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View Full Version : New release date for Order of the Phoenix DVD

September 7th, 2007, 22:02
DVDActive.com and ComingSoon.net, both reliable movie sources, are now reporting that the fifth film will be released on DVD December 11th. From DVDActive:

Extras on the two-disc release will include 10 minutes of additional scenes, a A&E documentary, a Trailing Tonks feature with Actress Nat Tena, various making of featurettes, and a Fun and Games feature in which director David Yates and editor Mark Day show us what a difference a good edit makes and allows you to edit a scene.

It looks like some fun new features that have not been on Potter DVDs before will appear with OOTP! In addition, the film is slated for Blu-Ray and HD-DVD release. We'll update with more when we hear it! Thanks to everyone who e-mailed with the tip.

September 19th, 2007, 02:41
December 11th is a good date, it ties in well with Christmas and gives parents enough time to buy for their kids before Christmas day (I think this will be a popular DVD this Christmas).

m enterprise
September 28th, 2007, 03:09
never heard of it