View Full Version : Technology rant

November 8th, 2013, 05:03
You know technology has come a long way very quickly, we truly today live in the technological times of the dreams of our childhoods. Today many of the things we dreamed of Today many of the things we dreamed of those children are technologically Lee possible and to boot it all on our cell phones nonetheless as children are technologically possible and to boot it all on our cell phones nonetheless,
But I didn't start this rant to go on and on with praise of modern day technology and how smartphones and changed nearly everyone's lives.
This is a deeper thought about science and how it's truly progresseThis is a deeper thought about science and how it's truly progressed in whats really goin down and whats really goin down
We have genetic manipulation
We have ever inhancing artificial intelligence
So years now we've had programs that will actually talk to you and have an intelligent conversation to the best of its capabilities think about this the human brain runs off of electricity proven fact
Almost everything we as humans know and learn we acquired through a form of programming.

Its been scientifically discovered that one human gene can hold up to 336 petabytes of information

They have found ways in labs to genetically modify simple microbial life to make very simple biological computers
Example simple kinds of cave Moss can be genetically modified to do simple forms of processing.

There is right now if you will check the Vsauce channel on YouTube a computer that fuels and powers and runs itself off of artificial blood.

With just a little curiosity in research while I have cited no references everyone will see that most all of my claims here are perfectly scientific fact.

Is anyone else seeing a pattern here. Artificial blood artificial intelligence artificial memory

Has anyone seen in the last several years what Japan and several other countries are doing with robotics these days so we may as well ad artificial bodies to that list

I think its all a big nerd thing you know science won't rest until data from Star Trek is real

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