View Full Version : NES.app v0.48 - Nes Emulator for iPhone

August 15th, 2007, 22:07
Nervegas (http://iphone.natetrue.com/nesapp/) has again updated his Nes Emulator for the Iphone, heres the details:

NES.app uses the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge.

NES.app is based on the same code as iPhoneNES, but because they couldn't keep up with all our changes, we thought it best to maintain our own site and svn repository.

0.46 [nervegas] Corrected more save-state issues
0.47 [nervegas] Included patch for -O7 optimized compiling: WAY FASTER.
Turn frameskip down to 1; Mario 3 & Punchout: 2
0.48 [nervegas] More improvements to save-state wiring (WIP)
[nervegas] Added "Multitouch State" preference (see README)

Download Here (http://iphone.natetrue.com/nesapp/files/NESapp-0.48.tar.gz)

August 16th, 2007, 06:01
For some reason, it seems that the new Multi-Touch toggle doesn't affect landscape mode. The buttons are still getting stuck, while in the standard mode they do not.

I've searched all over the net for Nervegas' email address to send him the bug report but I can't find it, or any means for letting him know about the bug.

I guess I'll just cross my fingers and hope it gets updated in his usual 2-3 daily updates :P