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View Full Version : Converting PS Analog joystick to Digital Motion

August 31st, 2007, 09:23
Hi everyone. I don't know where to go as I am posting a thread on needing assistance. I'm making a special controller for my latest project (which I won't announce untill down) that involves using a regular playstation analog joystick into turning it to digital form which is made to be used as the initial D-Pad control. I made an image (a rushed diagram) of what the pin points are on the joystick and I am confused to what I need to solder together in order to make the digital points to make the UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT to be triggered when the joystick is moved to. I have already design what is needed to make the controller but the joystick pins confuses me. Any help would be appreciated and will give credit (if necessary) when I finish my project.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it all out after doing some research over and over. This thread can be deleted.