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View Full Version : Hirai: Years before PS3's power fully manifests itself

September 3rd, 2007, 19:00
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=171287)

It's going to be a wee while before we claps eyes on games that squeeze every ounce of polygon-powering grunt out of PS3, according to Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai.

"The power that we've packed into PS3 will really manifest itself in software titles that come up four, five or six years down the line", Hirai has told Official PlayStation Magazine in its latest issue.

We can't wait that long. Can you?

During the interview Hirai also addressed the 'issue' of certain developers finding PS3 tough to develop for. He acknowledging that the console is a more complex animal for developers to work with compared to its rivals, but this appears to be a good thing.

"If you look back at the commentary we received when we launched PS2, there was a lot of talk to the effect that 'It's very difficult to program for' and 'It's easier on a Dreamcast'. It's happened before," Hirai said.

"If they came back and told me, 'PS3? We can do this in a heartbeat,' that would be worrying because what it is telling me is that we're not pushing the envelope from a technology standpoint."

September 3rd, 2007, 19:11
thats basically what i figured. i mean that tends to be true with most consoles and ps3 shouldnt be any different. ps3 is more complex than 360 so it will take a little longer but when it happens look out.

September 3rd, 2007, 19:12
Hmm what about now? why do sony keep banging on about the future? Is it some kind of trick to take our mind of the "now"? Yes the ps3 have potential but do we really wanna see all of those five years from now? Ms would probably undercut them and introduce another console or something.

September 4th, 2007, 02:49
I guess for now they can put out games jsut as good in quality as 360... then surpass it later... As long as I can see progressive noticable results I guess it's all good...