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View Full Version : Report Indicates Workers Play A Lot of Games On the Job

September 5th, 2007, 21:19
via /. (http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/09/04/2017252)

A report released by casual gaming mecca PopCap Games indicates that white collar workers play games constantly throughout the day. The study indicates that as salaries and titles improve on the organizational chart, the amount of gameplaying in a given day increases substantially.
"Considering that the casual games market is around 200 million people, PopCap estimates that the executive crowd is very much into casual gaming, with about 80 million 'white collar' workers playing. 24 percent of the 'white collar' employees said they do play at work, and that number jumps up to 35 percent for CEOs, CFOs and other senior executives. 98 percent said that they play casual games at home too."

/me says nothing :D

September 5th, 2007, 21:28
And all this tells me is that capitalism is bullshit. Why? They are paid too much for the little amount of work they actually do. Has nothing to do with the fact that they "enjoy gaming". It simply means they have nothing do 34 hours out of their week and are simply killing time while raking in 100,000s of dollars a year.

September 6th, 2007, 01:37
And all this tells me is that capitalism is bullshit. Why? They are paid too much for the little amount of work they actually do. Has nothing to do with the fact that they "enjoy gaming". It simply means they have nothing do 34 hours out of their week and are simply killing time while raking in 100,000s of dollars a year.

yes, and people that work their asses off have bad pay.

September 6th, 2007, 03:03
people gotta have fun at their work.
why would anyone want a job that they dont like.

September 6th, 2007, 03:16
i dont like my job but i got money and no i dont play no video games we usually pretty busy but if weren't i would. but not like all day though.

September 6th, 2007, 03:23
i wish i could play games at work. and although i dont have anyone over my shoulders, they would know by the amount of work i get done

September 6th, 2007, 06:26
Glad to see that senior executives are on the ball and have their priorities straight.

September 6th, 2007, 21:14
yes, and people that work their asses off have bad pay.

Exactly, and have to supply their own health care. Funny how society has regressed. The people that do nothing, get paid the most and get monstrous health care; those that form the backbone of civilization get paid the least and have to pay out of pocket for their well being.