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View Full Version : Any web-browser in the works?

June 24th, 2005, 04:35
Would anybody be able to write a web browser for PSP as a homebrew code? I would love to browse the web with the PSP on wireless cafes. I heard in Korea they gave one out for free. Wipeout Pure one needs a ****ing station, might aswell use the computer. Oooooh my legs, I can't walk 10 feet to get to the computer, I gotta browse from the PSP. If it was a full program though I could bum Internet off of insecure networks. Or just get a WEP key cracker and enter the WEP secured ones.

I got a 2GB Memory Stick made custom from Istanbul Turkey by a friend of mine, and I am telling everybody muhahahahhahhaahaw.

June 24th, 2005, 04:42
I haven't heard anything about a homebrew browser, but in Korea, Sony did release an official/1st-Party browser.

PS: Get me a 2GB memory stick :p

June 24th, 2005, 05:10
check this out

June 24th, 2005, 09:12
well, thats a web browser....... that looks like a PSP, but its not somthing that we can install on our PSP to view it. man forget it, where can we buy one of those Korean Web browser things??

June 24th, 2005, 15:48
MadMonkee is your friend making and selling them cards? if so im interested.