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View Full Version : BrickFall LP-3

September 3rd, 2007, 23:37
Bassacegold (http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php?topic_id=6368) has updated his puzzle game for the DS, heres whats new:

Update BrickFall LP-3 :
-fixed platform collision maps
-New levels
-optimised platform loading (loads platforms faster)
-Fixed wifi leaderboard freeze
-Menus redone
-can now switch mp3s while playing (while paused press select to load a new mp3)
-updated mod song handling
-added new songs
-now checks to see if "brickfall" directory is on the root of card, if not displays error
-got rid of data folder
-updated readme with more info
-random things are more random
-fixed invisible platform bug(i think)

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October 27th, 2007, 21:01
Woah! That's cool how you can add your own MP3's to it! :D Good job! ^_^b

EDIT: Ummm....I put everything on my Games 'n Music card, but it still gives me the error like the directory isn't there, but I think I know the problem! When I went to the file that had all of the data,, pictures, etc, it showed up as a question mark, which means the game can't read it. It only plays .MP3's, .NDS' and .D3V, which is music, games, and videos, respectively. Oh, well. My game just sucks.