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View Full Version : Square Enix answers our Kingdom Hearts petition!

August 30th, 2007, 01:34
Square Enix answers email on Kingdom Hearts petition

Around a day ago i sent a email to Square Enix, here was its contents.

"Firstly i would like to say hello to all the staff at Square Enix. I have recently started a online petition to get the good staff at Square Enix to start development of Kingdom Hearts onto the PSP. As a person who is very much involved with the PSP community, we all felt as a whole that this game is a must on the Playstation Portable.

Heres the petition information-
Kingdom Hearts on PSP petition

I'm hoping to get over 20,000 signatures. If i do i would hope for some sort of response from Square Enix.


Rafael Bernard"

Heres Square Enix answer back

Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support,

We hope this letter answers your questions.

Our parent company, SQUARE ENIX of Japan, has no current plans to create a sequel to Kingdom Hearts at this time. This is not to say that it will never happen, it's just that their development teams are currently focusing on numerous other projects. Namely Final Fantasy Crisis Core and a few others. We hope this information has been of assistance.

Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support

Thoughts via comment

August 30th, 2007, 01:38
it's official....no kingdom hearts on psp

August 30th, 2007, 01:40
You can't expect any other answer

August 30th, 2007, 01:40
At least we know what Square Enix is up to. Absolutely nothing :(

August 30th, 2007, 01:45
what a downer

August 30th, 2007, 01:46
it's official....no kingdom hearts on psp

not necessarily
maybe just
"its no official kingdom hearts on PSP"

the official was just in the wrong place!

August 30th, 2007, 01:48
at least they bother to answer, not every company does that.

August 30th, 2007, 01:56
Saying that they aren't doing anything would be quite incorect , the response clearyly sais that

their development teams are currently focusing on numerous other projects

This probably means they don't have the resources currently to make a quality PSP game , there was no conditional 100,000 or XXX no. of petitions given by the SE unlike capcom which stated a no. of petitions it would like before it would consider making the game.

I'd say KH will still arrive on the PSP just not for another few years , unless SE are hiding something very big.

August 30th, 2007, 02:01
for 20,000 people to say they will buy the game is not enough it takes hundreds of thousands to make a profit

August 30th, 2007, 02:08
What did I say?

August 30th, 2007, 02:09
for 20,000 people to say they will buy the game is not enough it takes hundreds of thousands to make a profit

I would disagree , 1 petition could be representative of the interests of 5-5000 individual others for various reasons. In england for example in my town thamesmead which populates 100,000 people , if 1000 people ( 1%) where to complain about air polution,garbage etc then you would safley assume it was an issue that needed to be adressed despite that fact that the thousand complaints aren't being made by the majority of thamesmead , the 1000 act as represtatives of the rest of the town.

1. Not Everyones Aware of the KH Petition
2. Not everyone believes in the effects of petition
3.Not everyone believes in the effect of their own vote
4.Not everyone likes petitions , there's like 1 million petitions on the net and now these gaming petitions are becoming tedious I admit.

August 30th, 2007, 04:13
What we need is for japanese players to make their own petition at Japan, then Im sure SE will consider it more, but I want FFVII CC to be a high quality game, so Im happy if they cant make KH cuz of lack of resources.

August 30th, 2007, 04:35
What we need is for japanese players to make their own petition at Japan, then Im sure SE will consider it more, but I want FFVII CC to be a high quality game, so Im happy if they cant make KH cuz of lack of resources.

On Japan? Don't forget to change the platform name to "Nintendo DS" :rofl:

August 30th, 2007, 05:26
yeah they can see $$$ on the ds
(looks at DQ 9)

so maybe that will work

August 30th, 2007, 05:28
RE petition repeat
probably never gonna hear from capcom again about it
same will go for this

capcom is busy with RE5 atm anyway
square enix is plenty busy with the tons of games their working on also the massive amount of FF13 ports and the original, ect...

August 30th, 2007, 05:45
aw man. kingdom hearts would have been sick. but at least crisis core looks good

August 30th, 2007, 05:50
I guess that means No...

August 30th, 2007, 05:51
Actually I read a another credible website (PSPFanboy) that they are actually working on a prequel to the game. It's suppose to be an exclusive release, but I can be wrong. I might have misread something but I think that's what they are planning.

August 30th, 2007, 05:53
sounds kinda like they snubbed you.

August 30th, 2007, 06:41
.(' )_,

Roasted Bunny! Try to eat me will you!

If you're like me and too lazy to fill out a petition but willing to spend money on games, then we're proof that petitions are representative of populations of like minded people who are supportive of the claims of the petition but not willing to sign.

Petitions are good. Companies that blow petitions off are not.

August 30th, 2007, 06:50
then there's some that would sign the petition
I dunno, just to see a screenshot maybe,
and then find it difficult to fork out for the game :D

August 30th, 2007, 07:20
Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support,

We hope this letter answers your questions.

Our parent company, SQUARE ENIX of Japan, has no current plans to create a sequel to Kingdom Hearts at this time. This is not to say that it will never happen, it's just that their development teams are currently focusing on numerous other projects. Namely Final Fantasy Crisis Core and a few others. We hope this information has been of assistance.

Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support

They sent me a similar email a few months ago when I asked them if they had any plans for a Chrono Trigger Sequel or Remake.

August 30th, 2007, 07:37
.(' )_,

Roasted Bunny! Try to eat me will you!

If you're like me and too lazy to fill out a petition but willing to spend money on games, then we're proof that petitions are representative of populations of like minded people who are supportive of the claims of the petition but not willing to sign.

Petitions are good. Companies that blow petitions off are not.

well the problem is "online" petitions ...
people think its "kewl" to sign it 30+ time with a different name just to increase signatures, obliviously the company knows this, thats why online petitions have never done anything productive or make companies wont to do something
now if you made a handwritten petition that might be different...

August 30th, 2007, 09:00
Really now, how the hell could Resident Evil gather so many signatures while Kingdom hears just has 1700something?:confused: Even though I hate Kingdom Hearts, its a would have been a VERY profitable game on the PSP.:rolleyes:

August 30th, 2007, 12:25
you are mad stupid not really
you should send it to square enix from japan not usa

August 30th, 2007, 13:06
.(' )_,

Roasted Bunny! Try to eat me will you!

If you're like me and too lazy to fill out a petition but willing to spend money on games, then we're proof that petitions are representative of populations of like minded people who are supportive of the claims of the petition but not willing to sign.

Petitions are good. Companies that blow petitions off are not.

he killed my bunny.:mad: ban him :( :( :(

August 30th, 2007, 13:37
SO I see...

Gold Line
August 30th, 2007, 13:51
aw man. kingdom hearts would have been sick. but at least crisis core looks good

kingdom hearts would have been better, all of the final fantasy's after 10 kinda sucked :(

What did I say?

meh, it was worth a try :p

John Vattic
August 30th, 2007, 14:10
They said NO! Thats Hillarious!

"We at Square do not intend to make another uber-anime-apocalyptic-emo-epic-rpg"

They said no just so it would make you emo-rpg kids cry.

Square should make a game where you make emo kids cry and cut themselves. Or is that what they just did with their reply?

Oh and Resident Evil got more signatures because it's not for sexually confused individuals or racist Walt Disney fans.

Sephiroth ist emo. RPG Spielen sind emo. Und du bist Emo.

Samurai Kyo
September 1st, 2007, 05:04
Thats a downer, but I just hope that they dont release it on the ds, than I would have to buy a ds.....