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View Full Version : No more Expansion LE

August 24th, 2007, 22:00
I have decided stop my expansion and of my cf 1.50 LE-A


August 25th, 2007, 07:44
Dont stop coding all together buddy, just work on something people can appreciate a little more... not something that has already been done

I like you, and i really hope this isnt the end for you...

And anybody wishing to flame test30 just DONT!!!!

August 25th, 2007, 12:09
Look at the post on maxconsole and you'll see what the people think about Test360.

LOL, the only reason why you are not banned from these forums is because you are like the clown of it, you are here to bring laughs, you are our own circus monkey.

August 25th, 2007, 17:05
Just do some other sort of coding as it will be a loss if you decided to give up completely

August 26th, 2007, 07:01
Dont give up completely

Although i dont really think much of the LE builds, if i were you contribute an other way.

I mean you have the talent, why not investigate porting games or something..

Aleph one looks nice ^_^

August 26th, 2007, 07:02
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Wear spandex every other day.