View Full Version : GPSFS, Java and some troubles

August 31st, 2007, 20:05

im writing a little programm with java, where i want to see my position on a map.
so i decide to use GMDL.

first i have to thank for this great tool :thumbup:
i also have to thank for the detailed description of GPSFS at the end of the sourcefile :D
(but there seems to be a little error. there says, that the IDX begins with the highest zoom level, but it begins with the lowest zoomlevel :confused: )

however, i now can draw the map at my current position. but i have trouble with the exact positioning on the drawed map.

for better understanding a little example:
My GPS-Position is: 48.3767 16.2426

if i search this coordinates on maps.google.com i get the exact position on the freeway:

but if i draw the map on my own, im a little bit outside or on the border of the freeway:

i don't know much thing about the projection. i just 'translate' the code to get the gps-position of the downloaded map from the X-Y pair from the sourcecode of mapthis.
(getLatLong, getTileCoord, initLatLong)

Any idea, why the position could be not exact?

I do following to compute the position on the map:

1) i compute the coordinates of the upper-left and the lower-right corner of the image:

xLeft = getLatLong( (int)X, (int)(Y-1), 0)[1];
xRight = getLatLong( (int)(X+filesPerLine[zoomlevel]), (int)(Y+filesPerLine[zoomlevel]-1), 0)[1];
yTop = getLatLong( (int)X, (int)(Y-1), 0)[0];
yBottom = getLatLong( (int)(X+filesPerLine[zoomlevel]), (int)(Y+filesPerLine[zoomlevel]-1), 0)[0];

2) i find the 256*256 part, where my incoming GPS-Position is and draw it, with the surrounding parts in a 768*768 image.

3) i compute the position in this little image, and get a 300*300 pixel part of it.

4) my position should now be exact at the center of this 300*300 pixel, but it's not :(

sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance,
Ahmet Y.

August 31st, 2007, 23:30
Your stud.tuwien.at image isn't working.

September 1st, 2007, 04:25
It's hard to speculate on what's going on without seeing the actual code.. Perhaps that little error comes from assumtion of linear dependency between lon/lat and the coordinates inside that tile.
Or perhaps, some error kicks in when the JRE rounds things up..

September 1st, 2007, 07:04
MapThis! seems to render the coordinates just like google maps (see below).. so you error comes from either different round up algorithm or some faulty logic..

September 1st, 2007, 18:14
It's hard to speculate on what's going on without seeing the actual code.. Perhaps that little error comes from assumtion of linear dependency between lon/lat and the coordinates inside that tile.
well, i really assume that lon/lat are linear in a tile. :rolleyes:

do you have any helpfull links for me, where i can "easily" learn how to compute the exact position on the mercator projection? :)
(or a good introduction into this area)

do i have to use these two methods from your main.c ?

//puts x value in Coord.lon and y value in Coord.lat
Coord getTileCoord(double lat, double lon, int zoomLl ) {
int x,y;
int zoomLevel=zoomLl;
if (zoomLevel<0) zoomLevel=zoomLevel*(-1)+17;
x= (int)(bitmapOrigo[zoomLevel] + lon * pixelsPerLonDegree[zoomLevel]);
double e = sin(lat * Wa);

if (e > 0.9999) {
e = 0.9999;

if (e < -0.9999) {
e = -0.9999;

y = (int)(bitmapOrigo[zoomLevel] + 0.5
* log((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * -1
* (pixelsPerLonRadian[zoomLevel]));

Coord cc;
return cc;


//puts x value in Coord.lon and y value in Coord.lat
Coord getXY(double lat, double lon, int zoom) {
Coord c;
long x,y;
int zoomLevel=zoom;
if (zoomLevel<0) zoomLevel=zoomLevel*(-1)+17;

x= (long)(bitmapOrigo[zoomLevel] + lon * pixelsPerLonDegree[zoomLevel]);
double e = sin(lat * Wa);

if (e > 0.9999) {
e = 0.9999;

if (e < -0.9999) {
e = -0.9999;

y = (long)(bitmapOrigo[zoomLevel] + 0.5
* log((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * -1
* (pixelsPerLonRadian[zoomLevel]));

return c;


September 1st, 2007, 18:46
check out this page: http://mapki.com/wiki/Knowledge_Base

They should have some java api samples already