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View Full Version : Is Sony creating a new AIBO compatible with the PS3?

August 10th, 2007, 19:57
Via Tech Digest (http://techdigest.tv/2007/08/is_sony_creatin.html)


Many have prophesised the return of the mighty AIBO - but few have dared to imagine the full potential which Sony maketh. Y'know, the usual exploding batteries, huge expense, slight George Foreman grill appearance...their usual deal, in other words!

The lovely Kotakuite, Brian Ashcraft, just published an interview with Masaya Matsuura, who's not only a game designer, but also a huge Sonypal. According to Matsuura, consumers may be seeing a slightly AIBO-esque robot in the near future - "the engineers behind the Aibo are doing the PS3. We are talking about making something like the new Aibo." Obviously a huge driving force behind Sony's market portfolio is the PS3, so it was only natural for Ashcraft to ask Matsuura about connectivity between the two devices, to which he replied "I don't know. Connection is not hard. I'm sure some engineer could do that."

I must say, the possibility of an AIBO-esque robotic pet connected to the PS3 could just about convince me to splash the cash on a PS3. Just.

August 10th, 2007, 20:01
lol... cute puppy... lol doggy, explode!!!!!!!

August 10th, 2007, 22:46
dis would b quite cool ... but i dont c wat u could realy do wit it :S ... control it wit the ps3 ... push the controler up nd it jumps :P move it left nd right ... nd forward nd backwards ... attuly it would b rather cool 4 an hour or so

August 12th, 2007, 18:19
Its R.O.B all over again!

August 12th, 2007, 18:53
Stupid idea, unless the dog is smart enough to somehow play 2 player games with you (or someone with no friends)

August 12th, 2007, 18:57
I hope they make it so it can bite people.