View Full Version : Mapthis With Vectordata... A Dream!!!

September 6th, 2007, 11:10
Mapthis With Vectordata?!
HY Deniska. Your Map- App. is really great, but needs a lot of memory. So i had an Idea how to solve this Problem: Couldn't you write a Program that generates "vector-data" instead of image files? Perhaps you could use googlemap's routes-generating function and implement it into a new programm that generates different routes from a selectet area and writes the vectordata in a special output-file... I'm sure that vectordata could be the key to a faster and better "psp-homebrew-gps future " ... the biggest problem is that it would be a huge work and this needs a lot of time (if it is technically possible)... btw.: anyway, thank you for the great gps application!!! I hope, you or some other psp-gps enthusiasts will take care of this vectorproblem in future !!

September 6th, 2007, 19:37
There are not too many free and reliable sources of vector data... Tiger line data (free US source) is far from complete.. and other parts of the wourld are in even worse shape...
quering google for millions of routes in hopes to cover all the streets will probably yeild even worse vector data and possible legal problems with google for DOS attacks (BTW, they will ban your IP after ~10000 routing requests)
Again, feel free to prove me wrong and write some prove of concept code which yields some good vector data

September 6th, 2007, 20:42
deniska: where did you read the info about 10.000 requests? And is there a specific timeframe for that?

September 7th, 2007, 02:12
in7ane and I did a small geodata diggin' research project... check his last gmdl version...
not sure about specific frame rate but you can try it yourself and find out..

September 7th, 2007, 21:37
There exists a program (named "sbuilderx")which shows images from sources as googlemaps. You can create routes and export the coordinates in a text file. The only problem is , that you have to make all routes manually, so there should be developped a software like "ReadIris" which analyzes the picture and draws automatically routes over the colored roads... Deniska: pls. take a look at this program!! grettings. TINKONG

September 7th, 2007, 21:37
btw: sbuilderx was developped for flightsimulator x!

September 9th, 2007, 15:48
you could also take a look at this http://vgmap.eyebeamresearch.org/

September 18th, 2007, 15:13
how about using the maps from openmoko??


Navit is an open source project that supports lots of different vector maps


September 19th, 2007, 15:39
I am working on vector maps functionality implementation.. but don't expect it too soon...

September 20th, 2007, 00:22
I am working on vector maps functionality implementation.. but don't expect it too soon...

To think you're actually working on it is already awesome. Dude you guys are doing an amazing job!! I can't give you enough props :thumbup:

September 20th, 2007, 05:41
I played a bit with tiger line data (for US) and was able to draw a street wireframe overlay...(no water/terrain polygons just yet)
The images below show a border of an image map with vector overlay and street name detection..
Although tiger line data lacks precision and has errors, I guess showing it for "out of map" areas is still better then nothing...

September 20th, 2007, 10:07
I'm amazed :)

September 22nd, 2007, 14:18
OMG Desniska you are my Hero!!

Except I live in Australia and there is not geodata available here.

Can you tell me what is needed in the Geodata file, maybe i can start a site that we can all contribute to it!

September 28th, 2007, 06:17
Here is yet another shot of tiger-based vector data over VE sat imagery..

September 28th, 2007, 16:44
Seems great. Too bad vectordata isn't available for most of the world.

Or you have to rip it somehow of a T0mt0m.

September 28th, 2007, 18:34
Codaz: it is possible to rip vector data out of the OSM data actually :). When MapThis supports this, and I know the format it requires, I can take a look at it.

September 28th, 2007, 19:11
the format is still in the works, to ensure best performance on PSP.. Once I am done - I'll post the specs and supporting tools...

September 29th, 2007, 00:15
Hey deniska, this is off topic, but can you make MapThis somehow stop the back light from turning off and the PSP from turning off when we're not using it for atleast 10 mins? I know we can do this in the settings menu but I need it on so when I watch videos on my PSP and I fall asleep, I want my PSP to auto shut off. This really bothers me and I hope you fix it in your next release ! :)

September 29th, 2007, 10:21
Ranmax09: that was exactly my reasoning for including it in my version :). You can find the EBOOT and source here:

If you don't want the other functionality, you can always just compile your own :).

(Btw., search for 'scePowerTick' to find the function that prevents the screen from turning off.)

September 29th, 2007, 23:45
Wow, thanks Nieko. I like this feature too :D
• No more need for PRX files! These are loaded automatically from the firmware;