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View Full Version : helllo modding question about slims

August 21st, 2007, 02:34
hey guys i have quick question i am thinking about selling my psp and starting fresh with the psp slim new everything plus i have the white leather strap from the original psp back in the day

well i have 2 questions . How Much Should I sell my psp i have a custom theme { aplecor} And im on m33 52-3 .and ill load some of my own songs that i made . so i was thinkin 300 or 400

second i want to kno weather getting the star wars psp slim is going to be modible with luminus hopefully its like 3.50 ill buy luminus to mod it

August 21st, 2007, 12:19
The Lumines exploit was patched in 3.51 official, so I don't expect it to work with the slim PSP (which will be running a firmware higher then 3.51).

Now another exploit may be found, but I really wouldn't be surprised if Sony took better precautions to prevent the PSP from being hacked this time around.

The slimline PSP is basically a restart for the homebrew vs Sony battle, only Sony has a better start this time (remember, 1.0 had no encryption at all and that game the homebrew community the headstart).