View Full Version : Weird PSP issues!

September 1st, 2007, 01:31
Hi peeps

White Japanese Import PSP - DA 3.30oe
Black UK PSP - DA3.40oe with TA-082 mobo

My White Jap PSP has DA 3.30oe and works perfectly but my black UK PSP has DA 3.40oe and has the following issues

1) On a rare occurance the screen freezes and I cant knock the PSP of without taking the battery out, the power light stays on and cant be switched off?

2) Another strange thing with the black PSP is when it loads I dont get the "Sony Computer Entertainment" start up screen, it just boots straight to XMB but I do get the SCE screen on the White one?Sorted now! Recovery Menu has option to disable SCE which also disables UMD auto start when enabled

3) One final thing I've noticed with the black PSP is if I change the UMD Auto start to "ON" it doesnt load the UMD, I just boots straight to XMB? When I first installed DA 3.4oe I'm sure the UMD did Auto Start but since I knocked it "OFF" it wont Auto Start UMD's even when selected to "ON"Sorted now! Recovery Menu has option to disable SCE which also disables UMD auto start when enabled

The PSP works great but why does it have these 3 now 1 issues? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.

Many Thanks

September 1st, 2007, 01:52
Try restore factory defaults. Sometimes my PSP acts too weird (dont save configs, frezzes exiting,crazy letters,auto start aways on) when flash1 becomes corrupt.

September 1st, 2007, 03:20
Thanks Saracchini will give that a go.