View Full Version : Yabause PSP v0.1a

September 4th, 2007, 17:38
I've been trying to keep quite about this (sniper knows about it) but bleh.

I got bored recently and finaly got off my ass and ported yabause to psp. It runs ungodly slow at 3-5fps depending on the game. Some games that were compatible are not compatible (strange memory bugs seem to be corupting some parts).

Anyways if anybody is interested I'm willing to post a build providing nobody leaks it (or I will have your balls in a lovely vise grip for that).

- to sniper -
Due to my msn sucking balls recently. Can you post any progress you've obtain from it?

-- edit --
Ok here is the source and binary (eboot in the rar).

Input should be roughly
Saturn = Psp
D-Pad = D-Pad
A = X
B = Circle
C = Left Trigger (I think)
X = Square
Y = Triangle
Z = Right Trigger (I think)
Start = Start

Again keep to your self :P

Ignore the sub folder. This is using the latest "yabause-0.8.6" source (started with 8.5 but updated to 8.6)

September 4th, 2007, 19:41
Ugh, methinks we need to use a different IM :rolleyes:

Anyway, heres a pic :)

September 4th, 2007, 21:07
Post what it gets for FPS performance also :P

September 4th, 2007, 21:13
I've been trying to keep quite about this (sniper knows about it) but bleh.

I got bored recently and finaly got off my ass and ported yabause to psp. It runs ungodly slow at 3-5fps depending on the game. Some games that were compatible are not compatible (strange memory bugs seem to be corupting some parts).

Anyways if anybody is interested I'm willing to post a build providing nobody leaks it (or I will have your balls in a lovely vise grip for that).

- to sniper -
Due to my msn sucking balls recently. Can you post any progress you've obtain from it?

wow, nice one man.... lol, lately DS has been taking down the threads that ask if Saturn emulation on the psp is even posible stating "no, it will never happen" ..... looks like you proved him wrong ;)

im quite impressed with this, and i would sure love to try it :)

Ugh, methinks we need to use a different IM

Anyway, heres a pic

lol, MSN has been shitting out on me too lately... i get annoyed esspecially when im sending screenshots of my work ( even when im on highspeed!!! ) i guess a all around im proggy would be good... ( i think someone recommended me pigeon... )

nice screenshot btw :p

anyway, working on a few things.... its good to see the monkey man talking again :)

Thanks for Everything,

September 4th, 2007, 21:37
Well my camera kinda sucks so I had to make a video :p

September 4th, 2007, 21:37
ahh now i understand, Sega Saturn on PSP what a Cool tech demo :)

September 4th, 2007, 22:20
Heh, seeing saturn on psp, cool stuff =)

(OT: If you own Warhawk and you have some time maybe we should have a game sometime :P)

September 4th, 2007, 22:30
full speed/ playable speed Saturn emus are not possible, is what I said. There have been over 100+ "saturn psp emu please" topics, it gets annoying after a while. from what bluecrab says a full speed saturn emu on the dc is not possible, but a playable speed might be as the dc uses sh4 chips while that saturn used sh2.... but I mainly talk out of my ass so i could be wrong ;) .

PSmonkey you should check out #dcemu on irc, bluecrab is there 80%, you could have a chat about yabouse.

nice work btw ;)

September 4th, 2007, 22:53
full speed/ playable speed Saturn emus are not possible, is what I said. There have been over 100+ "saturn psp emu please" topics, it gets annoying after a while. from what bluecrab says a full speed saturn emu on the dc is not possible, but a playable speed might be as the dc uses sh4 chips while that saturn used sh2.... but I mainly talk out of my ass so i could be wrong ;) .

PSmonkey you should check out #dcemu on irc, bluecrab is there 80%, you could have a chat about yabouse.

nice work btw ;)

Well truthfuly. It would take a crap load of work to make a playable saturn emulator on the PSP. I really dont have time for that but i've been currious as hell to see saturn run on the psp in the first place. Yabause was a lot easier to port then I originaly though so I went a head while I had some free time. I might continue to parse over the source to see if I can't get the fps to something more around 10fps but i'm not holding my breath.

Something worth noting is that yabause on the PSP with the null GFX driver seems to actualy run somewhat fast (like 6-10fps, thats fast imo for a unoptimised port). So maybe if I rewrite the gl plugin to fully use the psp nativly and not my current port of the GL code I might see some improvements performance wise.

I might be talking out of my ass but I also think yabause idle code is posibly a waste of performance (sure will boost small loops but it's a huge cost to add on every instruction cycle unless it only happens so often).

** Just a note **
Nobody is to discuss this anywhere. I personaly am douting I will even let this get out publicly (this forum is a different story). If I did my name is in no way suppost to be associated with the port due to work contracts. So if someone casualy discusses this with others or on irc, don't mention me at all.

September 4th, 2007, 23:36
if you ever wanted it go public i can resurrect anonymous coder ;)

September 5th, 2007, 00:29
yeah don't worry I ( and i'm sure none of the admin + the other guys, sniper etc) will not talk about it. And just be on the safe side I think none of us should talk about it on IRC, at all.

still very cool ;)

September 5th, 2007, 01:32
if you ever wanted it go public i can resurrect anonymous coder ;)

Maybe, but only and I mean ONLY if I can get the framerate up to around 10fps. It would be quite worthless to release it at 3-4fps and get people's hopes up too early (specialy if I cant put in enough work for 10fps).

Anyways untill then, enjoy everybody.

September 5th, 2007, 04:26
I was researching what games work, and this is the only one that actually works with the PSP. Sadly I get the nice screen you see here after the title screen :o

September 5th, 2007, 12:54
I was researching what games work, and this is the only one that actually works with the PSP. Sadly I get the nice screen you see here after the title screen :o

A few games do that including my favorite, elevator action 2. I think something corrupts ram or it fetches an out of bounds instruction.

September 5th, 2007, 17:00
After some thinking and looking though the source. I figured out what seems to bottleneck the rendering code. The textures are reconverted every frame and not cached. I've never really writen a texture cache system yet so I will just have to try and see what I can come up with (I know n64 plugins have some reasonable texture cache code so I will have to go see how they do it).

September 5th, 2007, 21:31
I was researching what games work, and this is the only one that actually works with the PSP. Sadly I get the nice screen you see here after the title screen :o

I recieved same crash with games I've tried

(PS: I notice PSP forum moderators can moderate Atlantis forum, that could mean that some people that aren't invited in here could read these threads)

September 6th, 2007, 01:24
I recieved same crash with games I've tried

(PS: I notice PSP forum moderators can moderate Atlantis forum, that could mean that some people that aren't invited in here could read these threads)

They can't see the forum (even if they are a mod). Only admins & people invited into here can actualy see the forum exsist.

September 6th, 2007, 17:03
I tried a cheap cache fix last night (i did not have much time to work on code). Insted of flushing the cache every frame. I hold it till there is a chache miss or texture ram overflows. I can't tell but it might have netted 1fps but thats not really useful.

I started looking at CRC code from glN64 but i question if this really is a good route. Unless I am missing something, I would almost say calcing the crc of an image is probably almost as time consuming as reconvering the texture (yabause has it down pretty well).

I should check what the dreamcast port render code is doing for yabause.

September 6th, 2007, 18:19
i know this may sound daft but most 1 gig PCs struggle with Saturn emulators at a decent speed which makes you wonder if say Chankast (dreamcast emulator)would run better if ported.

September 6th, 2007, 21:12
Ugg, stupid ****ing me!

What I wrote last night is totaly worthless since there are two cache flushes per a frame vdp1 & vdp2. What I did was if there is a cache miss on textures, I flush and have it redo them next frame yet on the next frame I ignore cache misses since the cache is mostly empty. Yet since there are two flushes it resets my flag and causes a flush every frame. :/ Gonna have to quickly fix that when I get home (i did a debug of the pc version durring my lunch break).

Also I notice the yabause gl drivers do a few bad things (it does not check if there is an overflow of the cache list, this will result in a crash which i got this afternoon). Going to fix that also when I get home.

Hopefuly this will properly net a few fps (it seem to boost the pc gl code which is super slow for me in debug mode, so thats a good thing).

-- small note --
Yabause's dreamcast port uses a port of the software rendering code (the vidsoft). Thats bound to be a serious bottleneck in the dreamcast version.

i know this may sound daft but most 1 gig PCs struggle with Saturn emulators at a decent speed which makes you wonder if say Chankast (dreamcast emulator)would run better if ported.

Truthfuly the DC would not work on PSP at all. It would be (IMO) down right imposible to get it to run at 3fps.

Saturn emu on PC struggle since they still are trying to understand the saturn. Yabause is a pure interpreter core (it would be like running pj64 in interpreter mode). Also PC coders tend to not be very efficent when they code.

September 7th, 2007, 00:20
Awesome, sounds like we may be closer to 10fps after all :D

September 7th, 2007, 02:06
not really. i tried some changes and the intro boost a little bit but still not a solid improvement (maybe 1fps).

I think i'm just gonna rewrite the video plugin to do it the right way. the vidogl plugin is a nice base but wont optimise right for the psp.

I also hate that it does blending right into the textures insted of the polygons via vertex colors.

November 14th, 2007, 23:50
Well, I just saw the news post from SofiyaCat...you wouldn't have something to do with this would you...or is this really a completely different project?

November 15th, 2007, 01:57
Well, I just saw the news post from SofiyaCat...you wouldn't have something to do with this would you...or is this really a completely different project?

i was wondering the same thing..

November 15th, 2007, 05:36
Diff pj. Seems my port is better (but his has sound).