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View Full Version : Where can I order a new GD-ROM online?

August 21st, 2007, 20:49
After months of doing my best to recalibrate the laser on my new DC I've given up. It loads music CDs perfectly and loads up the main boot up screen but games will not work.

I've come to the conclusion that a new GD-ROM would fix this problem.

Can anyone give me a link to an online store in which I can buy a new GD-ROM?

Thank you :)

EDIT- In a previous thread someone gave me the following link...


However, would I be a bit too paranoid thinking that site looks shifty?.

August 21st, 2007, 23:27
I think the only way to get a NEW GD-ROM Drive is from Sega Japan, it's very hard to see them on other places.
But the best solution is getting another Dreamcast, seriously ;)

August 21st, 2007, 23:35
yeah, it should be cheaper to get a new (2nd) one

August 21st, 2007, 23:36
Yes, new Dreamcast cheaper much

August 22nd, 2007, 00:07

What websites would you guys suggest (apart from ebay)?

Thanks :)

August 22nd, 2007, 16:17
Dont bother online as you'll pay extra for postage.

Go into your local towns Gamestation and you will get one for around £15 - plus this will also carrry some sort of guarantee. :)

August 22nd, 2007, 20:54
I think the only way to get a NEW GD-ROM Drive is from Sega Japan, it's very hard to see them on other places.

wrong. you can get replacement drives with no problem at all. they cost a few bucks though, but still, they are new. you never know when the drive of your new used dc will give out on you...they don't get younger you know...i won't give out the link to the shop though, because several of them can be found on this forum

August 23rd, 2007, 18:18
Well, for reasons stated above I don't think I'll buy a second hand DC. It could give up after awhile.

I might just order a GD-ROM online but I'm still having trouble finding a place that sells them that doesn't look a little shifty (see first post).

Thanks for the feedback

August 23rd, 2007, 23:41
wrong. you can get replacement drives with no problem at all. they cost a few bucks though, but still, they are new. you never know when the drive of your new used dc will give out on you...they don't get younger you know...i won't give out the link to the shop though, because several of them can be found on this forum

Getting a second hand's Dreamcast is cheaper. I got an used Dreamcast in early 2006 and it's still working perfectly. It it dies, I will buy another one.

August 24th, 2007, 06:19
lol the used ones get older too. the youngest ones you can get are 6 years old if you get a used dc and you never know how the previous owner treated it. seeing that drives already gave out after a few years, i'd rather settle with a new one that will most likely work for 10 years, rather than replacing it every two years with drives that get older with every replacement. but to each his own