View Full Version : Maqiupai featured on Play-ON TV Show

June 29th, 2005, 22:45
This has been posted before but its worth a repost when the goat store do the newspost:

News from the Goatstore (http://www.goatstore.com/news.php?article_id=19)

Maqiupai, the addictive update to the classic oriental puzzler was featured on the French TV show Play-ON. Play-ON is a show on the French TV satellite channel Tchatche TV that features lots of different games.

To see Maqiupai on Play-ON, you can watch the complete show in real video at http://www.tchatche.com/Contents/Site/TTV/ (click on ‘Voir la vidéo de cette semaine’) or watch the Maqiupai part in wmv by heading to http://jm1200.free.fr/Play-On_Maqiuapi.wmv .

A special thanks to the play-On Team.