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August 13th, 2007, 02:16
StrmnNrmn stopped by his blog to post an interesting article about R13 which includes things like trampolines and nice speed ups.

To sum it all up he said he got close to a 15% speed up.

Heres the article:

Dynarec Improvements

I've had a fairly productive week working on optimising the Dynarec Engine. It's been a few months since I worked on improving the code generation (as opposed to simply fixing bugs), so it's taken me a while to get back up to speed.

At the end of each fragment, I perform a little housekeeping to check whether it's necessary to exit from the dynarec system to handle various events. For instance, if a vertical blank is due this can result in me calling out to the graphics code to flip the current display buffers. The check simply involves updating the N64's COUNT register, and checking to see whether there are any time-dependent interrupts to process (namely vertical blank or COMPARE interrupts.)

I had an idea on the train into work on Monday I realised that there were a couple of ways in which I could make this more efficient. Firstly, the mechanism I was using to keep track of pending events was relatively complex, involving maintaining doublely-linked lists of events. I realised that if I simplified this code it would make it much easier for the dynarec engine to update and check this structure directly rather than calling out to C code.

The other idea I had on the train was to split up the function I was calling to do this testing into two different versions. There are two ways that the dynarec engine can be exited - either through a normal instruction, or a branch delay instruction (i.e. an instruction immediately following a branch.) My handler function catered for both of these cases by taking a flag as an argument. I realised that by providing a separate version of this function for each type I could remove the need to pass this flag as an argument, which saved a couple of instructions from the epilogue of each fragment.

These two small changes only took a couple of hours to implement, but yielded a 3-5% speedup on the various roms I tested. They also slightly reduced the amount of memory needed for the dynarec system, improving cache usage along the way.

The next significant optimisation I made this week was to improve the way I was handling the code generation for load/stores. Here's what the generated code for 'lw $t0, 0x24($t1)' looks like in Daedalus R12 (assume t1 is cached in s1, and t0 is cached in s0 on the PSP):

ADDIU a0 = s1 + 0x0024 # add offset to base register
SLT t0 = (a0<s6) # compare to upper limit
ADDU a1 = a0 + s7 # add offset to emulated ram
BNEL t0 != r0 --> cont # valid address?
LW s0 <- 0x0000(a1) # load data
J _HandleLoadStore_XYZ123 # handle vmem, illegal access etc
# s0 now holds the loaded value,
# or we've exited from dynarec with an exception

There are a couple of things to note here. Firstly, I use s6 and s7 on the PSP to hold two constants throughout execution. s6 is either 0x80400000 or 0x80800000 depending on whether the N64 being emulated has the Expansion Pak installed. s7 is set to be (emulated_ram_base - 0x80000000). Keeping these values in registers prevents me from using them for caching N64 registers, but the cost is far outweighed by the more streamlined code. As it happens, I also use s8 to hold the base pointer for most of the N64 CPU state (registers, pc, branch delay flag etc) for the same reason.

So the code first adds on the required offset. It then checks that the resulting address is in the range 0x80000000..0x80400000, and sets t0 to 1 if this is the case, or clears it otherwise*. It then adds on the offset (emulated_ram_base - 0x80000000) which gives it the translated address on the psp in a1. The use of BNEL 'Branch Not Equal Likely' is carefully chosen - the 'Likely' bit means that the following instruction is only executed if the branch is taken. If I had used a plain 'BNE', the emulator could often crash dereferencing memory with the following LW 'Load Word'.

Assuming the address is out of range, the branch and load are skipped, and control is passed to a specially constructed handler function. I've called it _HandleLoadStore_XYZ123 for the benefit of discussion, but the name isn't actually generated, it's just meant to indicate that it's unique for this memory access. The handler function is too complex to describe here, but it's sufficient to say that it returns control to the label 'cont' if the memory access was performed ok (e.g. it might have been a virtual address), else it bails out of the dynarec engine and triggers an exception.

When I originally wrote the above code I didn't think it was possible to improve it any further. I didn't like the J/NOP pair, but I saw them as a necessary evil. All 'off trace' code is generated in a second dynarec buffer which is about 3MiB from the primary buffer - too far for a branch which has a maximum range of +/-128KiB. I used the BNEL to skip past the Jump 'J' instruction which can transfer control anywhere in memory.

What I realised over the weekend was that I could place a 'trampoline' with a jump to the handler function immediately following the code for the fragment. Fragments tend to be relatively short - short enough to be within the range of a branch instruction. With this in mind, I rewrote the code generation for load and store instructions to remove the J/NOP pair from the main flow of the trace:

ADDIU a0 = s1 + 0x0024 # add offset to base register
SLT t0 = (a0<s6) # compare to upper limit
BEQ t0 != r0 --> _Trampoline_XYZ123 # branch to trampoline if invalid
ADDU a1 = a0 + s7 # add offset to emulated ram
LW s0 <- 0x0000(a1) # load data
# s0 now holds the loaded value,
# or we've exited from dynarec with an exception
# rest of fragment code follows
# ...

# handler returns control to 'cont'
J _HandleLoadStore_XYZ123

The end result is that this removes two instructions from the main path through the fragment. Although in the common case five instructions are executed in both snippets of code, the second example is much more instruction cache friendly as the 'cold' J/NOP instructions are moved to the end of the fragment. I've heard that there is a performance penalty for branch-likely instructions on modern MIPS implementations, so it's nice to get rid of the BNEL too.

As with the first optimisation, this change yielded a further 3-5% speedup.

The final optimisation I've made this weekend is to improve the way I deal with fragments that loop back to themselves as they exit. Here's a simple example:

8018e014 LB t8 <- 0x0000(a1)
8018e018 LB t9 <- 0x0000(a0)
8018e01c ADDIU a0 = a0 + 0x0001
8018e020 XOR a2 = t8 ^ t9
8018e024 SLTU a2 = (r0<a2)
8018e028 BEQ a2 == r0 --> 0x8018e038
8018e02c ADDIU a1 = a1 + 0x0001
8018e038 LB t0 <- 0x0000(a0)
8018e03c NOP
8018e040 BEQ t0 == r0 --> 0x8018e058
8018e044 NOP
8018e048 LB t1 <- 0x0000(a1)
8018e04c NOP
8018e050 BNE t1 != r0 --> 0x8018e014
8018e054 NOP

I'm not sure exactly what this code is doing - it looks like a loop implementing something like strcmp() - but it's one of the most executed fragments of code in the front end of Mario 64.

The key thing to notice about this fragment is that the last branch target loops back to the first instruction. In R12, I don't perform any specific optimisation for this scenario, so I flush any dirty registers that have been cached as I exit, and immediately reload them when I re-enter the fragment. Simplified pseudo-assembly for R12 looks something like this:

load n64 registers into cached regs

perform various calculations on cached regs

if some-condition
flush dirty cached regs back to n64 regs
goto enter_8018e038

perform various calculations on cached regs

flush dirty cached regs back to n64 regs

if ok-to-continue
goto enter_8018e014


The key thing to notice is that we load and flush the cached registers on every iteration through the loop. Ideally we'd just load them once, loop as much as possible, and then flush them back to memory before exiting. I've spent the day re-working the way the dynamic recompiler handles situations such as this. This is what the current code looks like:

load n64 registers into cached regs
mark modified regs as dirty

perform various calculations on cached regs

if some-condition
flush dirty cached regs back to n64 regs
goto enter_8018e038

perform various calculations on cached regs

if ok-to-continue
goto loop

flush dirty cached regs back to n64 regs


In this version, the registers are loaded and stored outside of the inner loop. They may still be flushed during the loop, but only if we branch to another trace. Before we enter the inner loop, we need to mark all the cached registers as being dirty, so that they're correctly flushed whenever we finally exit the loop.

This new method is much more efficient when it comes to handling tight-inner loops such as the assembly shown above. I still have some work to do in improving my register allocation, but the changes I've made today yield a 5-6% speedup. Combined with the other two optimisations I've described, I'm currently seeing an overall 10-15% speedup over R12.

I'm quite excited about the progress I've made so far with R13. I still have lots of ideas for other optimisations I want to implement for R13 which I'll talk about over the coming days. I don't have any release date in mind for R13 at the moment, so there's no point in asking me yet :)


*The SLT instruction is essentially doing 'bool inrange = address >= 0x80000000 && address < (0x80000000+ramsize)'. I think the fact that this can be expressed in a single instruction is both beautiful and extremely fortunate :)

August 13th, 2007, 02:32
NICE another 15%!

August 13th, 2007, 02:46
He's amazing

how does one understand all of this? its so cool! :D

August 13th, 2007, 02:48
Most of that was way over my head.

Anyways, sounds like R13 is going to be pretty sweet. I can't wait.

August 13th, 2007, 02:51
That's really amazing that after coding so brilliantly, he still takes the time to write lengthy blog updates to go into detail on what he has been working on.

R13 sounds like it could be the most exciting release yet. Well, they are all exciting. But with a 10-15% speedup, and more ideas and optimizations under way, I am pretty excited.

Thank you StrmnNrmn!

August 13th, 2007, 02:52
Well that was completely over my head... but when StrmnNrmn talks, the homebrew scene listens. Can't wait for the next release. Keep up the great work!

Safari Al
August 13th, 2007, 02:55
Strmnnrm sounds like the next Albert Einstien the way he talks. Nobody understands a thing but they listen. I wonder what game he is working on making compatible?

August 13th, 2007, 02:58
he must know alot about MIPS.

August 13th, 2007, 03:14
This is fantastic news! Any kind of speed up is beautiful. I can't wait for this to come out. The best part is that he stated he had more optimizations in mind, which means more speed! This release will be exciting!:D

August 13th, 2007, 03:29
Can you imagine how Goldeneye must be going now! Hopefully it will be playable.

August 13th, 2007, 03:35
veskgar u literally took those words rite out of my mouth :p

dam he doesnt talk about the media engine but daaaammn... 10-15% is a lot for a week of work :D

IM back!
August 13th, 2007, 04:05
and the ME?????????

August 13th, 2007, 04:13
most likely ;) wally told me that he thinks the Media Engine itself would give a 50% speed tops :D

August 13th, 2007, 04:14
cool what about the media engine and the wrestling games

August 13th, 2007, 04:21
15% speed boost! and dynaric improvments! i cant wait!!

August 13th, 2007, 04:24
most likely ;) wally told me that he thinks the Media Engine itself would give a 50% speed tops :D

the media engjne is not going to give daedalus that much of a speedup, from what ive seen and heard itll be luck to get an extra 20%, but 50 would be nice

August 13th, 2007, 04:26
keep up the good work!!! i think that we will lose these speedups when sound is implemented though and what the hell is a media engine

August 13th, 2007, 04:26
im still so hapy about these improvements though :D

edit: i dont think he takes donations :p

August 13th, 2007, 04:55
yeah im happy with the results too :)

the media engine is the psp's second processor, but is often not used in homebrew because its very difficult to administer, due to having to re-write alot of code (and this would be even more complex with daedalus.)

August 13th, 2007, 05:07
I still have lots of ideas for other optimisations I want to implement for R13 which I'll talk about over the coming days.

lots? me likey. i wonder what more he has to offer :)

There are a number of different areas I can investigate to help improve performance. The two main possibilities I want to investigate are working on further dynarec improvements, and looking at making use the Media Engine. To start with I'm going to explore both of these areas and try and figure out which would give the biggest 'bang for buck' for R13.

hmmm.. interesting :p

August 13th, 2007, 06:12
I wonder, does he really know what he is saying or does he make it up as he goes along.

I mean what is a Trampoline, seriously.

:thumbup: LOL!!! :rofl:

August 13th, 2007, 06:13
Good news indeed. I imagine that Mario Kart will be playing pretty well when this is released. :)

CoderX - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trampoline_(computers)

August 13th, 2007, 07:00
Excellent (if i could understand it)
Can't wait for R13
Maybe soon a 1.00 or something else to say the best release yet

August 13th, 2007, 08:07
the media engjne is not going to give daedalus that much of a speedup, from what ive seen and heard itll be luck to get an extra 20%, but 50 would be nice

it depends on who's coding it, if ya have a avarage programmer 20% tops but when you have a great programmer they,ll squeeze a bit more out, and we all know we don't have a average programmer, or a great, we have the best, 15% in one week, i smell good things:thumbup:

August 13th, 2007, 09:43
15% speedup and possibly more to come in R13!

StrmnNrmn never fails to amaze me with his updates, finding more new ways to optimize things and increase our level of N64 gaming satisfaction.


Great news.

August 13th, 2007, 09:56
Well if hes got 10-15% now, I bet he will have like 20-30% when he releases it. Usually he comes out with 10-15% speedups per release but it seems hes holding out for more this time around.

August 13th, 2007, 10:11
i just hope that theres a few games (like 1or2) that are totalaly playable with sound

August 13th, 2007, 10:12
well, 10-15 % is really fantastic i could not say anything else about that.

hope he will get like 20-30 % so we can play mario kart and mario 64 almost full speed (with frameskips of course).

hopefully the Zelda games will be much more playable now :D

Good Luck Strmn with your work. the whole psp homebrew scene is willing to help you if you need any help ;)

August 13th, 2007, 10:49
so we can play mario kart and mario 64 almost full speed (with frameskips of course).
Hmm, I'd say, with a frameskip of one (which is impossible to notice while playing) Mario Kart and Mario 64 are very much playable...I've completed both of them on my psp.

August 13th, 2007, 10:58
Hmm, I'd say, with a frameskip of one (which is impossible to notice while playing) Mario Kart and Mario 64 are very much playable...I've completed both of them on my psp.

lol u beast, i could not pick up mario 64 again, im sick of it

August 13th, 2007, 11:02
well, i have to wait until we get much more speed until i will play through any N64 game on the psp.. in this state i would say its more for testing the games out. but it will hopefully come a day when there is so much speed in this emu that we can all play through the games :D

August 13th, 2007, 15:05
good news :thumbup:

Sonicboy 101
August 13th, 2007, 15:06
15%? Man I can't wait for the release!

August 13th, 2007, 15:18
whoa i love this man and his work, i cant possibly wait for r13 to be released any sooner :)

August 13th, 2007, 16:13
Can you imagine how Goldeneye must be going now! Hopefully it will be playable.

No,but I imagine how Smash. Bros. will be.. :rolleyes:

Great news! I want the released date now!

August 13th, 2007, 17:28
Well if hes got 10-15% now, I bet he will have like 20-30% when he releases it. Usually he comes out with 10-15% speedups per release but it seems hes holding out for more this time around.

that would simply amaze me ;) im sure he will manage to get 20-25% speed up at the least for this release (not including the media engine if he decides to throw that in as well)

Hmm, I'd say, with a frameskip of one (which is impossible to notice while playing) Mario Kart and Mario 64 are very much playable...I've completed both of them on my psp.

me too. i completed those games as well as super smash bros :p o and zelda ocarina of time too :D

No,but I imagine how Smash. Bros. will be.. :rolleyes:

Great news! I want the released date now!

dam son i would be drooling my mouth off if i saw super smash bros running at full speed..

August 13th, 2007, 18:04
Two of the optimizations he "thought of on the train" he got directly from e-mails from me :/

August 13th, 2007, 19:23
well, that is too bad he didnt mention you Exo, but i think its great that the emu becomes better so it doesnt matter where the ideas come from

Edit: so what i mean is that if there is anyway ppl can help strmn out we should all help him! he is doing a great job on this emu, hopefully he will thank you. and hopefully you will help him out with some more ideas! :)

August 13th, 2007, 19:51
Two of the optimizations he "thought of on the train" he got directly from e-mails from me :/

That sucks Exo, but he usually gives his thanks and regards after he actually releases a new version of his emulator, at least that's what it seems like to me. You'll probably be credited, so don't worry about it.

August 13th, 2007, 20:17
That sucks Exo, but he usually gives his thanks and regards after he actually releases a new version of his emulator, at least that's what it seems like to me. You'll probably be credited, so don't worry about it.

No, I think he forgot that I told him, he said that he thought of the ideas recently ;P

August 13th, 2007, 21:06
kinda understand what he said -.-
just amazing

August 13th, 2007, 22:02
cant wait for that

August 14th, 2007, 00:03
i suck at math now so can anyone tell me how to deal with percentages? to see how much 10-15% = in framerate

August 14th, 2007, 00:51
i suck at math now so can anyone tell me how to deal with percentages? to see how much 10-15% = in framerate

Say the game currently runs 20fps constant, the 10-15% would give a 2-3fps increase.

August 14th, 2007, 00:53
i suck at math now so can anyone tell me how to deal with percentages? to see how much 10-15% = in framerate

Hehe, you take the average framerate of a current game, let's take 20 as an example. You divide 20 by 100, which equals 0.2, then multiply that with the increased percentage. 0.2 * 10 = 2. So 2 frames per second increased speed if it's 10% (given that's how StrmnNrmn thinks, I'm not sure).

Don't shoot me if I'm wrong or have made any mistakes. I'm tired and it's holiday. :p

Update: dj2005 posted before me, but we used the exact same example and got the exact same conclusion, so I guess that's right. :)

August 14th, 2007, 01:19
lol thanx for gettin that out of my way guys :)

August 14th, 2007, 12:44
Can't wait for the day when I can play "Sin and Punishment - Tsumi To Batsu" on my PSP at full speed.

August 15th, 2007, 01:28
i cant wait to play anything at full speed :p one day it will happen :o

Johnny Rash
August 15th, 2007, 21:08
I understood nothing from the blog. But I hope this is what we all expect it to be.

August 15th, 2007, 22:06
well there is really nothing to hype here. i mean we all know that we will have at least 10-15 % speed up and that means like 2-3 fps more than R12. nothing less, nothing more.. or am i wrong?

August 29th, 2007, 23:16
there is a way to play mario 64 on R12 about maybe 3 frames below full speed, before you start the game turn software clipping off, then when you start to walk around, pause, then turn it back on. this will give it a speed increase of about 20%

August 30th, 2007, 12:19
cool, i will try it later =)

September 7th, 2007, 22:57
god its been a long time since he updated his blog. does anyone know whats going on?

September 7th, 2007, 22:59
god its been a long time since he updated his blog. does anyone know whats going on?

He does have a life as well as coding so mabe he hasn't got the time to be contually doing the work on the emulator.

September 10th, 2007, 05:43
i bet hes implementing ME (media engine) right now so we all have perfect sound :D

September 10th, 2007, 05:45
He does have a life as well as coding so mabe he hasn't got the time to be contually doing the work on the emulator.

do you play gears of war? ill play you. and pwn the crap out of you :p

September 14th, 2007, 21:07
where is the donwload link lol

September 14th, 2007, 21:35
where is the donwload link lol

He's still working on it, as stated in this blog if you've actually read it.

September 14th, 2007, 21:47
oh lol i thouhgt it came out already im too late lol i was not on forever so idk ..lol

September 14th, 2007, 21:53
This is brilliant! I haven't owned a PSP for ages, so haven't been keeping up to date with the hacking scene, bvut being able to play Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 on a PSP means I've got to get hold off one as soon as I can afford it.

September 15th, 2007, 00:01
This is brilliant! I haven't owned a PSP for ages, so haven't been keeping up to date with the hacking scene, bvut being able to play Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 on a PSP means I've got to get hold off one as soon as I can afford it.

Bare in mind its not full speed, and its something you will mess around for 10mins and wont touch again untill a new version comes out, or just to tinker with it.

September 15th, 2007, 01:30
I wanna see pokemons snap and stadium working properly as well as mario kart!!
When is R13 coming out?!?

September 15th, 2007, 01:37
Where is StrmnNrmn!?!? Tomorrow will be the month anniversary of his last blog post, I can't believe he has left us on such a cliff hanger but I guess we can all just wait.

September 15th, 2007, 02:57
I wanna see pokemons snap and stadium working properly as well as mario kart!!
When is R13 coming out?!?

why in sam hell would anyone want pkm snap? you ride in a kart looking at pokemon.....stadium would be nice but you would lose out on all the gbc pokemion game features so i think it would be pointless, as for mario kart its almost perfection with a few graphical errors.

September 15th, 2007, 03:26
Bare in mind its not full speed, and its something you will mess around for 10mins and wont touch again untill a new version comes out, or just to tinker with it.

I agree, but they (Mario 64 and Mario Kart) will most likely be full speed in R13, and it will especially be amazing if StrmnNrmn manages to implement the Media Engine so they're full speed with sound. :)

October 7th, 2007, 09:08
daedalus R13 should be released today

I'm currently planning to get everything ready for release on either the weekend of the 29th Sept, or possibly the first weekend in October.

October 7th, 2007, 09:14
Yeah hopefully, it's 410am here so yeah I'm going to bed. I can't wait till the Sunday Night Football game tonight, hope the Packers will be 5-0 after tomorrow. Anyway yeah hopefully we will have R13 tomorrow, that would be so great, the scene needs an updated emulator to bring some life back into it.

October 7th, 2007, 11:25
its way tooooo quiet about this now.. im actually kind of worried that it wont be released :/

October 7th, 2007, 16:41
Strmn usually updates his blog when he's getting ready to release a new version, so don't expect it to be released today.

October 7th, 2007, 17:58
No if anything he always has an update and then randomly comes out with the new release, so I expect R13 to be here today.

October 7th, 2007, 18:55
StrmnNrmn has yet to postpone his release date. It will be today. I'm hoping with the savestates and speed ups I can finally beat Zelda Oot. (Yes I never beat it on n64 I wuz to young and got confused:rolleyes: )

Its too bad there wasn't like a live chatroom on his blog for when it was near releases..id be on that =)

October 7th, 2007, 21:26
yeah, i would be on that chatroom too :D

October 8th, 2007, 01:47
Where is strm? I know his sites been getting alot of hits today lol. hope he releases today like he said he would. Kinda got a feeling though that he isn't. Hopefully he puts something on his blog today to say he has postponed it or something. Anything will be better then nothing

October 8th, 2007, 02:27
He'll post something and it will most likely be an update...the only reason he wouldn't post anything would be if his internet went down again.

October 8th, 2007, 04:14
if i undersotted his older blog right, he had moved to another place and it took forever to get internet setup. Now that its set we should be good on that. Maybe we will get one of this 11:59 releases like he did on r10/11 (can;t remember)

October 8th, 2007, 04:49
maybe...and Idk What timezone he is in...so yah I think I remember that release I was up all night waiting for it then testing it :D

October 8th, 2007, 05:18
Well it's 12:17am here and the Packers lost so I highly doubt R13 will come tonight but it would make the night alot better for me.

October 8th, 2007, 05:25
I bet he releases it last second in his timezone so that he gets the most possible blog views =/

October 8th, 2007, 05:43
It's not coming out tonight. I guess I was wrong, but hopefully any day now would be great.

October 8th, 2007, 05:59
that sux ;( hopefully tomorrow then or at least an update tomorrow

October 8th, 2007, 07:11
Well gonna look for wext weekend for release possibly. He'l eventually get it out. Prob gonna just pop out with the blog rat some really weird time.

October 8th, 2007, 10:38
i dont think he should say things like that he will release it if he dont.

October 8th, 2007, 13:15
I tried warning you people that he wasn't going to release it, but did any of you listen? Of course not. He said he would try to get it released by now THREE WEEKS AGO, he hasn't even updated his blog since then except to say something about the PSP slim, obviously he hasn't had much time to put the finishing touches on R13 or else he would have updated his blog and said so. You ungrateful schmucks need to stop acting like he owes the release to you and realize that he can't see into the future and know exactly how much time he's going to have to work on the emulator, so when he doesn't meet his target release date you don't go around crying like a bunch of idiots about how he lied to you and betrayed your trust and whatever [/rant]

October 8th, 2007, 14:17
well, i dont agree with you. think its so bad that he didnt release it yesterday!

all ppl have the right to have their own opinion. mine is that he shouldnt announce release dates if they are not correct

October 8th, 2007, 22:27
Well, he's not a machine. He has a personal life. I appreciate the fact that he, and many other great dedicated coders, take the time out of their lives to give us incredible homebrew capabilities. So he got the release date wrong, it's no big deal. It's not like he's on a deadline or anything.

October 9th, 2007, 01:07
I tried warning you people that he wasn't going to release it, but did any of you listen? Of course not. He said he would try to get it released by now THREE WEEKS AGO, he hasn't even updated his blog since then except to say something about the PSP slim, obviously he hasn't had much time to put the finishing touches on R13 or else he would have updated his blog and said so. You ungrateful schmucks need to stop acting like he owes the release to you and realize that he can't see into the future and know exactly how much time he's going to have to work on the emulator, so when he doesn't meet his target release date you don't go around crying like a bunch of idiots about how he lied to you and betrayed your trust and whatever [/rant]

when someone announces a release date for something people expect it to come out on that date, therefore some people will start whining about it all the time, we know he will release it, we just don't know when. As for ungratefulness, developers need to know that will happen when something is not perfect

October 9th, 2007, 04:13
People Shouldn't demand it and at least in the past it was released at the very end of the time line he gave us...

the reasons he didn't release it are
1.his internet isn't working
2.he didn't have time to finish the ui/savestate
3.he found a new glitch
4.he couldn't upload it
5.he couldn't log in

hopefully we will get an update as to why and when it will be released but as long as he hasn't given up on it im happy:thumbup:

October 9th, 2007, 05:12
well to me i would rather him take his time and do it right instead of rushing it to please everyone.

October 10th, 2007, 00:28
well to me i would rather him take his time and do it right instead of rushing it to please everyone.

I agree but he should give us a heads up that it isn't finished yet...

October 11th, 2007, 20:32
i wouldnt be suprised if he just stops on r12.ur lucky hes even botherin.an ye hes got a social life.an lookin at coding would be borrying.dont critism him.anyway unless u pay donations then he has every right to delay it even if its for a year

October 12th, 2007, 00:57
i wouldnt be suprised if he just stops on r12.ur lucky hes even botherin.an ye hes got a social life.an lookin at coding would be borrying.dont critism him.anyway unless u pay donations then he has every right to delay it even if its for a year

Why would he stop when r13 is done or almost finished?...and besides he's come this far, why would he stop?? if u tested r7 against r12 u would agree;)

B-Z 52
October 12th, 2007, 02:05
He had already took a break for a while any ways but when it comes down to it its all on him to stop ive seen his emu from the begining if you look at r1 and r12 you will see the improvements he had made thats what I call determination

October 12th, 2007, 02:25
Just to improve speed & texture is costly and time consuming I give u much props. Can't wait for R13.

October 12th, 2007, 04:04
It duz make me sad though cuz if this was a group effort it would more than likely be full speed by now...But what you gonna do..so yah I'm just a little pissed off cuz since it was supposed to be on Sunday and im having a friend over who I haven't seen in years and he was gonna help me beat Zelda OoT...but wut ya gonna do :o

October 12th, 2007, 05:36
I just hope it comes out this weekend

October 12th, 2007, 08:10
Call it a hunch but I have a feeling R13 will be released around 4pm EST on Friday, let's hope. What have you heard Wally?

October 12th, 2007, 14:47
Wally is in China for another two weeks, I think. :)
But that sounds like a cool and reasonable feeling, CaptainMorgan4. Releases have "always" been in weekends, in the evening/night GMT+1.

October 12th, 2007, 15:31
I hope it does that would make my day complete :thumbup:

October 12th, 2007, 17:43
It duz make me sad though cuz if this was a group effort it would more than likely be full speed by now...But what you gonna do

idk, i don't think it would have made much difference. Strmnrmn knows what he is doing its just takes him a while because he has little time to work on it. :cool:

October 13th, 2007, 00:15
Yeah my point exactly if it was a group project more time would be put into it and releases would be on time and stuff..o well

October 13th, 2007, 00:39
I know you guys are mad because he didn't release it yet but people still be happy that he's coding it. Think about it out of all the people in the WORLD that have PSP's only one person has choosen to code an N64 emulator and has achieved success. So please be fortunate he's helping us but yeah I'm sure we'll have it this weekend. Guess my hunch was off but I'm sure it'll be here this weekend.

B-Z 52
October 13th, 2007, 03:28
In his blog it said it probally would'nt even come out last week end you have to just keep on waiting just like r12

October 13th, 2007, 07:14
Yah I know...I just want it so bad:D ...but hey ur right he does deserve major cred ... but PSmonkey was another...although it was never as good as strmnnrmn's n64 emu so yah...and R12 was released within the time line he gave us...so yeah

I hope that if he doesn't have internet access that at least he is working on making optimizations on daedalus so that when he comes back he will have an extra 5% speed up on top of the current 10-15% speed up that would make up for his absence...but just hopeful thinking

October 13th, 2007, 07:28
I'm just hoping for an update of some kind. A release would be great, but an update would be good enough for me.

October 13th, 2007, 07:35
I know about PSMonkey but that's why I said "successful" in the post, don't get me wrong I wish he was still coding it so we could have 2 emulators to work with, it's healthy competetion. But that won't happen so we have to wait for R12, and by the way when it's released it's going to have a 25-35% speed increase not 10-15%.

October 13th, 2007, 16:48
Its gonna be 25-35%?:eek: how do u know?? U and Strmn email each other or something?? That's great news! Thx Capn!:D

October 13th, 2007, 18:25
Thats great news captain. Its good to know you have the inside knowledge regarding this emulator. :)

...or are just making wild guesses on what you hope will be achieved??

October 13th, 2007, 18:54
Well guys if you remember right before the Dynarec Hack he found he had made some regular dynarec improvements and got to see a 10-15% speedup right there. Then with the Dynarec Hack enabled we should see at least a 10% speedup according to StrmnNrmn. So that right there is a 20-25% speedup compared to R-12. I believe with these "further" improvements he's made before he releases R13 will make a 5-10% speedup so yeah R13 will have a 25%-35% speed increase and yeah alot of you will be amazed. R13 is really going to be the best Daedalus release ever, it will be alot faster and alot better with savestate and whatever StrmnNrmn implements before the release. So yeah you can say I said it first or whatever but when this thing drops it will be ALOT better than R-12, can anyone say compatability soon?

October 13th, 2007, 19:02
Hopefully then mariokart and Starfox will go from 20fps to 26fps(87%) which will for sure be playable :D

and Zelda OoT will go from 11fps to 14fps and with save states it should be beatable :D

It would also be a Huge surprise if he added ME support...Wouldn't see that coming :)

October 13th, 2007, 19:33
Hopefully then mariokart and Starfox will go from 20fps to 26fps(87%) which will for sure be playable :D

and Zelda OoT will go from 11fps to 14fps and with save states it should be beatable :D

It would also be a Huge surprise if he added ME support...Wouldn't see that coming :)

i already beat OoT :p

and the ME being supported would give at least a 20 % from what ive heard. so it would be great if he throws in the ME for R13 :thumbup:

October 13th, 2007, 19:44
Now i don't see ME being implemented for R13, not enough time for that unless he plans on releasing R13 next week or something. Anyway yeah Xg can you please calculate what a 25-35% speed increase means in FPS? Éainly because I think it would be a a greater number of FPS than what you have said StrongBadUnit2.

October 13th, 2007, 19:55
naw man if mariokart runs at 20fps then (20 X 1.25 or 1.35 = new fps)...this was discussed on page 5 of this topic ;)

Sonicboy 101
October 13th, 2007, 20:48
So when is R13 coming out?

October 13th, 2007, 20:50
it was supposed to come out the first week of october but idk wat happened to strmnnrmn

October 13th, 2007, 21:13
Strongbadunit2 I looked at page 5 and I see what you guys are talking about but what evidence do you have that Mario Kart 64 runs at 20FPS fullspeed. It runs at 30FPS fullspeed, if you don't believe me try playing in time trial and have show FPS on. Could you please recalculate and see what kind of improvement in FPS this is because it's 30 not 20.

October 13th, 2007, 21:44
thats only in time trials.

i would love to have full speed in the actual races though :)

October 13th, 2007, 22:22
What are you talking about, the FPS is the same in Time Trial, in the opening menus, and cup races. A game is either 60 or 30, this game is a 30, what are you guys talking about?

October 13th, 2007, 22:40
lol o...the speed up is based on the current fps that the game is running so if its running at 10fps with a 10% speed up it will make it run at 11fps...mariokarts max is 30 so once it reaches 30 it will be full speed..

We were confused because u thought we were talking about the maximum fps and I was talking about the current running fps...

So yah when he says increase of 25-35% he doesn't mean fps of maximum since it is in a percent he means fps of current running fps so if he says 100% increase it will mean it will double the fps...=)

October 14th, 2007, 00:21
Oh word I got you, I was going to say what are you guys talking about 20FPS. I was confused but yeah you got me straightened out now, hope R13 is here tonight or by NFL Sunday tomorrow. I'm out for now, going to go watch the race, go Jeff Gordon and Go Packers tomorrow!

October 14th, 2007, 01:47
hopefully...this weekend would be great but for some reason I don't feel like it will be released this weekend...idk y

I just tested R7 and R12 right next to each other on my two psps and the speed increase makes R7 seem like its frozen! Its over double as fast on most games!:eek:

October 14th, 2007, 18:25
I bet he is playing Halo 3 that's why he hasn released it yet.

October 14th, 2007, 19:32
Wouldn't doubt it.

October 15th, 2007, 05:10
Wow I'm very surprised it didn't get released this weekend, I'm anxious to see if he does a mid-week release since he's clearly overshot his estimate. The only thing I could think of is that he has something up his sleve and has taken him some time to implement so maybe that could be the delay and lack of update period. I hope we get a mid-week release despite what history has shown us.

October 15th, 2007, 10:42
Wow I'm very surprised it didn't get released this weekend, I'm anxious to see if he does a mid-week release since he's clearly overshot his estimate. The only thing I could think of is that he has something up his sleve and has taken him some time to implement so maybe that could be the delay and lack of update period. I hope we get a mid-week release despite what history has shown us.

Enough of the release date predictions and speculations already! :rofl:

It will be done when its done and unless your Mystic Meg or Strmnnrmn there’s no point trying to figure it out. Just wait and be patient. lol

October 15th, 2007, 15:08
Plz plz plz be Media Engine omg that would be awesome :D

The King
October 15th, 2007, 15:23
dam i want this to come out so i can get to play smash brows already come on

October 15th, 2007, 15:46
dam i want this to come out so i can get to play smash brows already come on

super smash bros already is playable w/o sound on r12. so if you really want to play it you can

October 16th, 2007, 00:12
any update just to prove he's not dead would help me sleep better

October 16th, 2007, 01:27
Yeah I hope nothing bad happened to him..
Hopefully he's just too busy or his internet isn't working...
Now you got me worrying:(

October 16th, 2007, 01:32

By those events, I assume he's just busy.

October 16th, 2007, 03:05
I'm not sure how much I believe that rumor, Mario 64 framerate in R12 would drop below 20 a lot of the time during levels, sometimes as low as 15. So if it was constantly running at full speed in R13 it would require a 100% speedup, or even if it was just full speed "most" of the time it would still need a speedup of 50-60 % at least. That isn't in line with what Strmn wrote on his blog (I believe he said 25-35% speedup in most titles).

October 16th, 2007, 03:12
I'm not sure how much I believe that rumor, Mario 64 framerate in R12 would drop below 20 a lot of the time during levels, sometimes as low as 15. So if it was constantly running at full speed in R13 it would require a 100% speedup, or even if it was just full speed "most" of the time it would still need a speedup of 50-60 % at least. That isn't in line with what Strmn wrote on his blog (I believe he said 25-35% speedup in most titles).

for me without sound it was a near constant 25fps (as far as i remember) so that would be accurate.

Btw, he did fix other things too so perhaps that helped in stopping the framerate go up and down so much idk.

October 16th, 2007, 04:46
Maybe inside/outside the castle the framerate was around 25-30, but when you enter a level the framerate takes a pretty big hit.

October 16th, 2007, 16:30
i would love to play F zero at R13! it would be so cool.

hope strmn has done a lot of improvements during the time we are waiting!

October 16th, 2007, 20:17
Man this suspense is killing me! I hope Strummnn has some great surprizes when it's released.

October 16th, 2007, 22:21
If it was leaked, wouldn't it have shown up by now? Like an unofficial build? In any case, I'll just wait for the real thing, and I hope it comes out soon. My biggest hope is that he has worked on it further, causing the delay in the release date.

October 16th, 2007, 22:59
Yeah I don't buy that leaked rumor for a second, if there was a leaked version there would be a bunch of sites that would already have R13 and StrmnNrmn would have probably had something to say about it. It's just stupid people trying to get attention off of someone elses' work. We just have to wait for StrmnNrmn and hopefully he'll have the vastly improved R13 for all of us to drool over. Just be patient people and always remember sometimes waiting for something great is better than the actual moment of it getting there so enjoy waiting!

October 16th, 2007, 23:06
Yeah I don't buy that leaked rumor for a second, if there was a leaked version there would be a bunch of sites that would already have R13 and StrmnNrmn would have probably had something to say about it. It's just stupid people trying to get attention off of someone elses' work. We just have to wait for StrmnNrmn and hopefully he'll have the vastly improved R13 for all of us to drool over. Just be patient people and always remember sometimes waiting for something great is better than the actual moment of it getting there so enjoy waiting!

My point exactly. The leaked version would have been everywhere. I really don't mind waiting either.

October 17th, 2007, 02:03
I really don't think it was leaked or else it would most surely be available for download...and how does the blog owner know it was leaked:confused:

I'm telling you he talked about implementing the ME before here>http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/2007/07/recharged.html

just ctrl+f "Media Engine"

So yeah hopefully either Media Engine or Thumbnails for the savestates ... or additional speed ups:thumbup:

October 17th, 2007, 02:05

By those events, I assume he's just busy.

A close contact of mine has got a hold of the Daedalus R13 n64 emulator for the PSP. StrmnNrmn is an extremely talented programmer and while I am unsure of who leaked this revision, it most surely is someone who has access to the SVN.

Everyone has annonymous checkout access to the SVN on sourceforge if they know how. I've got the latest build from the SVN myself.

Not actually tried it yet though, so can't confirm or deny the reports.

A shame to the person who leaked it though!

... Like compiling a source is hard... or a" leak" strictly speaking.


October 17th, 2007, 02:09
Ok then care to share with us when the last upload was made...it would make me feel a lot better if it was uploaded frequently which would mean that StrmnNrmn isn't dead...

So when was his last upload to SVN made?:confused:

October 17th, 2007, 02:27
Ok then care to share with us when the last upload was made...it would make me feel a lot better if it was uploaded frequently which would mean that StrmnNrmn isn't dead...

So when was his last upload to SVN made?:confused:

24th September.


October 17th, 2007, 02:32
I was hoping something around like October 5th or newer... well that doesn't prove crap then...o well:rolleyes: hopefully it will only be a couple more weeks til the release or else i might go crazy:eek:

October 17th, 2007, 08:37
Cloudhunter, I think you dont understand what was leaked. It wasn't a compiled source from the anonymous SVN. There is, from what I am aware of, a private SVN as well.

The build that was leaked was of Daedalus R13 and ran as I explained. The sources on the anonymous SVN do not compare to these results. Such as running Crash.

It's floating around somewhere and somehow. I am unaware of how it got out and how many have it.

I would have prefered you ask me first, before answering a question pretty much directed at me. I understand you were trying to help though. :)

EDIT: Reread what you said. Come on now! Of course I know that the anonymous SVN can be compiled/modified/etc. I am a part of malloc.us! Although Exophase had much better domain name suggestions. ;)
Thats the point. And you said anonymous SVN. The whole point of my, admittedly, vague post was that it was not from anything available to the public. :)

EDIT 2: Uhhh does Yaustar know about malloc.us?

October 17th, 2007, 09:14
Hey, as long as I'm able to play DooM, SouthPark, F-Zero-X, Turok, Turok II (I doubt coz of memory limitations).. And.. Zelda (of corse!) I'll die a happy man!

October 17th, 2007, 17:15
well zodttd, i really dont think it is "floating" around somewhere. so please stop hyping these romours made up by you!

darkness angel 777
October 17th, 2007, 17:26
very impressive I couldn't understand a word but a
15% speed up is very impressive.

darkness angel 777
October 17th, 2007, 17:44
I wish he would fix the problem with paper mario.
Is daedalus r13 going to use BIOS?

darkness angel 777
October 17th, 2007, 18:52
When is daedalus r13 coming out?

Sonicboy 101
October 17th, 2007, 18:56
It was supposedly the end of September or the first week of October. And don't triple post. ;)

October 17th, 2007, 21:45
I wish he would fix the problem with paper mario.
Is daedalus r13 going to use BIOS?

The Nintendo 64 doesn't have a bios. It's contained in each rom, like how it is with the Gamecube.

October 18th, 2007, 00:45
Well as soon as paper mario's save type is compatible it will work...

If R13 is released by the end of October I will be happy :)

October 18th, 2007, 02:43
I really think it will be this weekend, I don't think he would overshoot his estimate by that much but we'll see. I know he's working hard on it and just some late, maybe great implements for R13 and that's why it's taking so long. I have patience but I would really like to see R13 come out this weekend because it's going to be such a better update than the rest. I can't wait to test this Dynarec Hack and the 25-35% speedup, hope he gets Diddy Kong Racing working soon too.

October 18th, 2007, 03:08
I would have prefered you ask me first, before answering a question pretty much directed at me. I understand you were trying to help though. :)

I apologise for my manner - I really should have asked you first :) I do sometimes jump to conclusions without thinking. Thank's for the kick up the backside ;)

EDIT: Reread what you said. Come on now! Of course I know that the anonymous SVN can be compiled/modified/etc. I am a part of malloc.us! Although Exophase had much better domain name suggestions. ;)
Thats the point. And you said anonymous SVN. The whole point of my, admittedly, vague post was that it was not from anything available to the public. :)

Ahh, must have slipped my mind that you are on malloc.us - apologies for that also :)

EDIT 2: Uhhh does Yaustar know about malloc.us?

I'm not sure - I don't think so. Feel free to pass on the word though. If anyone needs access to the private dev channel, message one of the operators - such as myself (Cloudy on malloc.us) or jas0nuk, if we are online :)

well zodttd, i really dont think it is "floating" around somewhere. so please stop hyping these romours made up by you!

I have no reason to doubt zodttd, he's a respected member of the PSP scene. People like you however, the disbelieving "OMG UR LYIN" people are one of the things that make this scene the place it is - a scene were people think dev's owe them.


October 18th, 2007, 03:55
Yeah Captain, I hope he releases it this weekend. Kinda concerned though cuz he has not made any kinda update to his post since october 1. Hopefully nothin bad has happened to him or some problems with internet etc etc. i doubt it. Will def be looking this weekend.

October 18th, 2007, 04:32
No I'm sure he's just busy, trust me if you were here when he went on that like 4 month AFK moment you can get to thinking of alot of things happening. I thought he might have died in that time, I'm not too worried about a 16 day binge. He'll release it this weekend probably, you know for all we know he is reading these posts because remember he does come here at random times and posts.

October 18th, 2007, 09:01
I really think it will be this weekend, I don't think he would overshoot his estimate by that much but we'll see. I know he's working hard on it and just some late, maybe great implements for R13 and that's why it's taking so long. I have patience but I would really like to see R13 come out this weekend because it's going to be such a better update than the rest. I can't wait to test this Dynarec Hack and the 25-35% speedup, hope he gets Diddy Kong Racing working soon too.

No I'm sure he's just busy, trust me if you were here when he went on that like 4 month AFK moment you can get to thinking of alot of things happening. I thought he might have died in that time, I'm not too worried about a 16 day binge. He'll release it this weekend probably, you know for all we know he is reading these posts because remember he does come here at random times and posts.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo! ...please don't try and predict the future again! lol

Hopefuly you are actually correct this time though as I'm dieing to play this emulator now. :thumbup:

October 18th, 2007, 19:45
I'm just saying it will most likely come out this weekend, only because he usally always releases on weekends and this is the closest one yet it's so overshot from his estimate. If he doesn't make a release this weekend I'll be here next week saying the same thing. I really hope it's here this weekend though because I'll be in Virginia for the Nextel Cup Race so I'd like something to play during the ride down.

October 19th, 2007, 01:03
I'm just saying it will most likely come out this weekend, only because he usally always releases on weekends and this is the closest one yet it's so overshot from his estimate. If he doesn't make a release this weekend I'll be here next week saying the same thing. I really hope it's here this weekend though because I'll be in Virginia for the Nextel Cup Race so I'd like something to play during the ride down.

I sure hope he wont be away for 4months again...that'd suk!

Yeah I have a 9hr long plane trip from California to Japan this upcoming Monday...I hope to god it's released by then or ill be bored to death! -_-

October 19th, 2007, 03:19
Your going to Japan, pick me up a Chotto Shot I'll pay you when you get back. I'm sure he won't go on another 4month break again anytime soon, let's just hope he releases it this weekend.