View Full Version : flashme questions

August 23rd, 2007, 16:18
i have a datel music and games cart. it runs some homebrew ok . but most are buggy .wc tower defense and a few random puzzle games , DSOrganize , Colors and Phidias work fine . pretty much every thing else i get errors on or they dont run at all . homebrew isnt exactly what i what anyway.......... i plan on getting a supercard ds one .

is there any reason i should use flashme on my NDSL ? will that help ? should i wait on my supercard ds one ? i really dont want to risk turning my NDSL into a paperweight .


August 26th, 2007, 06:08
FlashMe probably won't help you for what you're trying to do, no.

August 26th, 2007, 22:00
i used flashme for the 3d time the other day and managed to brick my DSlite forever! so if you have a slot 1 card i wouldn't bother as slot 1 will play all nds games/homebrew and leave slot 2 for GBA games and homebrew.
