run with good speed.

August 10th, 2007, 01:46
Here's one way to look at it, the DS chipset is basically the GBA's CPU running in tandem with another CPU which is roughly as powerful as an N64. So if you were running gPSP, which pushes the PSP pretty hard, you'd have to use the residual power to run an N64-equivalent emulator on top of that to achieve NDS emulation.

Also that DS has at least 4x the graphical power of GBA (it is running two screens at the same time you know, there are two graphics engines..)

August 10th, 2007, 01:48
yeah, commercial games....

August 10th, 2007, 01:53
i dont even want to argue now or get in trouble so im just going to keep my mouth shut..

pokemon Pearl - half White screen nothing else.

August 10th, 2007, 01:59
This could potentially go somewhere. Never full speed, but maybe with enough time and dedication this could be fast enough to be able to play some games at more than 10 fps.

August 10th, 2007, 02:03
i think ds emulation on a psp would suck

using a analog stick for a touch screen

I think the ds is well worth the money cause on the pc or psp will never have the same experience with it as the ds handheld it's self because of the touch screen

August 10th, 2007, 02:16
Yeah um.. good luck with that.. I bet it will only be useful with the crap games. Everyone knows the ds is very low power. :rofl: :thumbup: Go ahead, continue.

August 10th, 2007, 02:19
Are you living under a rock? DS emulation on PC is very good. A lot of games run with good speed.

yes jk and with the power of my dual core 2.0 ghz processor, some games run good sometimes.
and to think i thought i spent my 1300 for nothing

August 10th, 2007, 02:22
What the hell is the point of this? If it's just to be a gimmick (something to show your friends and laugh at) that's all fine and good... But it's never going to run near full speed, and touch screen emulation isn't going to be worth it

Anyone that's had a thought even remotely similar to "OMGZ!!! DS uzers are nubz cuz I can play der system on minez!!! PSP FTW!!!" (and I know alot of people probably will), are damn near retarded.

EDIT: Please don't think that I'm bashing the author. All emulators are more then welcome for whatever platform. I just think this is meant to be funny, and more then a few PSP users are going to take it seriously.

August 10th, 2007, 02:37
y doesnt everyone just get off the guys dick! lucky enough someone actually attemped to port a ds emu to psp and so what if it doesnt run good at all? proof that it can be done. even though coders couldve said that its possible to do so they have never even attemped it though. look at Daedalus right now. people had major doubts of this emulator from the beginning but now its pretty successful and im glad for strmnnrmn putting hard work into his PORTED emulator. also gba emulators back then, before exophase's gpSP came out, werent that good either.. and snes emus are still having trouble as well and still havent had their issues resolved..
if this emu ever gets better which i hope it will then shame on all of you just dissing the emu and dissing the porter/developer himself!

August 10th, 2007, 02:39
look DS on PSP will not happen, look at the work Deadaleaus is doing just for the N64, now the DS is slightly better graphics plus too screens, its far to much hassle as the controls would suck, SNES9tytl and GBSP0.9 have kept me busy haha i love them two.

2D rocks my rubber socks

August 10th, 2007, 02:44
y doesnt everyone just get off the guys dick! lucky enough someone actually attemped to port a ds emu to psp and so what if it doesnt run good at all? proof that it can be done. even though coders couldve said that its possible to do so they have never even attemped it, if this emu ever gets better which i hope it will then shame on all of you just dissing the emu and dissing the porter/developer himself!

I just don't get at all why you think proof that can be done is so valuable. Of course coders never attempted it, because they have better things to do than prove something pointless. It'd be like proving you can walk from Argentina to Alaska, common sense says you can do it but why would anyone go ahead with it when it'd be unbearable (unless they want to win a world record or something, but they're not going to do it just to prove it can be done). On the other hand when someone says that it isn't reasonable to suggest people walk from Argentina to Alaska then it's pretty much implied that they mean that it can't be done at a fast enough speed.

August 10th, 2007, 02:47
I meant no harm to the author... All harm was directed towards all the PSP users that are going to be talking smack about DS users.

Deadaleaus is still far from perfect, and it's been done with many specific tweaks that make it run so good on the PSP.

Take something close to the N64, multiply it by two and add the editional memory required to emulate the touch screen... Not going to happen.

Even with hardware tweaks, it's going to be impossible to emulate both CPUs at anywhere near a decent speed.

August 10th, 2007, 02:48
this is acually kinda stupid. even if they couuld get this full speed i would never use it. you cant emulate the touch pad right, the control would be terrible. i have a ds why would i want this, and psp only has one screen, what do u do with the other one? put them next too each other. lol gay. seriously dont get happy about this, its not gonna be good nomatter hw nice it is.

August 10th, 2007, 02:49
I meant no harm to the author... All harm was directed towards all the PSP users that are going to be talking smack about DS users.

Deadaleaus is still far from perfect, and it's been done with many specific tweaks that make it run so good on the PSP.

Take something close to the N64, multiply it by two and add the editional memory required to emulate the touch screen... Not going to happen.

Even with hardware tweaks, it's going to be impossible to emulate both CPUs at anywhere near a decent speed.

StrmnNrmn deserves a good amount of respect for really developing an emulator and not just doing a quick port of one.

August 10th, 2007, 02:58
StrmnNrmn deserves a good amount of respect for really developing an emulator and not just doing a quick port of one.


Deadaleaus is freaking amazing. This isn't. It's more of a patch job then a fully fledged port.

Like you said before, the guy that ported this probably just wants the fame (hopefully not knowing how much flaming would accur). That, or he's seriously just doing it as a joke.

If it's the latter, good for him. I personally DO find this pretty funny. Even being an avid DS supporter.

August 10th, 2007, 03:17
people had major doubts of this emulator from the beginning but now its pretty successful and im glad for strmnnrmn putting hard work into his PORTED emulator.

A port of an emulator he made himself, if I'm not mistaken.

In any case, while I sort of agree that people are making too big a deal out of it, and while I do agree that the author is receiving too much praise for a relatively simple task, I do find it interesting nonetheless, if for nothing than the simple fact that it can amuse someone for a few minutes. At least it was done, right? As long as people accept the fact that it's not going to get all that much better than it is right now, they can enjoy it for what it is, a proof of concept.

And hey, at least there's now an answer for the newbies who come in and ask if the DS can be emulated on the PSP. "Yeah, it's right here, good luck enjoying it"

It's like the NES emulator for the GBC that runs at something like 2 fps and emulates maybe 5 games total. Completely useless, but somewhat amusing for a few minutes, and it can aid in making a huge emulation chain (NES emu for the GBC, GBC emu for the GBA, GBA emu for Windows, Windows emu for PSP through Bochs, etc).

August 10th, 2007, 03:25
xg just realize this for one second. what this guy is doing is emulating a pc emulating a ds.

to make psp emus you have to make it from scratch so you take the pc out of the equation.

THIS SPECIFIC emu has no chance of getting any farther than a title screen.

August 10th, 2007, 03:28
then y doesnt anyone make an emu from scratch then..

but like i said before . if this emu ever gets better which i hope it will then shame on all of you just dissing the emu and dissing the porter/developer himself.. because i dont see any of you trying to develop a NDS emu for PSP.. dont take coders as a joke. sorry for my words before Exo.

August 10th, 2007, 03:28
and it can aid in making a huge emulation chain (NES emu for the GBC, GBC emu for the GBA, GBA emu for Windows, Windows emu for PSP through Bochs, etc).

you got a point, there even though its pretty useless at this time, but why could third party/hackers not release a touch pad thingy which connects via usb, im sure its possible then the PSP could have touch games to an extent, then the hackers sneak in and hack it for all its worth hahahaha

that idea sucked right :thumbup:

August 10th, 2007, 03:28
cool sumthing useful but to bad i have a ds but i will use this 4 ds homebrew

August 10th, 2007, 03:33
then y doesnt anyone make an emu from scratch then..

because i dont see any of you trying to develop a NDS emu for PSP.. dont take coders as a joke. sorry for my words before Exo.

like exophrase and others said its impossible to function problary , dont get me wrong it would be cool if it worked but so would rigging the lotterty but it aint gonna happen

cool sumthing useful but to bad i have a ds but i will use this 4 ds homebrew

hmm? not any time soon.

August 10th, 2007, 03:39
Yeah Exophase, you're right. DS will NEVER run at full speed on PSP. Only stupid people thinks that this DS emulator is a big deal. It's USELESS, as you said.

And, anyway, WHO WANTS DS ON PSP? I mean, DS have the touch screen, wich will never be emulated by the PSP. This is so useless that reminds me the "periscope in the car" at one Seinfeld episode. :-D

And for the dude who made this emulator, why not spend time making a great Genesis emulator instead of wasting your time?! Just to be an attention whore?

August 10th, 2007, 03:40
I forgot to say: GO BUY A DS! :-) It's a great console!

August 10th, 2007, 03:43
xg just realize this for one second. what this guy is doing is emulating a pc emulating a ds.

to make psp emus you have to make it from scratch so you take the pc out of the equation.

THIS SPECIFIC emu has no chance of getting any farther than a title screen.
I don't get that logic. It was my understanding that this was a port of the emulator, not an emulation of the PC version. As in, the source code was taken and modified to run off the PSP, sort of similar to Daedalus but in a much more basic form. I agree though that it won't get up to full speed anytime soon.

then y doesnt anyone make an emu from scratch then..
Because porting something is easier than making one from scratch to tailer the hardware.

August 10th, 2007, 03:46
This was better when it was an april fool's joke :p... no really though its a good accomplishment for any coder to do such a thing, but I have to agree exophase on this one. Anyway congrats on the port but, please try and develop it to a better working emulator.

August 10th, 2007, 03:53
even if full speed cant be reached at least we have a nds emu.. even though it doesnt work lol.

August 10th, 2007, 03:57
even if full speed cant be reached at least we have a nds emu.. even though it doesnt work lol.

then i declare i have made a Virtual reality emulator which i brought back from the future, hmm i made it one day... yea erm yea i made one day when i was out fishing yea thell never suspect a thing hehe , get to the point, its pointless,

I have also started on a Wii emulator which works, it doesnt play any games and it moves slow, but by god it works, yet again i lie

August 10th, 2007, 04:00
just throwing this out there. if a ds emu comes out that works good im gona have to say i told u so.. :p

August 10th, 2007, 04:02
just throwing this out there. if a ds emu comes out that works good im gona have to say i told u so.. :p

dude if it comes out i,ll hold my hand up but until then

August 10th, 2007, 04:13
it ****in flipinn possible for a full speed nds emu just takes time!!!!! like the ps1 wasnt possible and n64 wasnt possible >.< and there is away for touch screen
hold a button and use anloge stick

August 10th, 2007, 04:16
it ****in flipinn possible for a full speed nds emu just takes time!!!!! like the ps1 wasnt possible and n64 wasnt possible >.< and there is away for touch screen
hold a button and use anloge stick

im there with u man..

August 10th, 2007, 04:17
just throwing this out there. if a ds emu comes out that works good im gona have to say i told u so.. :p

Do you mean if THIS emulator works good? If this emulator runs 50% of the games out there at 20fps, I'l hunt down a rabid lion and kill it with my bare hands. Then I'll cut off it's head with a plastic spoon and send it to you in a box.

If you mean "if a DS emulator coded from scratch that works good comes out 3 years from now", you get nothing!!!


EDIT: Like I (and other people) said before, the DS has two seperate screens... Each of which has it's own processor that is close in terms of power to the ONE in the N64. Emulating the DS is like emulating the N64 twice over (unless you only want one screen).

August 10th, 2007, 04:19
Posted this on qj.net, posting it here:

"Yeah, someone finally ported DesMuME to PSP and the newbs are just going wild over it. "omg everyone said it couldn't be done but someone did it and we sure showed you!" I could have told you from the start that this could be done - actually, I was nigh certain that someone would eventually do this. Does that mean that it qualifies as "DS on PSP"? Not at all.

Unfortunately no one seems to understand that this will never be fullspeed, and the compatibility will probably remain terrible. People think that porting an emulator is a big accomplishment - well, it isn't. When it comes to this stuff on PSP the accomplishment is in getting it to run quickly, not to get an existing emulator (that struggles to reach full speed on a PC..) to run on it. DS emulation will NEVER run well on PSP, and this emulator in particular will probably never even run a fraction as fast as it could.

To whoever ported this, shame on you. You probably just did it for the blind attention, which you're very much receiving. You should know full well that you haven't actually accomplished anything."

Hopefully no one HERE will be ignorant enough to respond to me "oh yeah? look at gpsp!"

Great post Exophase with the exception of one thing. Why did you add that last line about gpsp hahaha. That would have been priceless to see someone say that.

August 10th, 2007, 04:20
Do you mean if THIS emulator works good? If this emulator runs 50% of the games out there at 20fps, I'l hunt down a rabid lion and kill it with my bare hands. Then I'll cut off it's head with a plastic spoon and send it to you in a box.

If you mean "if a DS emulator coded from scratch that works good comes out 3 years from now", you get nothing!!!


i know its hypethetic but either is fine with me but u still have to kill the rabid lion with ur bare hands :p

August 10th, 2007, 04:23
That's my problem to deal with :p.

August 10th, 2007, 04:24
erm look at gpsp .................................................. .................................................. ............................................

ITS F**ING GREAT :thumbup: "ahem golden sun :( TLA" lol cant say anything bad about this emu:) :) :) :) :) take some smilies, smilies attack :) :) :)

August 10th, 2007, 04:24
Great post Exophase with the exception of one thing. Why did you add that last line about gpsp hahaha. That would have been priceless to see someone say that.

He added that bit because it already happened.

August 10th, 2007, 04:47
It's DS Killing DAY!!!!!!

think about a flash mod psp slim it may work
or if we hack the psp slim finally to do custom firmware

by the way how fast is the ds ram
the ds to me is a crappy version of n64 but still won't mind having a ds

ds homebrew probly work on it to

August 10th, 2007, 05:03
then y doesnt anyone make an emu from scratch then..

but like i said before . if this emu ever gets better which i hope it will then shame on all of you just dissing the emu and dissing the porter/developer himself.. because i dont see any of you trying to develop a NDS emu for PSP.. dont take coders as a joke. sorry for my words before Exo.

Your saying it like it can be made over night and NDS on psp is pretty pointless just go buy one.

August 10th, 2007, 05:08
Posted this on qj.net, posting it here:

"Yeah, someone finally ported DesMuME to PSP and the newbs are just going wild over it. "omg everyone said it couldn't be done but someone did it and we sure showed you!" I could have told you from the start that this could be done - actually, I was nigh certain that someone would eventually do this. Does that mean that it qualifies as "DS on PSP"? Not at all.

Unfortunately no one seems to understand that this will never be fullspeed, and the compatibility will probably remain terrible. People think that porting an emulator is a big accomplishment - well, it isn't. When it comes to this stuff on PSP the accomplishment is in getting it to run quickly, not to get an existing emulator (that struggles to reach full speed on a PC..) to run on it. DS emulation will NEVER run well on PSP, and this emulator in particular will probably never even run a fraction as fast as it could.

To whoever ported this, shame on you. You probably just did it for the blind attention, which you're very much receiving. You should know full well that you haven't actually accomplished anything."

Hopefully no one HERE will be ignorant enough to respond to me "oh yeah? look at gpsp!"

Second post... ever at DCEmu, and first thing I gotta say: LOOK AT GPSP! :p

...someone has gotta say that, no? Well, anyways, you've told me this a bunch of time, and I know you are right. Right now, I'm thinking... "you're right". :)

August 10th, 2007, 05:11

ds emulator? nice u can convert code...now EDIT IT

August 10th, 2007, 05:14
Your saying it like it can be made over night and NDS on psp is pretty pointless just go buy one.

no i dont think that at all. read this, it was on page 2 of this thread. and im thinking on buying a DS someday wen i make money

but speed can be achieved cant it? im not saying that speed can just fall out of the sky but that with hard work and dedication im sure that this emu can turn out good..



ds emulator? nice u can convert code...now EDIT IT

he probably will edit.. this isnt going to be the only release u kno..

August 10th, 2007, 05:25
Exophase, could DS emulation could be achieved with ARM7 emulation being handled by the Media Engine and the PSP's main CPU doing the ARM9 emulation? Would it still be impossible to reach full speed with this setup?

August 10th, 2007, 05:25
Come on now, lets not flame each other over this, it's fun that someone ported it, we all had our say now let's just get on with it.

August 10th, 2007, 05:30
personally thats how i feel as well Emeriastone. whats done is done :)

August 10th, 2007, 05:30
Exophase, could DS emulation could be achieved with ARM7 emulation being handled by the Media Engine and the PSP's main CPU doing the ARM9 emulation? Would it still be impossible to reach full speed with this setup?

The Media Engine is not that powerful... :p

August 10th, 2007, 05:35
The Media Engine is not that powerful... :p

The Media Engine is as powerful as the main CPU, they're both MIPS R4000 processors clocked at 333 MHz.

August 10th, 2007, 05:39
well strmnnrmn is trying to get the Media engine put to use for his N64 emulator. if he succeeds when we get to know how powerful the M.E. really is

August 10th, 2007, 05:41
Exophase didn't use the ME in his emulator mainly due to the fact that it wouldn't give that much of a boost... and here's another example: SNESTYL ME version is only slightly faster than the normal version.

Edit: And it's a core... not a CPU. There's a difference.

August 10th, 2007, 05:44
i tought it was more like duel core cpu where the me runs @ 111 mhz and the main cpu runs @ 222 mhz i could have been miss led tho and the me only decodes media.

August 10th, 2007, 05:45
The difference is the ME is only being used to handle sound emulation with the SNES emulator, while the DS has two CPUs that are each doing way more work than the SNES's sound chip so ME support would give a much bigger boost. Also the GBA only has one processor doing all the work so using multiple processors to emulate it wouldn't make much sense.

August 10th, 2007, 05:53
Exophase, could DS emulation could be achieved with ARM7 emulation being handled by the Media Engine and the PSP's main CPU doing the ARM9 emulation? Would it still be impossible to reach full speed with this setup?

I don't really have much confidence in it... the main CPU is a huge burden, and synchronizing the two would be a pain (they share fast, cacheless memory). The video alone is at least 2x as demanding, but probably often more (especially with 3D). You could perhaps put the sub-screen on really high frameskip.

I don't really know what DS game code is like either, IE how much it pushes the CPUs. Since it has instruction cache it might be that proportionally more code on the ARM9 is ARM rather than Thumb (unlike GBA), which means more work in emulating. And the memory emulation would probably be more complex because the memory subsystem is more complex. I can get some average load games to use about 5ms per frame on PSP - multiply that by 4 and it's 20ms, way above the 16.7ms per frame you need to be fullspeed and with nothing left over for graphics. Don't even want to mention the heavy load games (urgh, FF6)

gpSP's speed isn't always maxing out the PSP, but a lot of the time it could definitely use a more free CPU time. It's not that it's 100% optimal but I personally only know of so many ways to make it faster, and not an awful lot faster.

August 10th, 2007, 06:02
Exophase,if you used ME in ur GPSP, would the speed increase?

August 10th, 2007, 06:09
everybody eat you all putos
(todos se la comen toda putos)

August 10th, 2007, 06:12
Exophase,if you used ME in ur GPSP, would the speed increase?

Maybe, but it'd take a lot of reworking.

August 10th, 2007, 06:34
Oh and... off-topic: You wouldn't believe this, Exo, but Riviera works on 0.8 beta... with the faulty BIOS, although sound is broken. I almost never check back here so I didn't know about those three games... sorry.

August 10th, 2007, 06:38
Exophase is right, ports of emulators are going nowhere even more it the emu struggles to get fullspeed on PC

August 10th, 2007, 06:46
lol this would be a first a current generation hand held being able to emulate another current generation hand held. even though it would be sluggish emulation

August 10th, 2007, 06:48
it is pretty kool to know that the psp can emulate a lot of systems including its rival console

August 10th, 2007, 06:53
well still it would be awesome if psp could emulate snes and n64 and of course ds at full speeds. that would have to be a Christmas for psp users

August 10th, 2007, 06:58
n64 will be soon.. dont wory. with strmnnrmn working on the media engine for R13. mario 64 should be full speed. and other games that ran at the same potential as mario 64. snes would be a miracle to get to run good. who the hell works on it. isnt the project abandoned? as for the DS.. it can only get a little better. we never know.

August 10th, 2007, 07:00
how the hell did i miss this.
this is pretty cool news.
but this isnt something i would use cause thats what my ds is for. :P

August 10th, 2007, 07:01
im not sure i havent been on the psp scene too long mainly as ive had my psp for 2 months now. but wasnt ruka working on it? or maybe just abandoned

August 10th, 2007, 07:11
This is pretty interesting news, it made my ass pucker... but nonetheless its crap, nothing will come of it, and like many have said before its like emulating N64 + GBA... both of which are difficult to emulate individually!!!

August 10th, 2007, 07:13
everybody eat you all putos
(todos se la comen toda putos)

Hey, learn to translate, don't go an use some crappy translator that gets word by word (or did you used a dictionary)
(tu te la has de comer doblada) LOL , a$$:p

August 10th, 2007, 07:23
n64 will be soon.. dont wory. with strmnnrmn working on the media engine for R13. mario 64 should be full speed. and other games that ran at the same potential as mario 64. snes would be a miracle to get to run good. who the hell works on it. isnt the project abandoned? as for the DS.. it can only get a little better. we never know.

Hope srmnnrmn gets it someday, I want to play OOT on PSP so bad

and yeah, who tha hell is working on snes, also I never understood why zsnes can't be ported. Somebody explained it to me but I don't know $h*t about porting, so I did't get it (almost everytime there is another way around things)

August 10th, 2007, 07:57
and yeah, who tha hell is working on snes

snes9xTYL already runs most games at fullspeed. yoyofr has stated that he is working on a final release, but no more info has been released yet. In the meantime, try Ruka's improved version snes9xTYL++.

August 10th, 2007, 08:06
Maybe in the future we'll be able to play SNEmulDS on the PSP through the DS emulator :rolleyes:.

August 10th, 2007, 08:12
well tried like 2 ds homebrew confirmed not working texttictactoe and ipodclone

and if someone makes a ds emulator from scratch add the firmware.bin so we have the main menu imma make ds compadabity thread

August 10th, 2007, 08:22
wow why is everyone so pestimistic about this? its a great idea some games work without touch screen even metroid prime hunters does that =)

August 10th, 2007, 08:52
The touch screen emulation is no problem, just use the analog stick on the psp with a button to select. It wont be as good as the real thing though and I guess the PSP screen will have to display both DS screens on its one screen.

August 10th, 2007, 09:10
maybe everyone should just chill out? especially Exophase.

the guy really is taking hits for something that he only means as an experiment.
he says very clearly that this is just an experiment, and he wants to see how far it can go. and he is not taking any questions on it.

is it really his fault that it gets snapped up by PSP sites?

he is also the guy who is made PSPtube, so cut him some slack.

August 10th, 2007, 09:14
at least it will run ds homebrew, or at the very least the pokemon games :)

August 10th, 2007, 09:50
I dont care if I get flamed or banned or whatever but on my computer I have Pokemon Diamond and Pearl running fullspeed with sound (lags a little in world map but I can deal).

And I set that all up within an hour of seeing this post.

Point is the PC can run NDS games. And decently too. So the PSP could, in theroy do it.

August 10th, 2007, 09:58
DS homebrew is ahead of the PSP in terms of graphics suitable for the system. Shura Doriimaa looks better then any homebrew I've seen on the DS... But if you're talking about 3D stuff, Payk's RPG looks better then anything I've seen on the PSP (except maybe that 3D puzzle game that came out not too long ago). It even surpasses commercial games in some aspects.

Point is the PC can run NDS games. And decently too. So the PSP could, in theroy do it.

Can your PSP play F.E.A.R? What about Elder Scrolls IV? If it can, GIMMIE!!!

August 10th, 2007, 11:08
nice tech demo indeed

August 10th, 2007, 11:22
DS emulation will NEVER run well on PSP

bull****.they said the same for cps3 emulation.in mame there was written "the cps3 emulation will NEVER work.don't bother".yes in fact i'm playing warzard at full speed with my humlbe 1.4 ghz amd .....

we had to give him time to develop it

August 10th, 2007, 11:29
by now it's a nice experiment (n_n)
at least we can hope for future update

August 10th, 2007, 11:33
Everyone Calm Down. This isnt QJ, lol.

All I have to say is that, it may be very hard to see progress with DS emulation, but it is possible, not likely, but possible to get a fullspeed one running. Looking at the specs, I think it could be done. However, it would be to its advantage to be run on a PSP Slim instead since it has twice the RAM. The PSP specs are definitely higher than the DS processor wise, and graphic wise. I don't see a problem emulating it at a highspeed on a PSP, its just that the emulator would truly have to be highly advanced. And this is nothing close to that, no offense. I highly doubt I will ever live to see the day that such a highly advanced emulator would be created.

However, it should be noted that its possible. The DS Specs are truly not that great, the two processors are running at less than 100mhz. The touchscreen emulation would definitely be a huge problem to emulate. But once again, it can be done, like holding a button and using the analog stick (Not practical, but is do-able) . It would be nice to see how far this program can come along just for the tech news of it all. :) (But this port could be more news worthy if it were built from scratch)

With the proper coders at hand, a lot can be accomplished. If this were Sony making the emulator, which obviously it is not, I would have high hopes for it reaching full speed. Why? Because it is possible, and they have the capable coders to do it.
----------------------ALTIMIT has spoken

August 10th, 2007, 11:43
Wow, lots of young and/or silly people in this thread.

I suggest some of you learn the basics of emulation before you say its possible, since its quiet clearly not going to happen. Considering the source code of this emulator is only written in C it must of taken a whole 10mins to port in the first place.

We wouldnt even have a full speed PS1 emulator unless Sony made it, So count your lucky stars you have that. The only thing left to port which even has a chance of being full speed is a Mega/Sega CD emulator.

ZSnes i have no doubt we will get sometime, the only reason why it hasnt been ported so far is because porters tend to go for the quick and easy port of something, ZSnes is written in few diffrent languages and is far more complicated then Snes9x, however it would run full speed on the PSP.

August 10th, 2007, 11:57
yes but i hope there is a Zsnes emu for PSP that would be awesome. and yes i am young 18<. I'm not a programmer but i love the idea of homebrew

August 10th, 2007, 12:04
Who said that we need 2 screen emulation? many DS games don't use dual screen that much in same time. Mario Kart and FF3 use one for the map display and few animated scenes wich could be easily skipped in the PSP emulator. Also, the DS 3D engine seams to me inferior to the N64.. Theres a lack of documentaion, knowlegde since this system is new.. If you can get N64 running fullspeed on PSP theres some hope that it could work too for DS. Desmu is far from the fastest emulator on pc.. Ideas emulate 3d way better. the sound plugin need a little bit more work but this emu is clearly supperior to Desmu. Both are still in devellopement wich mean, strong cpu and gpu to use them... wait for perfect emulation on pc.. then port it to psp2 and finally, do your best to skip unnecessary procedures that eat alot of processing power (dual screen emu when not needed.)

who knows.. :D

August 10th, 2007, 12:04
Its still dont load 32/64/128 Mb roms, it maybe load it in ram directly instead of the gPSP method

Heres a video of Brain Training, enjoy xD


Best PC emulator is No$gba by far, it load FF3 and Zelda 4example, its great, but it will be never opensource ^_^

August 10th, 2007, 12:28
Who said that we need 2 screen emulation? many DS games don't use dual screen that much in same time. Mario Kart and FF3 use one for the map display and few animated scenes wich could be easily skipped in the PSP emulator. Also, the DS 3D engine seams to me inferior to the N64.. Theres a lack of documentaion, knowlegde since this system is new.. If you can get N64 running fullspeed on PSP theres some hope that it could work too for DS. Desmu is far from the fastest emulator on pc.. Ideas emulate 3d way better. the sound plugin need a little bit more work but this emu is clearly supperior to Desmu. Both are still in devellopement wich mean, strong cpu and gpu to use them... wait for perfect emulation on pc.. then port it to psp2 and finally, do your best to skip unnecessary procedures that eat alot of processing power (dual screen emu when not needed.)

who knows.. :D

What about emulating one screen at a time, and switch between screens, that can be an option too.
DS Emulation could become a reality if everyone quit saying how much it is not possible, and actually work together to accomplish this, because only then will it get somewhere, I would buy a PSP Slim just to see this emulator working, even if it never gets to full speed, it'll be worth it.

Even if someone creates an emulator for certain individual DS games (Especially if they are the pokemon games or FF3) then that would be awesome, since it would be easier than creating an entire DS emulator.

August 10th, 2007, 12:40
this is possibly the most pointless release ive seen since my Monkey64 release.

Without touch screen whats the point?

And i agree with exophase, it seems to be an attention seeking release

August 10th, 2007, 12:42
Wow I saw this yesterday at NekoMimi and I had no idea what it was,neither I took the time to translate..haha but awesome news! Even if this is slow,it's funny! At least we could see some emulation of DS. And the DS won't ever,in a million years,got PSP emulation.

this is possibly the most pointless release ive seen since my Monkey64 release.


August 10th, 2007, 13:14
andwhyisit i had the exact idea exophase is it possible to load 1 screen at a time and siwitch it around when needed by pressing a button?In games like pokemon its all thats needed. in thery from what iv read , ds games are slightly less graphics than n64 so maybe daedalus is close to that? mabe after daedalus is complete a hybrid emu could be created which would interigate 1 screen loading at a time bar running the 2 for games whitch only need do switch at certain times e.g pokemon selecting attacks ? oh and hav u made any more work on gpsp? i believe it is perfect lready bar wifi?any ideas on a final release?

August 10th, 2007, 13:16
wow why is everyone so pestimistic about this? its a great idea some games work without touch screen even metroid prime hunters does that =)

People are pessimistic because they know that an unomptimised port of a PC application, especially of such an intensive hardware like the DS will never run at an acceptable speed. If it was not just a port then it would be completely different but as it stands I see it as just a way to get attention (which is working).

August 10th, 2007, 13:39
I somehow KNEW that it would be possible, and some F*CKERS back then where telling me that there is no chance because blah blah blah, and here it is now, shutting their mouths!:D
Thanks to the Japanese creator!

August 10th, 2007, 13:40
Everyone Calm Down. This isnt QJ, lol.

All I have to say is that, it may be very hard to see progress with DS emulation, but it is possible, not likely, but possible to get a fullspeed one running. Looking at the specs, I think it could be done. However, it would be to its advantage to be run on a PSP Slim instead since it has twice the RAM. The PSP specs are definitely higher than the DS processor wise, and graphic wise. I don't see a problem emulating it at a highspeed on a PSP, its just that the emulator would truly have to be highly advanced. And this is nothing close to that, no offense. I highly doubt I will ever live to see the day that such a highly advanced emulator would be created.

However, it should be noted that its possible. The DS Specs are truly not that great, the two processors are running at less than 100mhz. The touchscreen emulation would definitely be a huge problem to emulate. But once again, it can be done, like holding a button and using the analog stick (Not practical, but is do-able) . It would be nice to see how far this program can come along just for the tech news of it all. :) (But this port could be more news worthy if it were built from scratch)

Also, it is possible for DS games to be -converted- to a PSP game. We have seen such things happen for the PSone games. Though there was still POPs to run it, it was much easier after some conversion. I think that its possible to create a DS emulator for the PSP by converting the games, and running an emulator to run the half converted(their not truly 100% PSP games) files. Of course, that is highly unlikely, because the coding to do that would be very difficult. Im sure Sony could do it, but of course they won't, -obviously-. Im just saying with the proper coders at hand, a lot can be accomplished.
----------------------ALTIMIT has spoken

Finally someone with sense in this thread!

August 10th, 2007, 13:50
Also, it is possible for DS games to be -converted- to a PSP game. We have seen such things happen for the PSone games. Though there was still POPs to run it, it was much easier after some conversion. I think that its possible to create a DS emulator for the PSP by converting the games, and running an emulator to run the half converted(their not truly 100% PSP games) files. Of course, that is highly unlikely, because the coding to do that would be very difficult. Im sure Sony could do it, but of course they won't, -obviously-. Im just saying with the proper coders at hand, a lot can be accomplished.
----------------------ALTIMIT has spoken

Popstation is an emulator, nothing about "conversion"

Games are EBOOTED to make donwloadeables in PS3 market ... but those games are isos, nothing more

August 10th, 2007, 14:32
Heh. It was about time something new to fire up in the PSP homebrew community. Now more and more DS emulators will start popping out, or improvements of this one :p

August 10th, 2007, 14:44
i officially call this emu crap.... (just like mine, yet mine crashes XD)
oh!!!! and pokemon dash (U) works but slow, you have just to wait in order to go on.... blegh.... ill show you guys pics of the emu working in the afternoon, as for now, im leaving, bye

August 10th, 2007, 14:46
I had a feeling this would happen. I've always noticed how the PSP screen could fit both DS screens on itself, side by side or on top of each other with the PSP on its side. If the analogue stick controls the touch screen, I guess that would be kinda tricky. But didn't somebody develop a touch screen cover for the PSP? Hmm...

Anyway, I couldn't get this thing to boot on my PSP. It just went black after the PSP logo screen. The logo screen faded out, it didn't disappear suddenly which, I know, happens if an error has occured. It faded out then the screen went blank and the loading light went off. And after a few seconds the PSP shut itself off. I tried all the different versions are the result was the same. I'm running fw v.3.40 oe-a, in case anyone else has had the same problem or if they've found a solution.

August 10th, 2007, 15:43
I somehow KNEW that it would be possible, and some F*CKERS back then where telling me that there is no chance because blah blah blah, and here it is now, shutting their mouths!:D
Thanks to the Japanese creator!

Japanese creator?

They did not create this, they ported it. For anyone saying that it is not possible, they are still correct. This current emulator is not in a playable state and never will be because it is a port but not only that, ported from a PC.

August 10th, 2007, 16:05
maybe everyone should just chill out? especially Exophase.

the guy really is taking hits for something that he only means as an experiment.
he says very clearly that this is just an experiment, and he wants to see how far it can go. and he is not taking any questions on it.

is it really his fault that it gets snapped up by PSP sites?

he is also the guy who is made PSPtube, so cut him some slack.

There's no point in releasing something useless in the first place if not for attention. "Author" could have and probably should have just kept it to herself. Anyone with common sense would have anticipated this happening (thousands of clueless newbs getting up in arms over it)

Name one GOOD reason why this should have been released. I can easily give you a few why it shouldn't have been.

bull****.they said the same for cps3 emulation.in mame there was written "the cps3 emulation will NEVER work.don't bother".yes in fact i'm playing warzard at full speed with my humlbe 1.4 ghz amd .....

we had to give him time to develop it

Great, I love this flawed argument that shows up over and over again. "Someone else said something was impossible and they were proven wrong so therefore you can't say anything is impossible." I think that it'll be possible to run a PS3 emulator on NES one day too, just give it time.

Everyone Calm Down. This isnt QJ, lol.

All I have to say is that, it may be very hard to see progress with DS emulation, but it is possible, not likely, but possible to get a fullspeed one running. Looking at the specs, I think it could be done.

Have you done an emulator? Do you have an indepth understanding of their operation? Somehow I don't think so. What makes you qualified to make a statement like that?

However, it would be to its advantage to be run on a PSP Slim instead since it has twice the RAM.

See above statement: benefit the extra RAM gives for DS emulation = zero. Try to convince us otherwise.

The PSP specs are definitely higher than the DS processor wise, and graphic wise. I don't see a problem emulating it at a highspeed on a PSP, its just that the emulator would truly have to be highly advanced. And this is nothing close to that, no offense. I highly doubt I will ever live to see the day that such a highly advanced emulator would be created.

It's not enough that a platform is simply more powerful to be capable of emulating another one at full speed.

However, it should be noted that its possible. The DS Specs are truly not that great, the two processors are running at less than 100mhz.

Which, in addition to all of the graphics you'd have to emulate, is way too much.

The touchscreen emulation would definitely be a huge problem to emulate. But once again, it can be done, like holding a button and using the analog stick (Not practical, but is do-able) . It would be nice to see how far this program can come along just for the tech news of it all. (But this port could be more news worthy if it were built from scratch)

No one's going to do one from scratch because almost no one does emulators from scratch for PSP in the first place. They'd have to at least have some great assurance that it'd work very well before putting that much time into it. DS is complex to emulate and I don't see it happening.

Also, it is possible for DS games to be -converted- to a PSP game. We have seen such things happen for the PSone games. Though there was still POPs to run it, it was much easier after some conversion. I think that its possible to create a DS emulator for the PSP by converting the games, and running an emulator to run the half converted(their not truly 100% PSP games) files. Of course, that is highly unlikely, because the coding to do that would be very difficult. Im sure Sony could do it, but of course they won't, -obviously-. Im just saying with the proper coders at hand, a lot can be accomplished.
----------------------ALTIMIT has spoken

No, such static recompilation isn't possible, and that isn't what Sony's emulator does.. sigh...

August 10th, 2007, 16:15
When I bought my psp I could not imagine n64 being emulated on the psp and playing mario.
I dreamed about playing my faborite MSDOS games on psp and now it is real!!!

August 10th, 2007, 16:30
Well, I won't be getting into this argument.

Anyway, congrats on the port NekoMiMi!. Even if people can't agree on it's use I think we can all agree that it's sparked conversation among the community. And if that's all it does it's good in my book.

August 10th, 2007, 16:35
Exophase no matter how hard you try you'll never get threw to them. :p This guy proved something that you and many other experienced coders knew was more than possible. You have to understand that people in general no matter how much you tell them its possible or impossible like to think otherwise. Plus I see nothing wrong being curious to see how far a DS emulator on the PSP can be developed. ;)

August 10th, 2007, 16:44
lets just see what happens in a few months to see if this goes anywhere..

August 10th, 2007, 16:45
Posted this on qj.net, posting it here:

"Yeah, someone finally ported DesMuME to PSP and the newbs are just going wild over it. "omg everyone said it couldn't be done but someone did it and we sure showed you!" I could have told you from the start that this could be done - actually, I was nigh certain that someone would eventually do this. Does that mean that it qualifies as "DS on PSP"? Not at all.

Unfortunately no one seems to understand that this will never be fullspeed, and the compatibility will probably remain terrible. People think that porting an emulator is a big accomplishment - well, it isn't. When it comes to this stuff on PSP the accomplishment is in getting it to run quickly, not to get an existing emulator (that struggles to reach full speed on a PC..) to run on it. DS emulation will NEVER run well on PSP, and this emulator in particular will probably never even run a fraction as fast as it could.

To whoever ported this, shame on you. You probably just did it for the blind attention, which you're very much receiving. You should know full well that you haven't actually accomplished anything."

Hopefully no one HERE will be ignorant enough to respond to me "oh yeah? look at gpsp!"

Yeah, I always thought that you were great. Now I have the certainty.

And, GPSP rules :) That's a REAL emulator, not this strange and useless thing.

GO BUY YOURSELF A DS, if you want to play it :P

Static recompilation for DS games? On PSP?

Finally someone with sense in this thread!

Cool for you to double-register, ALTIMITHacker :P

August 10th, 2007, 16:51
Your quite the negative type Exophase. I didn't say such an emulator could be created easily, in fact, I clearly said it would take the skill of Sony itself. And with the increased RAM, it would be nice to load the image onto it directly, which may not fit on the older PSP models. I know that you like to see it as a challenge and therefor run away saying "too much graphical emulation, can't be done", but clearly it can.

You too are a coder, and you should realize that under the right program, almost anything can be done, though highly unlikely. Im not one to say that since it has lower specs, it can be emulated easily. Im one to say that since it has lower specs, it is possible to emulate it. You have to understand that what homebrew developers sometimes go for is the understanding of progress achieved. It is normal for people like us to try and create that perfect program even though its viewed as a dream. This would definitely be a far reach from reality because like many have said, this is something that would be extremely difficult to emulate at fullspeed. But if the developer wants, he can go for it. There is nothing wrong with it, considering that it is possible to emulate. I feel that it is possible to emulate at fullspeed, which im sure you can not accept because of how unlikely it is. But that is something you have to come to terms with.

Exophase: I must say it is Shame On You for being angry with someone who ported this. Why would you turn a blind eye and be furious? Have you gone mad? This is the type of thing that leads to a dead homebrew scene. Spoiled users. This person didn't even advertise the release that strongly at all, it was just picked up by QJ and it hit the news from there. In some ways, I hint jealousy from you. Not because he ported this, because it is true that anybody can port this to a PSP. I hint jealousy, more exact, fear from you because you know that a real coder could pick this up and decide to start one from scratch. If than happens, it could have great potential, which you so strongly argued was impossible. Sometimes your wrong Exophase, but you can't try to prevent being proven wrong. That just makes it all the 'Wronger'. lol

Lets try to keep the flame to a minimal amount. There is no benefit to saying that "it would be so hard to code, it is impossible". Like V3N0M said, it would be interesting to see how far this emulator could go.
---------------------ALTIMIT has spoken.

August 10th, 2007, 16:52
Cool for you to double-register, ALTIMITHacker :P

Ya...I don't double register thank you.

lets just see what happens in a few months to see if this goes anywhere..

Agreed ^.^

I cant really believe some of you guys who been visiting this site. You all have been eagerly posting or awaiting for others to post stuff for the handheld. Maybe some of the stuff here isn't as good or polished as the others but it's the community that keeps everyone coming back or at least the fact that there some people actually posting stuff that others could for free. I thought people here encouraged each other to make things possible that wasn't entirely "feasible" or "impossible" to begin with. So when I see all this bickering over something that's supposed to be an "expiriment", it makes this scene seem like it's full of people who just piss on anything they don't like or can do themselves - which I know is not true. I would like to think that I bought and kept my PSP because even though it wasn't exactly the killer handheld on release, it was the possibilities generated by having such an strong homebrew community that kept system users interest between big releases. So to see people stomp on a release even when there are design challenges (doesn't it sound like a PSP?) won't keep me surprised if we don't see progress from other people to advance "ports" into other things. Things that we might find real cool to have, like a DS emulator on the PSP. And if not, so what? It's really not like anyone's paid for using it or hearing about it's release. Did some of you forget that some people supposedly have left the scene because of this same thing? Some of you should really lighten up. Sorry to everyone else who took the time to read this post.

I don't think other coders quit because of flaming, but nobody can really confirm that besides the coders themselves. But Anyway, what you say is true. Im getting the feeling that this place is turning into QJ, they just don't appreciate anything anymore, always negative.

August 10th, 2007, 16:53
I cant really believe some of you guys who been visiting this site. You all have been eagerly posting or awaiting for others to post stuff for the handheld. Maybe some of the stuff here isn't as good or polished as the others but it's the community that keeps everyone coming back or at least the fact that there some people actually posting stuff that others could for free. I thought people here encouraged each other to make things possible that wasn't entirely "feasible" or "impossible" to begin with. So when I see all this bickering over something that's supposed to be an "expiriment", it makes this scene seem like it's full of people who just piss on anything they don't like or can do themselves - which I know is not true. I would like to think that I bought and kept my PSP because even though it wasn't exactly the killer handheld on release, it was the possibilities generated by having such an strong homebrew community that kept system users interest between big releases. So to see people stomp on a release even when there are design challenges (doesn't it sound like a PSP?) won't keep me surprised if we don't see progress from other people to advance "ports" into other things. Things that we might find real cool to have, like a DS emulator on the PSP. And if not, so what? It's really not like anyone's paid for using it or hearing about it's release. Did some of you forget that some people supposedly have left the scene because of this same thing? Some of you should really lighten up. Sorry to everyone else who took the time to read this post.

August 10th, 2007, 17:09
only time will tell for this project, it seems pretty useless, however give him the benifiet then rolf at him when he fails, theres more inprtant things on PSP Deadaleus is coming along great and GPSP ^^Exo

August 10th, 2007, 17:09
Your quite the negative type Exophase. I didn't say such an emulator could be created easily, in fact, I clearly said it would take the skill of Sony itself.

I'm realistic. I'm saying it's probably beyond feasibility altogether.

And with the increased RAM, it would be nice to load the iso onto it directly, which may not fit on the older PSP models.

First of all, images of DS games are not ISOs. Second, this isn't useful - do you know why? Because unlike GBA Nintendo DS games can't see their game media in the address space and have to explicitely load it. This takes the cost of a load from the card so having to load from the PSP's memory stick instead is a negligible difference.

I know that you like to see it as a challenge and therefor run away saying "too much graphical emulation, can't be done", but clearly it can.

How do you know that clearly it can? You claimed full speed, that's all this is about. Just because you keep saying it's possible doesn't make it so.

You too are a coder, and you should realize that under the right program, almost anything can be done, though highly unlikely.

No, as a coder I have never believed that. This isn't winning the lottery, feasibility is much more discernible, something is either possible or not. Sure there's a lot of grey area where people don't know, but this doesn't really fall under that.

Im not one to say that since it has lower specs, it can be emulated easily. Im one to say that since it has lower specs, it is possible to emulate it. You have to understand that what homebrew developers sometimes go for is the understanding of progress achieved. It is normal for people like us to try and create that perfect program even though its viewed as a dream. This would definitely be a far reach from reality because like many have said, this is something that would be extremely difficult to emulate at fullspeed. But if the developer wants, he can go for it. There is nothing wrong with it, considering that it is possible to emulate. I feel that it is possible to emulate at fullspeed, which im sure you can not accept because of how unlikely it is. But that is something you have to come to terms with.

You just keep saying the same thing over and over again, that you believe it's possible but very difficult, when you have nothing concrete to back this up...

Lets try to keep the flame to a minimal amount. There is no benefit to saying that "it would be so hard to code, it is impossible". Like V3N0M said, it would be interesting to see how far this emulator could go.
---------------------ALTIMIT has spoken.

Let's try to keep the intelligent deducations to a minimal amount too apparently...

August 10th, 2007, 17:10
Your quite the negative type Exophase. I didn't say such an emulator could be created easily, in fact, I clearly said it would take the skill of Sony itself. And with the increased RAM, it would be nice to load the iso onto it directly, which may not fit on the older PSP models. I know that you like to see it as a challenge and therefor run away saying "too much graphical emulation, can't be done", but clearly it can.

Sure you insist on what you think.

The FREAKIN' RAM doesn't GIVE any BENEFITS to emulation!

Do you want to swap everything in RAM? It's no use. It doesn't speed up things.

Also, you're talking about something EVERYONE doesn't even know about.

The increased RAM is probably an UMD Cache, as it has been said on the PSP Dev forums (where Matieulh and others are).

Also, the only way to use that RAM is by using a firmware that allows access to it. It will not happen, because Sony will not make a two official firmwares, and also, it wouldn't be a wise move to create two different hardwares, it would be a real problem for games developers.

And no, before you even think it, no, probably no CFW will make possible to use it. Because, as many people said, there are probably two mirrored 32mb RAMs instead of only one, so no luck in using it, as it will not be a single 64mb one.

Why two 32mb RAMs? Simple, because in doing so, developers don't have to touch nothing. Memory addresses will be the same for PSP Old and Slim, and they won't have to touch the second RAM.

And please, reserve that "---------------------ALTIMIT has spoken." only for you :D

Oh, and remember, I'm seeing forward to see the next version of this emulator from you, seeing how many good dev ideas do you have ;)

August 10th, 2007, 17:18
Hey Sappo:--------Altimit has spoken

August 10th, 2007, 17:21
Hey Sappo:--------Altimit has spoken

Cool. At least you haven't replied with another crazy dev idea for this emulator :D

August 10th, 2007, 17:23
only time will tell for this project, it seems pretty useless, however give him the benifiet then rolf at him when he fails, theres more inprtant things on PSP Deadaleus is coming along great and GPSP ^^Exo

yea i kno dat daedalus is more important ATM but gpsp? when was the last time he ever released anything.. at least to the psp public and not gp2x. seriously, we r all dying for gpsp 1.0 or 0.9.5 ...

at least someone is doing something. y does everyone have to say "o this emulator is crap, its not gonna go anywhere, it doesnt work, the coder just wants attention, it will never work not even in a million years, its a port and it will never work, buy yourself a DS if u really wana play" WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH IF THEY THINK ITS GOING TO FAIL! the coder is doing this as an experiment and we should all respect him even if this emulator doesnt go anywhere, he made PSPTUBE didnt he??? yes we should thank him for that. there is nothing wrong with people being curious of how far this can go. so.... STFU

August 10th, 2007, 17:31
yea i kno dat daedalus is more important ATM but gpsp? when was the last time he ever released anything.. at least to the psp public and not gp2x. seriously, we r all dying for gpsp 1.0 or 0.9.5 ...

at least someone is doing something. y does everyone have to say "o this emulator is crap, its not gonna go anywhere, it doesnt work, the coder just wants attention, it will never work not even in a million years, its a port and it will never work, buy yourself a DS if u really wana play" WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH IF THEY THINK ITS GOING TO FAIL! the coder is doing this as an experiment and we should all respect him even if this emulator doesnt go anywhere, he made PSPTUBE didnt he??? yes we should thank him for that. there is nothing wrong with people being curious of how far this can go. so.... STFU


Lets see what happens before flaming. Don't become spoiled because you think it won't be fullspeed, just leave the opinions out of it and just watch the progress. Its fun to see what happens instead of talking down on it.
---------------------------ALTIMIT has spoken.

August 10th, 2007, 17:42
have a DS hehe, i wonder if he,ll even release another version of this after all the negative feedback, some by me i must admit,

August 10th, 2007, 17:43
Just give the guy a chance. If he wants to code a DS emu for the PSP so be it. Who cares if it works or not. If works, GREAT, if it doesn't, well at least he tried. It takes a very long time to code something like that. If he has the free time on his hands then support him for crying out loud! I'll test all his releases.
Also, you never know, maybe he can come up with something that could help Strummn with DAELUS that nobody thought of before. It could happen, its a fresh coder with lots of ideas. Give him a chance, remember of NJ anyone?

August 10th, 2007, 17:44
yea thanx for ruining our chances everyone.. even though its not likely for him to visit dcemu.

August 10th, 2007, 17:45
yea thanx for ruining our chances everyone.. even though its not likely for him to visit dcemu.

why not DCemus a great site

August 10th, 2007, 17:47
Well atleast some of us here are trying to be supportive. But ya I agree, it would be hard to continue a project that half the world is flaming you for....sigh

Well I give it two thumbs up! :thumbup:

why not DCemus a great site

It's been going down hill lately to be honest. Im a long time visitor, new time poster. And from the looks of it, its turning into QJ. I've said that a million times, but truly I mean it. The PSP homebrew community as a whole is kinda getting spoiled. > >

----------------------ALTIMIT has spoken.

August 10th, 2007, 17:51
why not DCemus a great site

1. speaks japanese
2. probably has his own forums or somewhere he hangs out
3. maybe busy reading all the flames at QJ

August 10th, 2007, 17:53
exophase im goin oftopic here but i believe it will lead somwhere better than others flaming each other, when do u think an update will come to gpsp and not for more rom support, ibelieve that is perfect and all that is needed is wifi support . if u have expanded on could u release a test release?

August 10th, 2007, 17:53
1. speaks japanese
2. probably has his own forums or somewhere he hangs out
3. maybe busy reading all the flames at QJ

ahh lol that explains it.

August 10th, 2007, 17:54
exophase im goin oftopic here but i believe it will lead somwhere better than others flaming each other, when do u think an update will come to gpsp and not for more rom support? ibelieve that is perfect and all that is needed is wifi support . if u have expanded on could u release a test release?

August 10th, 2007, 17:56
yea thanx for ruining our chances everyone.. even though its not likely for him to visit dcemu.

I dont usually find anything funny on these forums, but that was hilarious,

Make a fan club for him, and kindly ask him to port something else almost completely useless, Dreamcast or Sega Saturn emulation here we come :thumbup:

August 10th, 2007, 17:57
he doesnt want to add WiFi support.. he gets mad when people ask that... i dont understand y though. he should explain. it would make me happy to know why no multiplayer support.. every other emu has wifi y not gpsp. it would make the perfect 1.0 release.. and it would make a great christmas present.

edit: Sega CD emulation here we come :D :p lol

August 10th, 2007, 18:00
he doesnt want to add WiFi support.. he gets mad when people ask that... i dont understand y though. he should explain. it would make me happy to know why no multiplayer support.. every other emu has wifi y not gpsp. it would make the perfect 1.0 release.. and it would make a great christmas present.

Maybe he just doesnt know how?

August 10th, 2007, 18:02
Maybe he just doesnt know how?

its called ask other coders to help.. hes not the only one on the face of the earth.

August 10th, 2007, 18:16
its called ask other coders to help.. hes not the only one on the face of the earth.

He doesnt seem like the type to ask for help.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 18:21
This is a pile of crap. Yeah, so what, he ported a PC emulator (that cannot even run at full speed on the PC) to the PSP? There is no way he'll ever get this to run at full speed.

August 10th, 2007, 18:23
its called ask other coders to help.. hes not the only one on the face of the earth.
Its called why don't you go to school for a couple years learn a language and then waste a huge chunk of your life coding an emu that can only half emulate a system because there is no way for touch screen to work. If you want to play pokemon so bad get a GBA or play it on your pc lol. :p

August 10th, 2007, 18:25
This is a pile of crap. Yeah, so what, he ported a PC emulator (that cannot even run at full speed on the PC) to the PSP? There is no way he'll ever get this to run at full speed.

and to think that we didnt know that already. u need a beating. read my last big post

Its called why don't you go to school for a couple years learn a language and then waste a huge chunk of your life coding an emu that can only half emulating a system because there is no way for touch screen to work. If you want to play pokemon so bad get a GBA or play it on your pc lol. :p

that was so uncalled for haha

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 18:26
and to think that we didnt know that already. u need a beating. read my last big post nub

Oh, I'm sorry, am I not allowed to have an opinion anymore?
Stop being a smart arse.

August 10th, 2007, 18:45
Oh, I'm sorry, am I not allowed to have an opinion anymore?
Stop being a smart arse.

just read this..

y does everyone have to say "o this emulator is crap, its not gonna go anywhere, it doesnt work, the coder just wants attention, it will never work not even in a million years, its a port and it will never work, buy yourself a DS if u really wana play" WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH IF THEY THINK ITS GOING TO FAIL! the coder is doing this as an experiment and we should all respect him even if this emulator doesnt go anywhere, he made PSPTUBE didnt he??? yes we should thank him for that. there is nothing wrong with people being curious of how far this can go. so.... STFU! AND GET OFF THE GUY'S DICK OK!

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 18:47
I read it. I read it, and thought it was a load of crap. All he wants is to be loved by newbs, and right now, he is succeeding. You're just another victim.

August 10th, 2007, 18:53
Exo probably hasn't implemented multiplayer support in gpSP as it would be more difficult than multiplayer in which there is only a single console involved. I know that TGB-Dual goes about this problem by emulating both systems on a host PC and from there working the same as a typical emulator would with multiplayer, by sending output from the first player to the second and keystrokes back from the second to the first. Evidently, the PSP struggles emulating only one GBA, so a solution like the one I mentioned in unfeasible.

So, in a nutshell: It's just plain harder to do multiplayer support for a GBA emulator than "every other emu" that has said support.

Forgive me if I'm not 100% correct on the details, I'm evidently not a coder myself, but at least people may notice there is indeed a reason Exo doesn't feel like implementing multiplayer due to this post.

August 10th, 2007, 18:58
picture it like this as an example

strmnnrmn just ported an n64 emulator, everyone thought it was crap and thought that he just wanted to be loved by newbs nd shit. would u feel the same way towards him as u are towards the porter of DeSemu?

mira yo no kiero pelear mas porq todo este mierda q tu y toda la gente estan diciendo me esta dando dolor de cabza. ya se termino, im out mamahuevos

August 10th, 2007, 19:00
It's funny how one emulator, a test emulator even, could cause so much ruckus. Why are there even arguments about this thread? Exophase, you are a fantastic coder, but why does this get you so angry? This news isn't even worth your time. I've seen you post multiple times trying to argue the fact that it won't work. Someone as talented as you shouldn't have to worry about such news, and the time wasted on those posts could've been used on something else, anything else. As for my opinion on this emulator, I am neutral at this point. Only time will tell whether this turns out to be a hit or a failure. I'm telling you guys now that I'm not trying out the test emulator though, as it is a waste of time.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:01
picture it like this as an example

strmnnrmn just ported an n64 emulator, everyone thought it was crap and thought that he just wanted to be loved by newbs nd shit. would u feel the same way towards him as u are towards the porter of DeSemu?

Actually, the N64 emulator was made from scratch, and is an older console. The chance of there being a full speed N64 emulator is maybe not definite, but there is a chance, even if it takes time.

Now, a NDS emulator, made for the PC, that cannot even run full speed on the computer, is ported to a PSP. The chance of it being full speed is absolutely nil. It cannot even run a commercial rom, and don't expect it to anytime soon, or ever.

EDIT: As for the Spanish, from what the poster said below, looks like you're getting a bit to moody. Calm down, take a deep breath, and shut up.

August 10th, 2007, 19:02
picture it like this as an example

strmnnrmn just ported an n64 emulator, everyone thought it was crap and thought that he just wanted to be loved by newbs nd shit. would u feel the same way towards him as u are towards the porter of DeSemu?

mira yo no kiero pelear mas porq todo este mierda q tu y toda la gente estan diciendo me esta dando dolor de cabza. ya se termino, im out mamahuevos

wow buddy calm down i understand spanish.lol

nice going i bet 100 dollars we gonna see pokemon diamond and pearl playing in decent speed during this year on psp..

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:04
i bet 100 dollars we gonna see pokemon diamond and pearl playing in decent speed during this year on psp..

Sure, you got a PayPal account? Actually, make it 400 dollars.

August 10th, 2007, 19:07
i meant by next august 10

August 10th, 2007, 19:10
Actually, the N64 emulator was made from scratch, and is an older console. The chance of there being a full speed N64 emulator is maybe not definite, but there is a chance, even if it takes time.

Now, a NDS emulator, made for the PC, that cannot even run full speed on the computer, is ported to a PSP. The chance of it being full speed is absolutely nil. It cannot even run a commercial rom, and don't expect it to anytime soon, or ever.

strmnnrmn's emu was ported. it wasnt made from scratch and i dont think it was full speed on PC either. look how it is now. i believe what you said about n64 applys to the NDS emulator as well: "The chance of there being a full speed N64 emulator is maybe not definite, but there is a chance, even if it takes time."

everything takes: Time, Hard Work, Dedication.
its less likely that we will see an NDS emulator for PSP at full speed (i agree on everyone with that) but its possible to have a working emulator even if it runs at a low frame rate. what gets me mad is that everyone puts it down and talks bad about it when this can lead to something whether its full speed or not. i just hope you understand y i am frustrated about this.. and i hope you can agree on me with this post.


The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:11
I'm pretty sure (if not completely sure) it won't happen. I don't understand why you are frustrated, is it because I'm right? It must be.

August 10th, 2007, 19:14
Actually, the N64 emulator was made from scratch, and is an older console. The chance of there being a full speed N64 emulator is maybe not definite, but there is a chance, even if it takes time.

Now, a NDS emulator, made for the PC, that cannot even run full speed on the computer, is ported to a PSP. The chance of it being full speed is absolutely nil. It cannot even run a commercial rom, and don't expect it to anytime soon, or ever.

Blah blah blah..

Deadelus is a pc port.. Sure he change alot of stuff and improved it over time. Since there's not a single emulator finish on the PC side, It's too early to say that the PSP wont be able to run the DS correctly..

Honestly how can we expect a better result than this one with a PSP Beta emulators made from a PC Beta emulator.........

August 10th, 2007, 19:22
I'm pretty sure (if not completely sure) it won't happen. I don't understand why you are frustrated, is it because I'm right? It must be.

y dont u re-read my post.. i was trying to make peace with u but u arent working with me here...

and i was agreeing that its not likely to happen..

August 10th, 2007, 19:24
The EX
okay buddy you seriously need to calm down i read from page 1 up to this page.Flaming my buddy xg...
go learn c++ before you start TALKING

Its called why don't you go to school for a couple years learn a language and then waste a huge chunk of your life coding an emu that can only half emulate a system because there is no way for touch screen to work. If you want to play pokemon so bad get a GBA or play it on your pc lol.

so please stop flaming people for no reason..
dude i already know something about coding thanks to algebra 2 if you know what it is..


The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:28
y dont u re-read my post.. i was trying to make peace with u but u arent working with me here...

and i was agreeing that its not likely to happen..
Great! So we both agree that this emulator is a load of crap? Good.

The EX
okay buddy you seriously need to calm down i read from page 1 up to this page.Flaming my buddy xg...
Ok? I'm not angry, and therefore do not need to calm down.

August 10th, 2007, 19:30
Great! So we both agree that this emulator is a load of crap? Good.


Ok? I'm not angry, and therefore do not need to calm down.


August 10th, 2007, 19:33
crap? not the word im looking for, i would rather say "not good at the moment" but we will see if that changes in the future.. its not a bad thing to be curious on how far this can go..

August 10th, 2007, 19:36
I dont get how the psp can pull off the touchscreen?

August 10th, 2007, 19:40
it seems good enough for me:

August 10th, 2007, 19:41
What Game Is It?

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:42

Blaming who? When did I blame anyone?

I'm not going to argue anymore, as you're all so shit at putting up an argument. If you're going to try and prove me wrong, at least do it well.


August 10th, 2007, 19:44
Exophase, you are a fantastic coder, but why does this get you so angry? This news isn't even worth your time. I've seen you post multiple times trying to argue the fact that it won't work. Someone as talented as you shouldn't have to worry about such news, and the time wasted on those posts could've been used on something else, anything else.

yea less wasting time posting this nonsence and more time building please? lol

thanks for the screenies acn. hope that we will get to see this emulator progress in the future.

as for touch screen: maybe it would be better to have the D pad as touch screen and the note button to touch. or maybe the analog would be better.. idk

August 10th, 2007, 19:48
Blaming who? When did I blame anyone?

I'm not going to argue anymore, as you're all so shit at putting up an argument. If you're going to try and prove me wrong, at least do it well.


what why are you calling me an idiot you start with people here

Edit: what do you put on youre sig

August 10th, 2007, 19:52
This doesn't work for me at all.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 19:52
Racist remarks are not good. Reported.
Plus, I'm not fat, but I am right.

EDIT: I quoted, and put that in my signature as it made me laugh.

August 10th, 2007, 19:53
i posted again for people to see...
this games is pokemon dash for nintendo ds...
i can see this emulator with hard work and dedication it may work.....
as for the poking in the screen my ideas was using the music button as a poking screen button or hold button, it will work....

The EX, no racist arguments were made... stop it now

August 10th, 2007, 20:00
it looks nice
is it playable

edit youre hands are giant sorry for the comment but is true it looks big..

August 10th, 2007, 20:08
currently there is no input/controls dont work. so no its not playable.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:08
it looks nice
is it playable

edit youre hands are giant sorry for the comment but is true it looks big..

Please, don't talk. It gives me a headache.

August 10th, 2007, 20:11
Please, don't talk. It gives me a headache.

stop it now

xcjzerox, my hands arent that big... is it???

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:13
You're in no position to tell me to stop...
After the racial abuse I received, I don't care.

August 10th, 2007, 20:15
not really but from the picture it looks like it..

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:16
You called me a white crack head, fat shit, and a white bitch. I take that as racial abuse.

August 10th, 2007, 20:18
You're in no position to tell me to stop...
After the racial abuse I received, I don't care.

oh ho ho ho... it seems that you dont know me well... i am capable enough... so shut up and keep on on topic

You called me a white crack head, fat shit, and a white bitch. I take that as racial abuse
is it true??? it seems that it really hurt cause it seems true, is it?? no!!!.... stop whining, funny thing that you posted things recently and you released caos

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:19
Ok, you're a moderator, and you're going to sit there and let that boy/man shout racial abuse at me?

August 10th, 2007, 20:25
The EX could you stop and began to realize you stART CHAOS CAN'T WE GET ON TOPIC NOW

August 10th, 2007, 20:29
its hard to be a black/latino person.. white isnt as much as an insult as nigga or spik. black people were enslaved back then, now latinos r getting kicked out of the states, what do you have to say about yourself! lol. so i dont see the big deal..

on topic: nothing seems to be missing in the picture in terms of graphical glitches which is pretty good, thanx for showing us the pics acn :)

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:31
is it true???
Yes, it is.

it seems that it really hurt cause it seems true, is it??
Yes, it is.

no!!!.... stop whining,
I wasn't whining, neither am I lying about him saying racist remarks. I think you need to learn some grammar skills, and while you're at it, stop lying about your position on the site.

funny thing that you posted things recently and you released caos
I posted the truth, but none of you can seem to quite grasp it. Unfortunately, all of you need to get a brain.

August 10th, 2007, 20:31
Ok, you're a moderator, and you're going to sit there and let that boy/man shout racial abuse at me?

just shup up and get back on topic...

as i said for poking the screen, i may suggest the music button as a poking button, it seems reasonable enough to use it... am i right???

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:34
its hard to be a black/latino person..
No it isn't. YOu make it hard for yourself.

white isnt as much as an insult as nigga or spik.
But it is an insult non-the-less, yes?

black people were enslaved back then, now latinos r getting kicked out of the states
Yeah, 'back then'. This is the modern world, where everyone respects each other, no matter the creed of that person.

what do you have to say about yourself!
Nothing. I know I had nothing to do with enslaving humans.

lol. so i dont see the big deal..
I'm sure you wouldn't like being called racial phrases, even if they 'are like being called such and such'.

August 10th, 2007, 20:34
its hard to be a black/latino person.. white isnt as much as an insult as nigga or spik. black people were enslaved back then, now latinos r getting kicked out of the states, what do you have to say about yourself! lol. so i dont see the big deal..

on topic: nothing seems to be missing in the picture in terms of graphical glitches which is pretty good, thanx for showing us the pics acn :)

btw acn ur hands arent big its just the camera up close. lol

and yes i agree that music button can be used to touch and either the D pad or the analog can be used to Move the touch spot.

edit: idk y i quoted myself. lol

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:36
just shup up and get back on topic...
Let me ask, how old are you? Are you so young you cannot grasp the concept of respect?

August 10th, 2007, 20:36
its hard to be a black/latino person.. white isnt as much as an insult as nigga or spik. black people were enslaved back then, now latinos r getting kicked out of the states, what do you have to say about yourself! lol. so i dont see the big deal..

on topic: nothing seems to be missing in the picture in terms of graphical glitches which is pretty good, thanx for showing us the pics acn :)

true lol..
well yeah the graphics seems ok and sound also, the only problem is the screen positioning and the poking screen function

August 10th, 2007, 20:37
I think this emulators going to get nowhere

Even if was able to play at full speed (which it really highly mega ultra dought to the max) I wouldn't play it without a touch screen, using a analog would suck, look at how the two screens are setup, it stupid your going to turn your psp verticly and have one hand on the top and one hand on the bottom

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:38
You're obviously about 5. As you cannot answer a simple question. You also laugh at others being racially abused. You're a poor excuse for a human.

August 10th, 2007, 20:39
hold on im gona go to QJ to show you guys a picture one of the members made. it was pretty sweet

will edit: now


CREDIT GOES TO "phantoma" from QJ forums

and btw that game thats in the picture loads. as well as tetris demo and table hockey (something like that)

@the ex, you are getting way off topic..

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:40
Oh god help me, you're a QJ member? I'm very glad I've never had to meet you on QJ.

August 10th, 2007, 20:41
Let me ask, how old are you? Are you so young you cannot grasp the concept of respect?

im 19 living in new york alone, i have a well paying job and studying in berkley college... is that enough info for you???
i have respect here and in my area... so yeah, im happy how i live.... so how about you eh???

August 10th, 2007, 20:45
Somewhere, somebody is developing an X360 emulator for the PSP. It'll run at 0,5 frames per minute and you will have to split tha games in 2 4gb memory sticks. Buts it works! Now I can play Oblivion on PSP! :-P

PS: It's obviously a joke. :-D

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:45
im 19 living in new york alone, i have a well paying job and studying in berkley college... is that enough info for you???
i have respect here and in my area... so yeah, im happy how i live.... so how about you eh???

I'm 14, live in the UK, and am still attending Comprehensive School.
It's sad how immature you are.

August 10th, 2007, 20:49
I'm 14, live in the UK, and am still attending Comprehensive School.
It's sad how immature you are.

im very mature when it comes such discussion like this.
i still cant believe you cant take such lame jokes from people, just ignore it.... and also, just stay on topic ok

August 10th, 2007, 20:50
Somewhere, somebody is developing an X360 emulator for the PSP. It'll run at 0,5 frames per minute and you will have to split tha games in 2 4gb memory sticks. Buts it works! Now I can play Oblivion on PSP! :-P

PS: It's obviously a joke. :-D

a joke that was way out of hand..

@the ex 14 UK? 15 US

@acn how u like the pic? lol, i was thinking that those panels could be activated by a button combo and they appear. like in gpSP when u press Triangle the game screen gets smaller and the blue background with settings come up. only on the NDS emu the pannels would appear. that would be pretty kool.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 20:52
im very mature when it comes such discussion like this.
No your not, have you read your past comments? I guess not.

i still cant believe you cant take such lame jokes
Why? It annoys me that people think they can get away with doing such things, especially racism. Racism is not a joke, and you shouldn't think it is either.

@xg917: Yes, I am 14, and live in the UK.

August 10th, 2007, 20:53
xg917 if the game screens is that small. i wont play it like that... i want them in center and big.....

Why? It annoys me that people think they can get away with doing such things, especially racism. Racism is not a joke, and you shouldn't think it is either.

hmmmm it seems that you dont know what is happening around the world today..
racism is still on today... i heard many racist jokes on me, especially my current girlfriend, she calls me mexican, which i am not yet she loves me.... it doesnt hurt me at all cause i know that i dont give a **** what people say

August 10th, 2007, 20:54
xg917 if the game screens is that small. i wont play it like that... i want them in center and big

lol dude i said the pannels would go away and the screens would get bigger. like in gpSP. or would u like to turn ur psp sideways just to play? :p
and maybe a setting that would allow only one of the dual screens to appear on the whole screen or how ever size size you want.

August 10th, 2007, 21:01
hmmmm it seems that you dont know what is happening around the world today..
racism is still on today... i heard many racist jokes on me, especially my current girlfriend, she calls me mexican, which i am not yet she loves me.... it doesnt hurt me at all cause i know that i dont give a **** what people say

Maybe you don't give a **** about what your girlfriend calls you, but others might. And for that reason, racist jokes and insults shouldn't be okay or allowed. Your arguments are lame.

August 10th, 2007, 21:01
lol dude i said the pannels would go away and the screens would get bigger. like in gpSP. or would u like to turn ur psp sideways just to play? :p
and maybe a setting that would allow only one of the dual screens to appear on the whole screen or how ever size size you want.

hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. dont like your idea lol:rofl: press and hold L and R for a good 5 sec for the main menu of the emulator to pop out???

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:03
hmmmm it seems that you dont know what is happening around the world today..
racism is still on today... i heard many racist jokes on me, especially my current girlfriend, she calls me mexican, which i am not yet she loves me.... it doesnt hurt me at all cause i know that i dont give a **** what people say

I know. Being called Mexican when you are not isn't racism. Being called 'a white fat shit, crack head' is.

August 10th, 2007, 21:03
Maybe you don't give a **** about what your girlfriend calls you, but others might. And for that reason, racist jokes and insults shouldn't be okay or allowed. Your arguements are lame

racism is everywhere cant be stop... so yeah........ and i know it was lame, i just realized that:p

August 10th, 2007, 21:04
I know. Being called Mexican when you are not isn't racism. Being called 'a white fat shit, crack head' is.

Couldn't agree more.

August 10th, 2007, 21:04
aww y dont u like it man??? it sounds perfect! lol
what are you anyway? since u say ur not mexican but u know spanish.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:04
Maybe you don't give a **** about what your girlfriend calls you, but others might. And for that reason, racist jokes and insults shouldn't be okay or allowed. Your arguments are lame.

Thankyou very much.

Here is someone who has a brain.

August 10th, 2007, 21:04
Maybe you don't give a **** about what your girlfriend calls you, but others might. And for that reason, racist jokes and insults shouldn't be okay or allowed. Your arguements are lame

racism is everywhere cant be stop... so yeah........ and i know it was lame, i just realized that:p

Good for you. And please quote properly to avoid confusion.

August 10th, 2007, 21:08
I know nothing of how emulation works but does the emulator disregard the second screen or display it and not use it if was just displayed it might be better to cut it off

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:09
racism is everywhere cant be stop... so yeah........ and i know it was lame, i just realized that:p

What is wrong with you? Just because I have another person 'on my side' of the argument, you take back everything you say? You need to have a little respect for yourself and stand up for what you think, even if it is completely stupid.

@nyrtrublue: Look a few pages back, there are pictures.

August 10th, 2007, 21:11

August 10th, 2007, 21:11
This is kinda cool, sound actually works :)

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:12
@acn010: Are you sure you're 19?

August 10th, 2007, 21:16

August 10th, 2007, 21:16
seriously. u wont want acn to get mad..

but yea i think sound should be disabled in the emulator by default to speed the emulation up a little..

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:20
seriously. u wont want acn to get mad..

but yea i think sound should be disabled in the emulator by default to speed the emulation up a little..

Why not? He seems pretty feeble to me.

August 10th, 2007, 21:23

1. ur taking this too far and have to stop
2. read the name of the ****ing thread
3. and talk about IT
4. please give positive feedback

about IT

1. its a tech demo, has no input/controls
2. needs to be worked on big time
3. i have faith in this emulator
4. picture i showed you all would be a nice example of the GUI of the emulator but acn disagrees :p

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:26
1) If it wasn't for you and that other kid, we wouldn't be having this argument.
2) The name? It says ' Nintendo DS Emulation Hits the PSP - DeSmuME Test Release'.
3) You want me to talk about IT? Ok:

1. (used to represent an inanimate thing understood, previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): It has whitewall tires and red upholstery. You can't tell a book by its cover.
2. (used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded): It was the largest ever caught off the Florida coast. Who was it? It was John. The horse had its saddle on.
3. (used to represent a group understood or previously mentioned): The judge told the jury it must decide two issues.
4. (used to represent a concept or abstract idea understood or previously stated): It all started with Adam and Eve. He has been taught to believe it all his life.
5. (used to represent an action or activity understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned): Since you don't like it, you don't have to go skiing.

There you go!

August 10th, 2007, 21:28
I'm 14, live in the UK, and am still attending Comprehensive School.
It's sad how immature you are.

im 16 im an Irish, some racists could call me a farmboy patty but i couldnt care less, the ex, ur not 14 ur acting like an 8 year old who cant take a slag and throws a tandrum all day long, stop crying and dry ur eyes, im white, i couldnt care what peeps call me, im proud to be white and black people should be proud of who they are too, it doesnt matter what peeps say its how you react to what they say, i for one, can take a slag not run to the mods

EDIT: OHH YEA reading this post over i realize i am the DADDY POPPA and how good a post this is haha

August 10th, 2007, 21:28
The EX...you just got in my nerve now......

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:33
EDIT: OHH YEA reading this post over i realize i am the DADDY POPPA and how good a post this is haha
I'm glad you feel you've accomplished something, because all I can see is some idiot trying to prove a point that doesn't exist.

im 16 im an Irish

some racists could call me a farmboy patty but i couldnt care less
It isn't that I care, it's that he got away with it.

the ex, ur not 14 ur acting like an 8 year old who cant take a slag and throws a tandrum all day long
Are you sure? Have you ever met me? No, you haven't. I'm not throwing a tantrum, I'm merely telling people the truth. If that hurts you, go away.
A slag is when someone has a petty insult, and throws it at another person. A slag is not racism. Racism is serious.

stop crying and dry ur eyes, im white, i couldnt care what peeps call me
Once again, it's not that they called me what they did, but that they got away with it.

im proud to be white and black people should be proud of who they are too
Right? Is this actually leading anywhere?

it doesnt matter what peeps say its how you react to what they say
So I could go up to a black/white man and racially abuse him, but it would only matter if he took offense? Incorrect.

i for one, can take a slag not run to the mods
I'm very happy for you.

you just got in my nerve now......

Oh god help me...

August 10th, 2007, 21:38
oh ho ho ho.... you dont know how many people i took down and make them shut up

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:41
You think you saying 'I'm amazing, I made people shut up' will make me stop this argument? Stop for a second, and just think. Are you really acting like a 19 year old man. No, you're not.

Also, that Santa line made me laugh.... 'oh ho ho ho'.

August 10th, 2007, 21:42
another good idea for the DS emulator is to disable audio by default to speed up the emu a little bit.

August 10th, 2007, 21:43
the EX u are getting on my tits stop spamming hate mail on other members, You should be warned for spamming constantly off topic, you have no proof that he make a remark about you and to tell the truth i couldn't care if he did, cause he doesnt annoy me and you do

on topic, this emulator has a very slim time of making it

exophase im goin oftopic here but i believe it will lead somwhere better than others flaming each other, when do u think an update will come to gpsp and not for more rom support? ibelieve that is perfect and all that is needed is wifi support . if u have expanded on could u release a test release?

can i slap you? lol rom support is near complete Golden sun gaa, does anyone even be online with the snes emulator, i either dont know how to use it or havent found anyone online

August 10th, 2007, 21:44
another good idea for the DS emulator is to disable audio by default to speed up the emu a little bit.

ummm. isnt that on all emulators has that??? :rofl:

August 10th, 2007, 21:44
oh ho ho ho.... you dont know how many people i took down and make them shut up

YOU did that? :eek:
Don't tell me you're going to take The EX down now ... That'd be a shame. On the other hand, I'd love to see you try. You don't have any reason to take anyone down, and have no points.

Sonicboy 101
August 10th, 2007, 21:46
Wow, for a DS emulator thread this is quite unusual.
Anyway, maybe i'll try this out. It might lead to greater things.

August 10th, 2007, 21:47
ummm. isnt that on all emulators has that??? :rofl:

yea lol even my dog could have thought of that, and my dogs dead haha

August 10th, 2007, 21:47
10 pages of non stop argument starting on page 15. yes that is unusual isnt it sonic. lol

and acn i thought you said that there was sound in the emulator which got me to think that it was enabled by default..

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:49
the EX u are getting on my tits stop spamming hate mail on other members
Me? I'm not the one receiving racial comments about the colour of my skin.

You should be warned for spamming constantly off topic
I agree. If I get warned for arguing about racist comments I received, then I believe you should get warned for the horrendous posts your create.

you have no proof that he make a remark about you and to tell the truth i couldn't care if he did, cause he doesnt annoy me and you do
Oh I see. I get on your 'tits' (I wouldn't have thought you had any...) because I don't like being a victim of racial abuse?

August 10th, 2007, 21:50
Lol ..
Just .lol
Tbh ...if you all want to play ds so bad you would have bought one of them instead ..right ?

And wasn't there that basic rule the no same generation console / handheld would emulate a rival ..

Well .have fun ..

i think everyone should listen to the whiny, over opinionated 14 as he clearly knows were its at ..


Oh and to stay more on topic ..err ..not gonna work ..come on be realistic ..its kewl and all ..but...could the xbox ever emulate the ps2 ? can a 360 emulate a ps3 or vis-versa ? No.

And your all getting way to EMOtional about this ..lol

August 10th, 2007, 21:51
Will You Just Shut Up! Now I Dont Care If I Get In Trouble Because About This Post But Dammit You Dont Have Anything Good To Say And Will Not Stay On Topic And Will Not Drop The Whole Argument After We Told You A Million Times, I Tried Making Peace With You But Wtf U Just Keep Rolling In With Ur Shit And Im Tired Of It. 10 PAGES OF ARGUMENTS CAUSED BY YOU DAMIT!!

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 21:53
I have plenty of good things to say. You just won't let me say them without breathing down my back. I suggest you go to bed, it usually eases the tiredness.

August 10th, 2007, 21:55
um... in florida and new york is still afternoon you noob... in new york its 5 pm

August 10th, 2007, 21:56
Me? I'm not the one receiving racial comments about the colour of my skin.

weres ur proof?

I agree. If I get warned for arguing about racist comments I received, then I believe you should get warned for the horrendous posts your create.

im on topic lol

Oh I see. I get on your 'tits' (I wouldn't have thought you had any...) because I don't like being a victim of racial abuse?

look dude i have to tone it down, cause if i slagged you, you would cry and thats a fact plus i dont want banned over you, maybe some one else, but not you be honored

what if i said in my sig that you made a racist comment about me without showing any proof, hows that look? :confused:

just drop it simple as

August 10th, 2007, 22:02
look dude i have to tone it down, cause if i slagged you, you would cry and thats a fact plus i dont want banned over you, maybe some one else, but not you be honored

what if i said in my sig that you made a racist comment about me without showing any proof, hows that look? :confused:

just drop it simple as

true..... just drop it:o

August 10th, 2007, 22:02
what if i said in my sig that you made a racist comment about me without showing any proof, hows that look? :confused:

just drop it simple as


The poster edited the post and removed the actual proof, but I'm a witness. The text in The EX' sig is true. He did receive a racist insult.

Admit you're wrong. Simple as.

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 22:05
look dude i have to tone it down, cause if i slagged you, you would cry
I would cry actually. They'd be tears of laughter.

and thats a fact plus i dont want banned over you, maybe some one else, but not you be honored
Fine, go get yourself banned by getting into an argument with someone else, I don't mind.

what if i said in my sig that you made a racist comment about me without showing any proof, hows that look? :confused:
I put it there for my own entertainment. Not so people could think the boy said those things, even though he did.

just drop it simple as
No, you drop it.

August 10th, 2007, 22:06

The poster edited the post and removed the actual proof, but I'm a witness. The text in The EX' sig is true. He did receive a racist insult.

Admit you're wrong. Simple as.

lol true or not i couldnt care i new the ex was telling the truth, but flute me its a slag , take the slag and get on with it


August 10th, 2007, 22:07

August 10th, 2007, 22:08
Shut The **** Up! You Are The One That Is Supposed To Drop It And Now You Are Telling Other To Do So! You Just Picked It Up

August 10th, 2007, 22:08
this crap is still going on even exphorase left the thread its over theres no input so stop the hatered

ps this emulator iz gonna go somewere with the right people in its hands just give it to january acn010 whats fps on the pokemon dash intro

August 10th, 2007, 22:09
@Mike: Agreed 100%

The EX
August 10th, 2007, 22:10
lol true or not i couldnt care i new the ex was telling the truth, but flute me its a slag , take the slag and get on with it

I've taken the 'slag' and I replied with a 'slag'. But your replied with another 'slag', so on and so forth.

Keep your knickers on.

Shut The **** Up! You Are The One That Is Supposed To Drop It And Now You Are Telling Other To Do So! You Just Picked It Up

I thought you said you didn't care anymore?

August 10th, 2007, 22:11
this crap is still going on even exphorase left the thread its over theres no input so stop the hatered

ps this emulator iz gonna go somewere with the right people in its hands just give it to january acn010 whats fps on the pokemon dash intro

it doesn't say but i may say its around 2-3 frames per second and the sound is not static like n64 emu