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View Full Version : Just found this! umd run ver1

June 29th, 2005, 14:19
Just found this! umd run ver1. i havent had time to look at it yet but im posting it! please let me know what you think and what it dose!

June 29th, 2005, 15:58
From what I've been reading on the net the program is supposed to be put on your memory card and it manually lets you run the actuall umd in the drive. I think they are working on it so it can bypass the umd's that require a firmware update. this is what i have heard. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.

June 29th, 2005, 16:02
I think you are right about that one, capin

June 29th, 2005, 16:05
Great find Brad666!
Is there a site or thread where we can find out more about it?

June 29th, 2005, 16:22
hopefully it will be able to run UMDs that are not in the drive soon :wink:

June 29th, 2005, 16:47
The authors that wrote the umd loader program are only using it to work with loading ACTUAL UMD'S. They say they have no plans on using it to boot isos from a memory stick. They want this to be a legal program that just bypasses firmware updates. Now I'm not saying someone else wont take the source and try to get it to boot games from a MS. Just the original authors don't intend to get isos to boot.

June 29th, 2005, 16:49
Great find Brad666!
Is there a site or thread where we can find out more about it?


June 29th, 2005, 17:11
The authors that wrote the umd loader program are only using it to work with loading ACTUAL UMD'S. They say they have no plans on using it to boot isos from a memory stick. They want this to be a legal program that just bypasses firmware updates. Now I'm not saying someone else wont take the source and try to get it to boot games from a MS. Just the original authors don't intend to get isos to boot.
That's exactly what I need. Because I'm not planning to upgrade my PSP firmware. I don't care about isos from memory sticks. I collect original movies.

June 29th, 2005, 17:27
This is 100% completly worthless. I have been working on a boot loader for a while now (and as is someone else).

All he is doing is calling one line to a bios function to load and execute an elf file. The function has protection that blocks any MS reads, On top of it all it does is reboot the system and runs the elf from the given location. Thus it bypasses nothing.

Games them self have a physical check apon loading the elf. Its not just a fail at the bios screen from reading the sfo file.

Again I have been messing with this for weeks. The function is 100% worthless.

Note I am not looking to write a boot loader to load games from memstick. I am looking into a boot loader for bypassing 1.5 requirement in games.

June 29th, 2005, 17:51
so this prog. not work for bypass the firmware check?

June 29th, 2005, 18:08
hmm can a boot loader be made that has the firmware in the loader or say on a folder and then when the game calls for the firmware the loader steps in and points it to the new firmware ? instead of flashing the system

June 29th, 2005, 20:10
I have though about that idea. I also think just a generic load elf and point the PC to the right place might get it working as well. I just need to understand how the psp handles its elf files on boot.

June 29th, 2005, 20:30
you can't call it 100% worthless, this realease is not exactly of any use but it could be a stepping stone for somethings much greater. I think you know this otherwise you would not have WASTED weeks of your time on it :D

June 29th, 2005, 20:35
Its good and bad, good for the reasons that Nexis2600 has pointed out and very bad if warez starts coming off it, remember Sony can get very pissy when stuff is warezed and sites/forums should remeber that ;)

June 29th, 2005, 20:59
you can't call it 100% worthless, this realease is not exactly of any use but it could be a stepping stone for somethings much greater. I think you know this otherwise you would not have WASTED weeks of your time on it :D

I call it worthless because I did waste the time looking into it. It will lead nowhere.

I've tried many things and nothing works with it. The only solution I think that will work is writing an elf loader which I am checking into.