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View Full Version : LGC 2013: Mobiles will never catch up with PC

November 13th, 2013, 23:57
Graphics and technology specialist ARM says there are misconceptions among mobile developers

Smartphones may be rivalling consoles in terms of graphics but they will never catch up to the power of PCs, says ARM.

The technology firm's developer community manager Gemma Paris discussed some of the perception issues in mobile development during London Games Conference 2013.

"Some developers think that mobiles will catch up with PCs, but we won't because they're completely different devices when it comes to the power they use," she said.

"Mobiles will catch up with PS3 and Xbox 360 by 2015 or 2016 - that was actually revealed at GDC earlier this year - but we will never catch up with PC."

Paris also said there is some confusion among studios trying to port games between smartphones and PCs.

"Most developers don't understand that most mobile GPUs use architecture that is very different to desktops and consoles," she said. "They could port their games between the two, but it means designing things a little differently. We want to help, to show them why it's so different."
