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View Full Version : Sony Ericsson 'obviously' considering PlayStation-branded phone

August 28th, 2007, 22:54
via joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2007/08/28/sony-ericsson-obviously-considering-playstation-branded-phone/)

Stuffing an electronic device in your pocket simply isn't worth enduring the oddly shaped bulge if it can't play some decent games, right? Sony Ericsson seemingly agrees in an interview with Pocket Gamer, with the phone company's Peter Ahnegard (touché!) discussing the possibility of releasing a PlayStation-branded phone. Ahnegard explains that sticking the PlayStation name on a phone is easier said than done, as consumers have certain expectations from such a prominent label.

"We're not launching a brand of handset simply because we can, but because we can lead up to the expectations of the consumer," he said. "Up until today we haven't felt we could launch a PlayStation phone because it wouldn't be recognised as a true continuation of that brand of products." When further prodded, Ahnegard admits that a PlayStation phone is "obviously something that we're looking at" and expects it to materialize in some form before Christmas... "but exactly which Christmas I can't confirm!" Well, that narrows it down.

Anonymous D
August 28th, 2007, 23:25
Stuffing an electronic device in your pocket simply isn't worth enduring the oddly shaped bulge if it can't play some decent games, right?

remind anyone of ther psp? i certainly dont carry mine in my pocket lol

August 29th, 2007, 00:12
I carry my psp with me everytime i can't live without it i always wanted a psp phone at last we can enjoy voice calls i was waiting for this product for a long time i hope sony releases this item quickly i don't have a phone myself because i don't like them i don't think phones are really good as psp having a phone on my psp is a dream come true.

August 29th, 2007, 00:41
you dont like phones but you want one on your psp? wtf?

Safari Al
August 29th, 2007, 00:49
sounds cool

August 29th, 2007, 00:52
Playstation Phone...

yes play games on your cellphone keypad...suckage

They better make dual analogs first

August 29th, 2007, 01:33
I own a psp and I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry if it came with dual analogs.... unlikely though

August 29th, 2007, 01:47
Even with dual anologues a PSP>PSPphone<Sony Erricson.

Encompassing phone technology and gaming technology into one device simply won't work , hybrid devices such as the N-Gage(QD) always have been and will continue to be a comercial flop.

Real Gamers go for the PSP or DS , People who like to talk alot go for the Iphone ,Nokia etc . For the price this technology is likely to cost I can't see anyone that would be willing to buy it.

Gaming phones are an abomination to common sense.

August 29th, 2007, 03:28
i hate carrying my psp around in my pocket... thats why i always keep my fashionable "manbag" nearby... stuffed with all the elctronics i need

August 29th, 2007, 04:10
NOOOO !!! PSP fone ??? Sux ! No way ! Psp don't will sell more because a $%&@ fone !

August 29th, 2007, 04:16
"Gaming phones are an abomination to common sense."

All in one devices, I think, are the future. A phone doesn't necessarily need keypads. They could be virtual keypads or touchscreen. I want a gaming unit first, then a phone. So I wouldn't want keypads, just something like the psp as it is since I infrequently use a cell phone.

And you wouldn't necessarily have to hold it up to your face to talk, it could probably use pull-out earbuds that wound out or something. The future holds many possibilities.

August 29th, 2007, 04:22
id be pretty annoying getting a call while your playing a game and stopping until ur done, you could put it on speaker but then bah i duno it seems cumbersome. but it could help with communications in multiplayer games.

August 29th, 2007, 08:28
alls i knows is that the "Ahnegard (touché!)" thing made me lol.

for reals.

August 29th, 2007, 11:08
Hmm Doesnt seem like a good idea , to get the phone first of all will be easy but to make it a playstation its gotta get up to standards with that name and have good performance and sound and even looks theres no way this phones is gonna be small and the psp slim for example i personally think it is a 'bad expansion' to the normal psp because theres not much difference! if they make a psp phone then the psp series will be as good as a puzzle all jumbled up! i mean when did the original PS get into being a phone! it became ps2 and then ps3 now thats a good series!

August 29th, 2007, 11:37
I'd bet on it not being a good (successful) idea but then, I'm all for co's taking chances for innovation. If all co's were like, 'hey, this hasn't been done or been done successfully, let's not try it again', then there'd be many things we'd be missing out on. The video game economy sort of crashed in '84 but Nintendo took a chance and tried it again and better. I'm all for innovation.

August 29th, 2007, 14:57
remind anyone of ther psp? i certainly dont carry mine in my pocket lol

i do, but in my back pocket, it fits like my wallet

August 29th, 2007, 16:39
It's nice to have a phone in a game consoles this was the only missing option in the psp we already have gps and digital camera well if people are considering to buy a phone well don't even think about it the psp has lot more potential then a phone if you look at a good featured phone you are willing to pay over £300 but still they don't have a 3d accelerator in them which makes look lame and left behind in the technology the psp is an all entertainment device which is unbeatable and of course buying with a phone will not cost £250 as a estimation price the psp is an awesome game console which does everything the people who think a psp phone is a bad idea think twice it's one of the most coolest idea in world history.

August 29th, 2007, 17:14
phone console:-

1 screen too small
2 controls rubbish
3 storage options

if its a GBA mini size thing with at least 320x340 screen, a dpad and downloadable games for a memory stick it MIGHT work. but not really much point is there?

my k750i has 3d graphics but its totally impractical to play anything on apart from poker

August 29th, 2007, 18:46
I guess it's confirmed now:


I'd take back my supportive view of a playstation phone knowing that it will be playing those shitty java games. I was hoping something as good as psp but a phone added on. I guess it would be a bit bulky considering current technology and the price to make it slimmer if possible would be too much.

Although I kind of like how it looks on the plans so far.

August 29th, 2007, 20:21
gaming phones may be an abomination, but have you seen the tech specs for some of the new "game phones" due out next year?

ati graphics chip and 733mhz processor,

enough said really

plus the nokia n95 can emulate GBA at full speed with full sound

August 29th, 2007, 21:26
this is just going the samme way as psp sony would patch it and then no homebrew for that phone

August 30th, 2007, 02:26
"Gaming phones are an abomination to common sense."

All in one devices, I think, are the future. A phone doesn't necessarily need keypads. They could be virtual keypads or touchscreen. I want a gaming unit first, then a phone. So I wouldn't want keypads, just something like the psp as it is since I infrequently use a cell phone.

And you wouldn't necessarily have to hold it up to your face to talk, it could probably use pull-out earbuds that wound out or something. The future holds many possibilities.

I'm still certain that the PSP phone will suck , All in one devices won't ever be the future and i'll explain why.

When ever you make an all in one device you have to make compromised and you also have to prioritise doing many things good rather than one thing excellently.

For example I couldn't find myself playing on a screen that was lot smaller than my PSP's as a hardcore gamer I want the best possible visual experience on the road/at home.

As a mobile phone user I couldn't possibly find myself typing using the dpad buttons , the need for a keyboard in increasing , with phone capabilities constalty being improved Internet,messenger etc.

Also you find that lightness and size is a huge factor in mobile phone apeal , something the PSP phone won't have without sacrificing some gaming/other capabilities.

Companies have always faced this dilema , " if we make a gaming phone good at playing games then it'll suck at being a mobile phone , if it's a good mobile phone then it'll suck at playing games".

If you want gaming get a PSP or DS , if you want phones get a Nokia or Sony Erricson ffs.

August 30th, 2007, 03:35
wtf a Sony n-gage :eek: