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View Full Version : Do you support the war in Iraq?

August 24th, 2007, 14:39
I'm asking, because some idiot last week tried to get me to join the military.

"You'll protect this country."

"This country is something not worth protecting."

"Why isn't freedom worth protecting?"

"Because our country isn't completely free."

"But you'll help fight terroism"

"Why would they be after us and no one else? Obviously our country sucks. Maybe they can do it better.

You people should increase national guard troops to protect the United States."

"So, you're a terrorist?"

"To your way of thinking. Look, you're wasting my time. I'm not going to waste my life for this country."

August 24th, 2007, 14:52
**** bush. Bush should eat my shit. Bush is shit.

Dont go to military ex. Imagine a member of dcemu is a killer. You should kill bush. He is the bad dude.

Mr. Shadow
August 24th, 2007, 14:54
I would have said the exact same thing then i would have promptly gone to germany.

August 24th, 2007, 14:57
No I don't support the war in Iraq.

I saw a commercial last night that told people to "support the war or the sacrifices soldiers made were for nothing." The guy said "the terrorists attacked us."

The commercial was a poor attempt to revive support for the war. It was also very shallow, seeing as Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11.

Ex I'm guessing that guy was a military recruiter. They seem to try anything to get people to join the army to die for so called "freedom." They came to my high school a few times last year and did gimmicky things like give away pens and shirts. Oh, these people seem nice, I think I'll die for nothing now!

August 24th, 2007, 14:59
Dont go to military.

Actually, join the military then kill everyone on you side. Then kill bush. That would bring the world to peace.

Die for dcemu man.

August 24th, 2007, 15:05
Hmm... i don't exactly support the war too much, but I do support the troops. My cousin just got sent over to Iraq to fight there, he is in the military.

AvengedSevenfold Fan
August 24th, 2007, 15:19
**** the war. not every middle eastern has something to do with 9/11. all for money. **** it all, people are dying for the greed of other people.

August 24th, 2007, 15:23
Im telling you guys, killing bush is the answer to worl peace.

1. no more war.

2.we can be friends with the iraquis.

3.Bush is dead.

4.I will like the americans when bush dies.

5.No more money is spent on the war.

6.people do not have to go to military.

7. less people die

I can go on all day.

Sonicboy 101
August 24th, 2007, 15:38
Im telling you guys, killing bush is the answer to worl peace.

1. no more war.

2.we can be friends with the iraquis.

3.Bush is dead.

4.I will like the americans when bush dies.

5.No more money is spent on the war.

6.people do not have to go to military.

7. less people die

I can go on all day.
Lol, thats true
I hate wars. Period

August 24th, 2007, 15:40
Hmm... i don't exactly support the war too much, but I do support the troops. My cousin just got sent over to Iraq to fight there, he is in the military.

that's about the same with me

my uncle was in iraq

August 24th, 2007, 16:03
I don't really care if there is war or not, I would join up to the army if it meant going to Iraq and into direct combat. But the most of the combat is over, so worthless. But I don't disapprove on the war, wars are what has made the world what it is today, there have been wars for centuries.

August 24th, 2007, 16:03
I don't support wars, though, I do support the troops.

Im telling you guys, killing bush is the answer to worl peace.

1. no more war.

2.we can be friends with the iraquis.

3.Bush is dead.

4.I will like the americans when bush dies.

5.No more money is spent on the war.

6.people do not have to go to military.

7. less people die

I can go on all day.

As much as I dislike Bush, I don't agree with the killing of anyone to achieve peace. As crazy as it sounds, that's what I believe in.

August 24th, 2007, 16:20
this is the most ****ed up war. ever.

after america and most rich european countries sold CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS to saddam during the iran iraq war, it is absolutely shocking. britain especially was worst, we did it purely for the green stuff, at least the us had some sort of ****ed up geopolitical scheme....apparently the us published a secret internal document stating that they should establish themselves in spacde and kill everyone else who tried to go there so their world dominance would be assured. anyway, iraq was a country that had NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO THE US. the us has the largest amount of illegal nukes in the world, yet they take this up like they are world peace agents. hmm...does this have anything to do with oil? if they cared about ridding the world of dictators they would have killed robert mugabe long ago. nukes are a un issue and they have destroyed an already bad country. it is 10x worse than it was before, dictator or not. and ****ing britain follows like a little lapdog. WHAT IS ANYONE DOING IN IRAQ? next up is iran. attacking countries in the middle east will only breed more anger and extremism within the muslim world, which will lead to more attacks. it is illegal and sickening, everyone knows it, but nobody can do anything to stop it.

August 24th, 2007, 16:48
I can't say I support the war, but I don't support the Bush bashing either.
I don't know the real reasons behind the war, and don't wish to, but it's not as if he's the first guy to start a war, nor will he be the last.

August 24th, 2007, 16:57
I don't support war, but its virtually impossible to gain peace without spilling blood. Someones always gonna have to make a sacrifice.
However, as long as English blood is being shed, I will support our brothers fighting for us.

August 24th, 2007, 17:22
the war is unjust and unneeded but you MUST support the troops or you're a heartless bastard. they're over their getting killed because of a guy WE voted for.

August 24th, 2007, 17:34
Hmm... i don't exactly support the war too much, but I do support the troops. My cousin just got sent over to Iraq to fight there, he is in the military.
I agree, I support the troops because they're people like you and me (to a point). But, I don't support the war in the slightest.

And, this guy was a friend of mine. He has been back from there for about a month.

August 24th, 2007, 17:36
@elmarco...this war was never about making peace. if anything, it has made much more blood be shed than there would have been, and will ensure that in future more will die, for virtually no reason.

Mr. Shadow
August 24th, 2007, 17:43
SIGH this thread will only lead to people from different countrys fighting with each other.

August 24th, 2007, 17:52
I wouldn't mind debates in this thread, just as long as they're kept in a civilized manner.

August 24th, 2007, 17:55
but it is in a civilised manner no?

August 24th, 2007, 18:00
i dont think anyone here is going to debate any other point than the war is wrong but support the troops.

August 24th, 2007, 18:03

August 24th, 2007, 18:10
u kno that commercial army go or something like that, its like messages trying to get you to join the army. well apparently the guy that was in that commercial died in war. i havent seen a re-run of the same commercial for a while now

bush can suk my dick, hes in it for the money and should take his cracker ass back to texas dat dum bitch.
i dont support war, support the troops though.



August 24th, 2007, 18:35
Hmm... it looks like allot of people here are against the war. Too bad the government forgot that they are controlled by the people, not by greed.

August 24th, 2007, 18:52
Well guys, think about it this way.

Bush is not president after november.

But.... what if someone worst replaces him?

August 24th, 2007, 19:01
bush has the lowest iq of any president, even lower than regan and his dad....so unlikely. if you guys actually vote for the democrats then there will be a drastic change in foreign policy.

the guardian ran an interesting article a couple of weeks ago stating that the winner was usually the one with the deepest emotional intelligence and most of the republican presidents had the best, despite having markedly lower iqs than the democrats. the only great exception was clinton. still we don't even know who the candidates are. my bets on obama for the democrats, though i'd rather see mrs clinton run.

August 24th, 2007, 19:09
lets face it guys. we live in a corrupt world where no one with power is good. if you expect the next president to "make it all b better" i hate to burst your bubble but sorry. there hasnt been a "good" president since lincoln.. but thats the world we live in so get used to it.

August 24th, 2007, 19:21
Do you support the war in Iraq?

Bluntly put............. no

August 24th, 2007, 19:43
lets face it guys. we live in a corrupt world where no one with power is good. if you expect the next president to "make it all b better" i hate to burst your bubble but sorry. there hasnt been a "good" president since lincoln.. but thats the world we live in so get used to it.

i'm not saying everything will be dandy, but marginally better.

August 24th, 2007, 19:57
At first I supported the war because there were some horrible things going on over there. But now I think it is ridiculous, we seriously need to pull out of Iraq and stop sacrificing our troops to a lost cause.

One thing I don't get is why everyone blames the president for the war in Iraq. Nowadays the president has zero power in the US government. He is just a puppet for congress. If people we pull their heads out of their asses they would realize that congress voted to go to war with Iraq and they are the ones that continue to let the troops be their. So seriously all the hippies out there need to stop smoking weed and go back to high school so they might actually know a thing or two about how the US government works. I am sick and tired of people saying screw Bush for his war in Iraq. That being said I still think that Bush is a moron and is not fit to lead our country. But if people think that they could do a better job at being the president, then they should grow a pair and run for some sort office. Sitting around and bitching about something gets you now where in life.

edit: And it anyone thinks that the upcoming presidential election is going to make things better for the US and the world, then you must be pretty messed up in the head. Seriously all of the candidates are horrible and are only going to make the economy and other aspects of the US worse.

August 24th, 2007, 20:05
than bush? surely not....

August 24th, 2007, 20:10
hillary clinton, that black dude (cant remember his name), and who else is running?

August 24th, 2007, 20:15

they are just for the democrats. only one of them can run. there are others besides them. rudi guliiani wants to run alkso...

August 24th, 2007, 20:19
than bush? surely not....

Seriously, no offense but you live in the UK right. So you probably only see the super Biased news and don't understand US politics. ( I don't know anything about politics in the UK)

But seriously they are all just as bad as Bush, Maybe even worse. Their main campaign theme is end the war in Iraq. But I seriously doubt any of them will be able to pull out of Iraq in there first presidential term. Do you know anything about US history and the Vietnam war. Lyndon B Johnson promised to end the War in Vietnam as part of his campaign for president after JFK was assassinated. He never successfully ended the war and even decided to not run for a second term because he was so embarrassed for not fulfilling his promise. Nixon was finally able to lower us envolvment in the war by the end of his first term.

There is saying that History is doomed to repeat itself and personally I believe the same thing is going to happen here and the US is going to end up more hurt then it is now.

August 24th, 2007, 20:25
hillary clinton, that black dude (cant remember his name), and who else is running?

Arizona Senator John McCain is the representing the Republican party.

But McCain, Clinton, and Obama are the only big names and I think all of them will only make matters worse.

Too bad John Edwards isn't getting a lot of attention because I think he is the best candidate.


they are just for the democrats. only one of them can run. there are others besides them. rudi guliiani wants to run alkso...

Both Clinton and Obama can both run but only one of them will be picked as the Representative for the Democratic party.

August 24th, 2007, 20:33
was bill clinton any good? if so then im sure hillary would make a good president with bill right by her side.

August 24th, 2007, 21:01
Yeah, that's why my dad doesn't vote.

August 24th, 2007, 23:33
I support the war.

Sometimes its the only thing left to do.

August 24th, 2007, 23:36
I support the war.

I think USA need to send more and more troops. ALL the young americans should be there, in Iraq.

August 24th, 2007, 23:45
I support the war.

I think USA need to send more and more troops. ALL the young americans should be there, in Iraq.

There are British troops there too, it's like a cool UK/US joint operation. One time on T.V. someone said that the UK was like the United Stated 51st State, which is somewhat cool (in a strange and bizarre way) :D

August 24th, 2007, 23:53
There are British troops there too, it's like a cool UK/US joint operation. One time on T.V. someone said that the UK was like the United Stated 51st State, which is somewhat cool (in a strange and bizarre way) :D

No, thats not good at all.

We don't want to be put in the same place as the yanks. We don't shoot our own troops.

August 25th, 2007, 00:31
No, thats not good at all.

We don't want to be put in the same place as the yanks. We don't shoot our own troops.

the americans do that for them.

August 25th, 2007, 00:52
No, thats not good at all.

We don't want to be put in the same place as the yanks. We don't shoot our own troops.

the americans do that for us.

American soldiers are much different to British soldiers, American soldiers attack first and think later whereas British soldiers think before attacking.

From: NYSUN (http://www.nysun.com/article/61265)

Earlier this year, Britain's Defense Secretary Des Browne said that since 1990 12 British personnel had died in friendly fire incidents involving American forces in Iraq, but that there had been no such deaths in Afghanistan.

American fire has mistakenly killed five Canadian soldiers: One died last September when an American warplane called in for air support during an anti- Taliban operation mistakenly fired on NATO troops, and four were killed in April 2002 when an American pilot dropped a 500-pound bomb near where the troops were apparently conducting a live-fire exercise, which the pilot mistook for Taliban action.

From: The Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=%2Fnews%2F2004%2F04%2F11%2Fwtact11. xml)

British rules of engagement only allow troops to open fire when attacked, using the minimum force necessary and only at identified targets.

The American approach was markedly different: "When US troops are attacked with mortars in Baghdad, they use mortar-locating radar to find the firing point and then attack the general area with artillery, even though the area they are attacking may be in the middle of a densely populated residential area.

"They may well kill the terrorists in the barrage but they will also kill and maim innocent civilians. That has been their response on a number of occasions. It is trite, but American troops do shoot first and ask questions later. They are very concerned about taking casualties and have even trained their guns on British troops, which has led to some confrontations between soldiers.

August 25th, 2007, 03:17
I do not support the war on Iraq, or but what i do support is american soilders raping and killing women and chlidren ! because whats a war without war crimes. There are accually soilders in iraq going f**King crazy because of the shit that goes on there. and that my friends is a bad thing ! i cant do much, but stephen harper is like the presidents best friend, so i say kill goerge bush, maybe, but still its not like corporate amerika will let this war end anytime soon.

August 25th, 2007, 04:02
But if you kill Bush then you'll turn him into a hero.

August 25th, 2007, 05:29
Iraq has become a lose-lose situation for us. We are slowly realizing that our puppet government will never take a deep root, especially if we pull out soon. On the other hand, our continued presence in the region makes Russia nervous.

Personally, I don't see America successfully resolving the Iraq conflict. Perhaps, in a fantasy world, America would turn imperial and permanently occupy Iraq. That would stabilize Iraq, but it would also lead to Global war - an undesirable outcome.

If we pull out too soon, Iraq will collapse and spend the next decade in a state of civil war. During that period, it will truly become a breeding ground for terrorists.

We need a more commercial presence in Iraq. If they start becoming properly schooled, and if they begin to enjoy the benefits of trade, they will slowly begin to like us. Thus, I advocate a smaller military presence and a higher commercial presence.

August 25th, 2007, 07:48
Iraq has become a lose-lose situation for us. We are slowly realizing that our puppet government will never take a deep root, especially if we pull out soon. On the other hand, our continued presence in the region makes Russia nervous.

Personally, I don't see America successfully resolving the Iraq conflict. Perhaps, in a fantasy world, America would turn imperial and permanently occupy Iraq. That would stabilize Iraq, but it would also lead to Global war - an undesirable outcome.

If we pull out too soon, Iraq will collapse and spend the next decade in a state of civil war. During that period, it will truly become a breeding ground for terrorists.

We need a more commercial presence in Iraq. If they start becoming properly schooled, and if they begin to enjoy the benefits of trade, they will slowly begin to like us. Thus, I advocate a smaller military presence and a higher commercial presence.

Are you John Titor (http://www.johntitor.com/) follower? (supposed Time Traveler from 2036)

From when you said Global War plus Russia and Civil War (which is why I highlighted those words), I remembered what I read a while back on what he wrote back in 2000. He said that America would end up in civil war, and Russia would start WWIII.

August 25th, 2007, 10:08
Iraq has become a lose-lose situation for us. We are slowly realizing that our puppet government will never take a deep root, especially if we pull out soon. On the other hand, our continued presence in the region makes Russia nervous.

Personally, I don't see America successfully resolving the Iraq conflict. Perhaps, in a fantasy world, America would turn imperial and permanently occupy Iraq. That would stabilize Iraq, but it would also lead to Global war - an undesirable outcome.

If we pull out too soon, Iraq will collapse and spend the next decade in a state of civil war. During that period, it will truly become a breeding ground for terrorists.

We need a more commercial presence in Iraq. If they start becoming properly schooled, and if they begin to enjoy the benefits of trade, they will slowly begin to like us. Thus, I advocate a smaller military presence and a higher commercial presence.

so offensive.

August 25th, 2007, 10:20
I don't support the war in Iraq but as others have said I support the troops and admire their bravery!

August 25th, 2007, 10:57
There are British troops there too, it's like a cool UK/US joint operation. One time on T.V. someone said that the UK was like the United Stated 51st State, which is somewhat cool (in a strange and bizarre way) :D

no, that is not cool. we should push to DISTANCE ourselves from the americans, not be bloody owned by them. our language is becoming amercanised, with lots of "z"s (or as many brits now cal them "zees"). film and game publishers/devs can't be ****ed putting it into the ACTUAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE. there is no such thing as "american english"....when somone in a game, especially a british character, says "daiper" or some such WRONG word, the americans are one step closer to becoming our leaders.it sucks, because technically that is actually WRONG, there is no such word in the english language, if you know what i mean...especially the word "color", with lazy american spelling...it's the same with dates. many things now have the completely WRONG date, or a date which DOES NOT EXIST IN THE UK, by putting things like, using today as an example, 8/25/07. THERE ARE 12 MONTHS NOT 25! THIS IS AN AMERICAN DATE THEREFORE WRONG HERE.

and iniquitus beast, do you really think that putting mcdonald's restaurants into iraq will save the situation?

and also, i don't admire the bravery of the troops, they are just doing their job, like every other person. teachers aren't given hero status if they are killed. they know the risks, it's their choice to join the army. if they get killed, yes it's a shame, but oh well, they were doing a really dangerous job, they knew that it might happen. obviously i don't want them to get killed, but if they do, people should dtop pretending to be shocked and surprised. anyway, the troop deaths are nothing compared to iraqui CIVILLIAN casualties.

everyone should watch fahrenheit 9/11, that will show you exactly how illegal the war is.

Mr. Shadow
August 25th, 2007, 12:20
I don't support any of this, im just going to germany if this escalates.

August 25th, 2007, 13:34
I don't even see why the UK is getting involved. Iraqs beef is with the US, so why the hell is UK getting involved? WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON EXCEPT A SLIGHT SIMULARITY IN LANGUAGE. Not to be a wimp or anything, but i would have thought Britain should keep themselves to themselves and just let these two countries sort themselves out, instead of making themselves a suicide bomb magnet. Im seriously p***ed of now, coz ever since we got involved, theres been NOTHING BUT SUICIDE BOMB ATTEMPTS IN LONDON. :mad: Luckily the bombs dont go off coz there so shitty. :o

August 25th, 2007, 13:51
i love bush. XD lol.

Mr. Shadow
August 25th, 2007, 14:25
Don't joke like that asshole this is serious.:mad:

August 25th, 2007, 14:28
I don't even see why the UK is getting involved. Iraqs beef is with the US, so why the hell is UK getting involved? WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON EXCEPT A SLIGHT SIMULARITY IN LANGUAGE. Not to be a wimp or anything, but i would have thought Britain should keep themselves to themselves and just let these two countries sort themselves out, instead of making themselves a suicide bomb magnet. Im seriously p***ed of now, coz ever since we got involved, theres been NOTHING BUT SUICIDE BOMB ATTEMPTS IN LONDON. :mad: Luckily the bombs dont go off coz there so shitty. :o

Its called Anglo-American. UK and US seem to be extreme allies. You don't like that, huh?

Oh well. This is why I'll never get in politics.

Nothing in common except for the fact the UK spawned the US. Thats like a father son kinda thing, except without the caring.

August 25th, 2007, 14:36
We need a more commercial presence in Iraq. If they start becoming properly schooled, and if they begin to enjoy the benefits of trade, they will slowly begin to like us. Thus, I advocate a smaller military presence and a higher commercial presence.
I disagree.

They think different then the United States. Changing how they think isn't fair. Aren't we there to help the people?

August 25th, 2007, 14:41
no, that is not cool. we should push to DISTANCE ourselves from the americans, not be bloody owned by them. our language is becoming amercanised, with lots of "z"s (or as many brits now cal them "zees"). film and game publishers/devs can't be ****ed putting it into the ACTUAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE. there is no such thing as "american english"....when somone in a game, especially a british character, says "daiper" or some such WRONG word, the americans are one step closer to becoming our leaders.it sucks, because technically that is actually WRONG, there is no such word in the english language, if you know what i mean...especially the word "color", with lazy american spelling...it's the same with dates. many things now have the completely WRONG date, or a date which DOES NOT EXIST IN THE UK, by putting things like, using today as an example, 8/25/07. THERE ARE 12 MONTHS NOT 25! THIS IS AN AMERICAN DATE THEREFORE WRONG HERE.

and iniquitus beast, do you really think that putting mcdonald's restaurants into iraq will save the situation?

and also, i don't admire the bravery of the troops, they are just doing their job, like every other person. teachers aren't given hero status if they are killed. they know the risks, it's their choice to join the army. if they get killed, yes it's a shame, but oh well, they were doing a really dangerous job, they knew that it might happen. obviously i don't want them to get killed, but if they do, people should dtop pretending to be shocked and surprised. anyway, the troop deaths are nothing compared to iraqui CIVILLIAN casualties.

everyone should watch fahrenheit 9/11, that will show you exactly how illegal the war is.

I'm so sorry, but I am seriously laughing my ass off at your ignorance. You obviously just listen to the biased news and can not think for yourself to make your own decision based off of research and common since.

Why do all UK people try to insult Americans with McDonald's? People in the US don't love it as much as you think. iniquitous beast was not talking about putting a "McDonald's" in Iraq. He was talking about Iraq building large industries that produce goods from natural resources in Iraq that can be traded with other countries to increase national revenue. This would help establish a solid economy in Iraq and allow people to have jobs resulting in less violence.

Seriously, how does insulting US English help prove your point at all:confused:. I am sure that US English has a little bit of influence on UK English. But if you knew anything about history you would know that all languages change over time to adapt to culture. If you talked to a person 100 years from now in the UK or the US they would probably have no idea what you would saying.

I have seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and I must say it is nothing but bias. Saying that war is illegal is stupid. There have been thousands of wars between all different kinds of people since the beginning of time. War is just part of human nature.

I don't even see why the UK is getting involved. Iraqs beef is with the US, so why the hell is UK getting involved? WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON EXCEPT A SLIGHT SIMULARITY IN LANGUAGE. Not to be a wimp or anything, but i would have thought Britain should keep themselves to themselves and just let these two countries sort themselves out, instead of making themselves a suicide bomb magnet. Im seriously p***ed of now, coz ever since we got involved, theres been NOTHING BUT SUICIDE BOMB ATTEMPTS IN LONDON. :mad: Luckily the bombs dont go off coz there so shitty. :o

Terrorist Bombings in the UK have been going on a lot longer than the war in Iraq. You can't blame that on the US.

All the crap that is going on in the World is just obvious foreshadowing that World War 3 is in the very near future.

August 25th, 2007, 16:35
Terrorist Bombings in the UK have been going on a lot longer than the war in Iraq. You can't blame that on the US.

I dont blame the US. And I live in the UK. We had hardly any suicide bombings before all this started. Why would we? There was no-one who had a grudge. and even if we did get a suicide bomber, it would be one of our own insane people who were campaigning to save the whales or some sh*t. Now we get about 3-4 attempts a month, mostly at airports, BY IRAQIS. I'm just saying if the UK kept it nose out, we'd probably be alot safer over here.

August 25th, 2007, 17:05
people actually believe a country is in ruin because it is not completely industrial/commercial?…

August 25th, 2007, 17:08
No, I don't support the war, and think all soldiers - no matter where they come from - should be called back from Iraq.

I do not support the war on Iraq, or but what i do support is american soilders raping and killing women and chlidren ! because whats a war without war crimes. There are accually soilders in iraq going f**King crazy because of the shit that goes on there. and that my friends is a bad thing ! i cant do much, but stephen harper is like the presidents best friend, so i say kill goerge bush, maybe, but still its not like corporate amerika will let this war end anytime soon.

YOU, are an idiot ...

August 25th, 2007, 19:29
I'm so sorry, but I am seriously laughing my ass off at your ignorance. You obviously just listen to the biased news and can not think for yourself to make your own decision based off of research and common since.

Why do all UK people try to insult Americans with McDonald's? People in the US don't love it as much as you think. iniquitous beast was not talking about putting a "McDonald's" in Iraq. He was talking about Iraq building large industries that produce goods from natural resources in Iraq that can be traded with other countries to increase national revenue. This would help establish a solid economy in Iraq and allow people to have jobs resulting in less violence.

Seriously, how does insulting US English help prove your point at all:confused:. I am sure that US English has a little bit of influence on UK English. But if you knew anything about history you would know that all languages change over time to adapt to culture. If you talked to a person 100 years from now in the UK or the US they would probably have no idea what you would saying.

I have seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and I must say it is nothing but bias. Saying that war is illegal is stupid. There have been thousands of wars between all different kinds of people since the beginning of time. War is just part of human nature.

i wasn't using mcdonald's to insult americans. it was used as an example of a commercial business. after all it is the most commercial business out there. obviously language changes, but it just just pisses me off that the us have such a bearing on our culture. and anyway, you're the one in the us, you couldn't really understand what it's like. how would you feel if the media began using "grey" rather than "gray"? you'd say "GOD-DANG! THAT'S WRONG!"... that's what it is, a little bit of difference my arse, there are many words that are spelled wrong all over the place...perhaps you are a bit too patriotic for your own good. america gets all the global bias, and also consumes 20 PERCENT of the world's resources. they have 5 percent of the population. fahrenheit 9/11 is a very well informed and researched documentary that many americans won't like as it points out how corrupt their country is. it's rotten to the core. britain is almost as bad, if not worse, but at least we accept that. americans seem to think that commerciality is the cure, when it is infact a major problem. obviously saying war is illegal is debatable, but then again, murder is illegal...

i'm not generalising all americans obviously, but some are like this. the government think they are supposed to rule the world, and that isn't good. anyway, i don't know what there came from "biased news reports". if anything i would say YOU should stop watching fox news. i'm just a guy who hates to see one country control everything. they shouldn't be in iraq, full stop. watch the massive sarcastic social commentary that is "team america: world police". it's funny 'cos it's true.

anyway we all have our own opinions, and on this occasion ours clearly differ.

inquitousbeast said a "smaller military presence and a higher commercial presence". if he was meaning what you said, he could have put it better. i interpreted that as meaning a lower us military presence and higher us commercial presence, given how he put the whole point.

and i rambled on about your language because, if you care to read the above posts, the topic was derailed somewhat when vampdude said it was "cool" that britain was like a us state.

on your response to elmarco: the reason we are being hit by terrorists is because of our involvement in iraq and afghanistan. now i'm not saying it was the fault of the us, but we shouldn't have got involved.

so basically yeah, we are viewing this from totally different perspectives and i would expect that is the reason we won't understand each other.:thumbup:

August 25th, 2007, 19:44

Fahrenheit 9/11 wasnt about proving that war is illegal and stupid because its not, its proving that bush is stupid.
war at this moment really has no point after all we bombed the shit out of iraq and now what the FUKK else is there to do??..

bring the troops home.. :( please

August 25th, 2007, 20:53
i dont like the war in iraq because we have nato and sends norwegian troops there and yes send that monkey eared man down from the president chair =( i hate bush so much

August 25th, 2007, 23:04
I thinking we should kill more Iraqis.

August 25th, 2007, 23:28
I thinking we should kill more Iraqis.

"I thinking" that's a retarded idea.
Also, what the hell do you mean by "we"?

August 25th, 2007, 23:44
im not joining the english army because the americans will kill me in a hail of friendly fire

August 26th, 2007, 00:38
No, I don't support the war, and think all soldiers - no matter where they come from - should be called back from Iraq.

YOU, are an idiot ...

pull you fist out of your a** before you post, do you honestly think anybody would support killings and rapings, i was mearly bringing to peoples atention the horrors of war, maybe i shouldnt have used a satirical way of getting my point across, i guess some of our slower members dont get sarcasm.

August 26th, 2007, 00:46
pull you fist out of your a** before you post, do you honestly think anybody would support killings and rapings, i was mearly bringing to peoples atention the horrors of war, maybe i shouldnt have used a satirical way of getting my point across, i guess some of our slower members dont get sarcasm.

What does sarcasm mean?;)

August 26th, 2007, 01:05
pull you fist out of your a** before you post, do you honestly think anybody would support killings and rapings, i was mearly bringing to peoples atention the horrors of war, maybe i shouldnt have used a satirical way of getting my point across, i guess some of our slower members dont get sarcasm.

It was used in a totally wrong context and in a way too serious case, and in the rest of your post, it seems those are really your standpoints, which makes it even more trustworthy. Don't believe I'm the only that thought you were actually serious, because I'm not. I didn't, and still don't, have my fist in my ass when I posted, and I don't regret it. I don't see myself as "some of our slower members" either.

August 26th, 2007, 01:11
It was used in a totally wrong context and in a way too serious case, and in the rest of your post, it seems those are really your standpoints, which makes it even more trustworthy. Don't believe I'm the only that thought you were actually serious, because I'm not. I didn't, and still don't, have my fist in my ass when I posted, and I don't regret it. I don't see myself as "some of our slower members" either.

lol i do. either way, smell your fingers just to make sure.

on a more serious note, war isnt good, the only people i think its good for are war mongers like goerge bush, btw, maybe the sarcasm was undeserved, under the circumstances, but still i wasnt serious.

August 26th, 2007, 07:21
pull you fist out of your a** before you post, do you honestly think anybody would support killings and rapings, i was mearly bringing to peoples atention the horrors of war, maybe i shouldnt have used a satirical way of getting my point across, i guess some of our slower members dont get sarcasm.

It was used in a totally wrong context and in a way too serious case, and in the rest of your post, it seems those are really your standpoints, which makes it even more trustworthy. Don't believe I'm the only that thought you were actually serious, because I'm not. I didn't, and still don't, have my fist in my ass when I posted, and I don't regret it. I don't see myself as "some of our slower members" either.

I didn't take what Man wrote seriously, and yes... You in fact do have your fist in your ass, it's not such a big deal what he wrote so get over it!

And you are of the slower users, believe me.

August 26th, 2007, 09:20
I don't see myself as "some of our slower members" either.
I would. ;)

I think Bush is only in it for oil. He doesn't care if his image is bad. He and his friends will be rich if they can get their hands on the oil.

August 26th, 2007, 10:47
I would. ;)

I think Bush is only in it for oil. He doesn't care if his image is bad. He and his friends will be rich if they can get their hands on the oil.

He is, he was in the oil business from long ago. He knows what he's doing, even before he was president he knew what he was doing.

From: Famous Texans (http://www.famoustexans.com/georgewbush.htm)

On June 22, 1990, George Jr. sold two-thirds of his Harken stock for $848,560-a cool 200 percent profit. The move was well timed. One week after Junior sold his stock, Harken announced a $23.2 million loss in quarterly earnings and Harken stock dropped sharply, losing 60 percent of its value over the next six months. On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops moved into Kuwait and 541,000 U.S. forces were deployed to the Gulf.

"There is substantial evidence to suggest that Bush knew Harken was in dire straits in the weeks before he sold the $848,560 of Harken stock," asserted U.S. News & World Report. The magazine noted Harken appointed Junior to a 'fairness committee' to study possible economic restructuring of the company. Junior worked closely with financial advisers from Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Company, who concluded "only drastic action could save Harken."

I reckon that he currently has someone to do his bidding for him, because several sources have mentioned oil in the past three to four years.

August 26th, 2007, 11:53
i have to say i wasn't entirely sure if man was being serious or not. the rest of the post made little sense and it was an ill advised joke in such a serious context. i wouldn't say blackrave has his fist up his ass when he posts, he is a very intelligent guy, with way better english than 90% of the brits and americans here.

August 26th, 2007, 13:46
I didn't take what Man wrote seriously, and yes... You in fact do have your fist in your ass, it's not such a big deal what he wrote so get over it!

And you are of the slower users, believe me.

I've "been over it" all the time. I'm not the one who made a big deal out of it. I simply called Man an idiot, because he is after posting that post. If I'm one of the slower users, then so are definitely you, too.

Please read what Man said once more:

I do not support the war on Iraq, or but what i do support is american soilders raping and killing women and chlidren ! because whats a war without war crimes. There are accually soilders in iraq going f**King crazy because of the shit that goes on there. and that my friends is a bad thing ! i cant do much, but stephen harper is like the presidents best friend, so i say kill goerge bush, maybe, but still its not like corporate amerika will let this war end anytime soon.

He's mixing sarcasm and his true opinions way too much to make out that anything of it is sarcasm. Man, what you said after the thing about killing and raping, that is your opinion, right? This is just stupid.

It was actually one of the most intelligent and greatest guys here on the forums that brought that post up in the IRC channel yesterday, and it seemed to me as he understood the post as serious, too. He even said it was time to lock the thread. So don't go and call me retarded and/or similar.

i have to say i wasn't entirely sure if man was being serious or not. the rest of the post made little sense and it was an ill advised joke in such a serious context. i wouldn't say blackrave has his fist up his ass when he posts, he is a very intelligent guy, with way better english than 90% of the brits and americans here.

Thanks, gdf. It's really nice of you. You're definitely one of the smarter guys here. :)

August 26th, 2007, 13:56
Please read what Man said once more:

I do not support the war on Iraq, or but what i do support is american soilders raping and killing women and chlidren ! because whats a war without war crimes. There are accually soilders in iraq going f**King crazy because of the shit that goes on there. and that my friends is a bad thing ! i cant do much, but stephen harper is like the presidents best friend, so i say kill goerge bush, maybe, but still its not like corporate amerika will let this war end anytime soon.

He's mixing sarcasm and his true opinions way too much to make out that anything of it is sarcasm. Man, what you said after the thing about killing and raping, that is your opinion, right? This is just stupid.

His sarcasm was the joke if you didn't get it, I got the joke within the seriousness from the word go.

Mr. Shadow
August 26th, 2007, 21:33
I've "been over it" all the time. I'm not the one who made a big deal out of it. I simply called Man an idiot, because he is after posting that post. If I'm one of the slower users, then so are definitely you, too.

Please read what Man said once more:

I do not support the war on Iraq, or but what i do support is american soilders raping and killing women and chlidren ! because whats a war without war crimes. There are accually soilders in iraq going f**King crazy because of the shit that goes on there. and that my friends is a bad thing ! i cant do much, but stephen harper is like the presidents best friend, so i say kill goerge bush, maybe, but still its not like corporate amerika will let this war end anytime soon.

He's mixing sarcasm and his true opinions way too much to make out that anything of it is sarcasm. Man, what you said after the thing about killing and raping, that is your opinion, right? This is just stupid.

It was actually one of the most intelligent and greatest guys here on the forums that brought that post up in the IRC channel yesterday, and it seemed to me as he understood the post as serious, too. He even said it was time to lock the thread. So don't go and call me retarded and/or similar.

Thanks, gdf. It's really nice of you. You're definitely one of the smarter guys here. :)

I said that to just to point out but mark3000001 said it was fine.

August 27th, 2007, 00:14
the war is unjust and unneeded but you MUST support the troops or you're a heartless bastard. they're over their getting killed because of a guy WE voted for.

I hope that is a collective we, because I didn't vote at all. I didn't see a point of voting because none of the independents had a chance, and I don't like dems or reps.

August 27th, 2007, 00:57
I support the troops, but id rather see them home in canada, but i dont agree with what some people are doing in iraq, there are things going on that dont really get alot of media attention, ie. i was looking through my local newspaper, and saw a really small article about three american solders that raped a daughter and mother in front of the rest of the family, then killed the whole family, for no reason at all. and they were sent home, but that didnt make big news, at least as far as i know, stuff over there is bad.

PS. no sarcasm was used in the above paragraph, im MAN and i aprove this message.

August 27th, 2007, 10:32
I support the troops, but id rather see them home in canada, but i dont agree with what some people are doing in iraq, there are things going on that dont really get alot of media attention, ie. i was looking through my local newspaper, and saw a really small article about three american solders that raped a daughter and mother in front of the rest of the family, then killed the whole family, for no reason at all. and they were sent home, but that didnt make big news, at least as far as i know, stuff over there is bad.

There are media cover-ups (most probably something to do with the president), and also they don't publish what would make their own country look bad.

September 19th, 2007, 20:17
some people say we shouldnt have got involved in the war in iraq, but i say it's essential practice in case the germans try again.

The yanks have never won a war on their own b4 so they came to Britain for support, world war champions of the world, we havent lost a war in thousand ****in years.

September 19th, 2007, 20:28
>_< Vhy can't you a-holes forgive us? Im german and i must defend my country against zat comment.:mad: You talk about war like its a game or somethings, and if i recall britain hasn't won much eitheir. You rasicts ******

September 19th, 2007, 20:33
some people say we shouldnt have got involved in the war in iraq, but i say it's essential practice in case the germans try again.

The yanks have never won a war on their own b4 so they came to Britain for support, world war champions of the world, we havent lost a war in thousand ****in years.

oh so that one against the us for our freedom dont count right?
there are so many things wrong with your post..

September 19th, 2007, 20:37
oh so that one against the us for our freedom dont count right?
there are so many things wrong with your post..

Yeah really, people always seem to forget that one. Or the one when The U.S. tried to take over Canada and we burned down the white house :p

Good times.

September 19th, 2007, 20:47
oh so that one against the us for our freedom dont count right?
there are so many things wrong with your post..

JA zat vas just totally wrong.:mad: am i the only von who noticed zat he bumped zis post?:confused:

September 19th, 2007, 22:29
I want to join the Royal Marines (I'm currently doing a level of fitness so I can apply for their training), they're currently in Iraq and Afghanistan. I support the wars, thou I think Bush is a prat...

...Iraq needed a war, one that could change the leadership of the country (which it did). I hope Iran is next (and that they send the UK troops), cause it looks likely that theres going to be a war (I want to be there when it happens) :D

September 19th, 2007, 23:44
some people say we shouldnt have got involved in the war in iraq, but i say it's essential practice in case the germans try again.

The yanks have never won a war on their own b4 so they came to Britain for support, world war champions of the world, we havent lost a war in thousand ****in years.

Sorry baby, but without the USA, your crappy United Kingdom would have lost miserably the WW2 :rofl:

September 20th, 2007, 00:22
Sorry baby, but without the USA, your crappy United Kingdom would have lost miserably the WW2 :rofl:

Agreeded, germany vould haf von.:rofl:

September 20th, 2007, 02:37
Agreeded, germany vould haf von.:rofl:

Possible, but even if they had won, it never would have lasted. All the other countries would have gooten fed up with all the shit going on around them and gone to war with them. That would have been a real bloodbath there.

P.S. Saying "vis", "von" and "vat" will not add to your character, but will just make it annoying to read your posts.

September 20th, 2007, 03:14
Can anybody say bumping old topics ? i dont believe that Germany would have won in the long run, but you never know, with all the counter media and propoganda put out to cover up death camps and the like, BTW, i think this thread is going to get closed anyways.

September 20th, 2007, 15:19
Can anybody say bumping old topics ?

I can only say http://images.ih8mud.com/images/secretsmilies/repost.gif on the topic, it's one that has quite regularly pops up when JKK is about (for some reason?).

September 20th, 2007, 16:26
Why'd they bump my thread?

My stance is the same as last month.

September 20th, 2007, 16:30
I d
idn't post last month though I bricked my PSP and left the scene for 2 months as my DS micro SD was corrupt as well. I had nothing left to come here for but now nothing can get me away from this site (both work now as well).

September 20th, 2007, 16:35
Why'd they bump my thread?

For a pointless reason maybe?

September 20th, 2007, 16:54
It's been bumped, bumped a few times more to question the bumping, further still to discuss the questioning of the bumping, and now once more for me to ramble about how quickly a thread turns off topic.

It's all pointless in the scheme of things :)

September 20th, 2007, 16:57
It's all pointless in the scheme of things :)

Agreed: It is! :)

September 20th, 2007, 19:54
Agreed: It is! :)

At least it wasn't made TOO long ago, I mean, it's only September :p

September 20th, 2007, 20:34
Possible, but even if they had won, it never would have lasted. All the other countries would have gooten fed up with all the shit going on around them and gone to war with them. That would have been a real bloodbath there.

P.S. Saying "vis", "von" and "vat" will not add to your character, but will just make it annoying to read your posts.

Ja i see your point.

P.S.S i thought about zat, and you know what? The thing zis...
i really couldn't care less. deal vith zit.^_^:rofl:

Can anybody say bumping old topics ? i dont believe that Germany would have won in the long run, but you never know, with all the counter media and propoganda put out to cover up death camps and the like, BTW, i think this thread is going to get closed anyways.

Bumping, zer i said it, vhat i vin?

September 20th, 2007, 20:38
Time for lockage, there's no need to bump old threads like these.