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View Full Version : Firmware Verison?

June 24th, 2005, 17:00
Ok I tried to search this but I couldn't find it. I know this is a n00b question but please enlighten me, it's an easy answer.

I don't have my PSP on me and I want to know what firware version I have. I bought it in the USA on release date. I'm hoping it will be 1.50 so I can run some apps.


June 24th, 2005, 17:12
probably 1.5 0 if you didnt update, but it could be anything.

June 24th, 2005, 17:19
just turn on your psp goto settings,then system settings,then go down to system info and your ver number will be in there

June 24th, 2005, 17:24
OK thanks, I will do that as soon as I get home, fingers crossed for 1.50

June 25th, 2005, 07:46
Ok .. I am a noob and since we talking about firmware I updated with out knowing about this forum . Just got it last night ad since i run a HotSpot I decided to see if i could connect . How do I revert my firmware back to 1.5 ?


June 25th, 2005, 07:54
Currently, there is no way to revert back to a previous firmware. I believe it is impossible unless you're able to fake an update program that actually downgrades by rewriting the flash memory of the PSP. This of course is risky to test, and if done incorrectly in the most slightest way will most likely fry your PSP. I doubt we may find a method to downgrade for a while, but of course possible.

Anyway, I will say it again, "There is no way to downgrade."

June 25th, 2005, 09:07
yes, you obviously have no skillz , you could have searched it, and if you werent a total noob you be asking to revert back to 1.0 :P

at least you didn't start a thread or you would have got a roasting.

June 25th, 2005, 09:31
Ok .. I hear you folks . So a simpler question . Is there anywhere or anyone who has 1.0 or 1.5 firmware so I can attempt a re-flash . Like on a cell phone flashing and flexing . And I flashed thinking that was a good thing . Now that I am on the net looking for game downloads I see flashing wasnt good . So if anyone can help now that I have flashe please let me know . If not oh well I'll just take the game back and get a new device .