June 22nd, 2005, 23:08
I'm not too versed in 3D anything, so forgive for asking randomly basic and/or stupid questions.
for the pvr_vert_t vert data type, what does the vert.u and vert.v do exactly. i read the header file (great comments by the way) but was still unclear by "coordinates for texture". It isn't the texture the coloring or actual image on a polygon plane? I don't see how you can assign textures to a vertex. Actually, I take that back... I can see how vertices can hold the coordinates of where the texture will go. I'm just not seeing how the system does it.
Another question why would you give a vertex a color?
for the pvr_vert_t vert data type, what does the vert.u and vert.v do exactly. i read the header file (great comments by the way) but was still unclear by "coordinates for texture". It isn't the texture the coloring or actual image on a polygon plane? I don't see how you can assign textures to a vertex. Actually, I take that back... I can see how vertices can hold the coordinates of where the texture will go. I'm just not seeing how the system does it.
Another question why would you give a vertex a color?