View Full Version : DS tops one million sales in Europe !

June 27th, 2005, 22:51
Nintendo has today announced that over one million DS handhelds have been sold in Europe since the machine's launch back in March.

Nintendo have gleefully proclaimed the success of the console, pointing out that 500,000 consoles were shifted within just three weeks of launch, with the one million total being broken in less than three months.

"The European launch of Nintendo DS has been a massive success, with sales shattering all previous records in the opening weekend and remaining consistently strong," boasted Jim Merrick, Nintendo of Europe's senior director of European marketing.

"This product reflects Nintendo's dedication to innovation and the advancement of gaming, providing novel and exciting new ways to play games," he continued.

This news comes on the back of a recent survey in Japan by Otonafami magazine, which has found that DS is more popular with Japanese adults than Sony's handheld, PSP.

The survey of 1000 gamers aged over 20 revealed that 25% owned a Nintendo DS, 14% owned a Sony PSP, and 19% owned both handhelds.

Ninty's device was ahead in terms of software too, with 23% of DS owners having more than six titles, compared to just 11% of PSP owners.

Things are currently looking a little shaky for PSP as the console's software drought continues.

DS has an 800,000 lead on PSP in Japan and the handheld will face stiff competition from Xbox 360 within two months of its European release, making it even harder for the console to catch DS's figure of one million in the region.