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View Full Version : Dosbox V0.7.1 10/09/2007 - DOS Emulator For PSP

September 10th, 2007, 00:21
CrazyC (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=360) has posted up a new binary of his Dos Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:

I've put up a new version that adds a new option to the sdl section called keyhint. When set to true, the first button press will display a hint about what key you will get with the second button press. If the key you want isn't there you can cancel by pressing cross. It currently flickers a bit, but I'll fix that soon. Hopefully this will tide people over until I can put a full osk in..

Download Links

0.71 patch (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.patch.gz)
0.71 binary (rename to EBOOT.PBP if you have to) (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox)
0.71 conf file (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.conf)

Download Above and Give Feedback/Compatability Reports Via Comments

September 10th, 2007, 08:03
that's kinda why i made this video


for more information, visit it's youtube destination by clicking any part of the still-image with the play button. but if you click the play button, your next chance is the end of the movie

September 10th, 2007, 13:34
that's kinda why i made this video

hmm, well a video of non importance ... who "seriously" wants to put PAPER into an optical drive? I doubt any1 ... anyway, this video seriously has NOTHING to do with the news PERIOD

September 10th, 2007, 14:01
I don't get the purpose of that video, the kb layout was from another source.

A few words of text ('Print, fold, store in UMD drive') would have the exact same effect.

I can't wait for a full OSK for dosbox.

September 10th, 2007, 17:04
hehehe ye the movie was more of a laugh the first time I saw it but now it's just a bit odd finding it in here.

lets try get back to the subject... yet another DOSbox release? I'v seen loads of them but have been waiting for the OSK but I just can't wait anymore. I must give it a go now so I can play ancient art of war, sweeeeeet!

so do I just rename dosbox to eboot.pbp? what is the patch for?


September 10th, 2007, 17:27
what do u do with the dosbox patch

September 10th, 2007, 18:42
I can't get it to work at all :( are there no installation instructions?

September 10th, 2007, 20:00
hmm, well a video of non importance ... who "seriously" wants to put PAPER into an optical drive? I doubt any1 ... anyway, this video seriously has NOTHING to do with the news PERIOD

how could it possibly have nothing to do with it? or should i say how could you not possibly see that they're both solutions to the p-sprint keyboard layout?

that keyboard style is not user-friendly. i dont think anyone can say they memorized the whole thing no problem ;) and the guy who "seriously" wants to put paper in his umd drive, happened to have a faulty umd drive (:mad: **** sony) when he made the folding keyboard, but has since replaced the drive. i replaced it in february n there hasn't been even the slightest problem or sign of any, and there is no reason to be.

the lense leaves half a UMD's thickness worth of free space, and is built to withstand the umd smacking against it several times, each time it's dropped, when dropped from waist height.
for those who need it,

Installation of dosbox patch:

1. right click the binary link and select Save Target

2. change the bottom drop-down to "All Files"

3. save it as EBOOT.PBP and install it on ms0 like any other eboot.

4. for first time users and people using old versions - download the "0.71 conf file" and put it in the same folder as the eboot

September 11th, 2007, 08:18
Thanks for that Sterist but when I do this it says the file is corrupt on my PSP :(

Is there nothing else Im supposed to download? this is the first time Im running dosbox, are the seriously no readme files on this? I saw in another forum that some1 was thinking of making one, surely there has to be one...

September 11th, 2007, 16:07
Thanks for that Sterist but when I do this it says the file is corrupt on my PSP :(

Of course it says that ... since the file you downloaded is in a way different ehm .. let's call it 'computer language' and your PSP doesn't understand it. It's an ELF file, but your PSP need a PBP file.

@Sterist: to tell s/o to "rename" the file is just dumb ... it's like renaming a *.jpg file to *.mp3 and wondering why u don'T hear music ...

@Spotfist: You have to compile the file by using elf2pbp, a small application. It#s kinda complicated to explain. I'd suggest you download the following file:


It's an easy to use, compiled version of DosBox. Unzip it and install it like any other emulator for the PSP :) I made this for ppl. who don't know how to comile elf files or are just lazy :)

In the rar file are three folders. The elf2pbp3 one is the application to compile elf files with, the DosBox folder is a folder that has to be copied to the root of your memory stick (e.g. x:\, IF x is thre drive letter of your PSP) and the other one is called PSP. Just copy that one to the root of your memstick, too ... in it is the DosBox emulator itself.

After you've selected DosBox in ur XMB, it'll automatically start "Dos Navigator", which enables you to load DOS games without the need of typing anything. Very handy.

Additionally, specially for you ;) I added my very first version of a manual for DosBox. Don't expect too much, since I just started to write it and ist's far from complete. But It'll at least explain to you how to compile future releases of DosBox and it'll tell you something about how to copy old DOS games to your memorystick and play them.

Read the manual and then u'll know where to copy DOS games in order to run them, etc.

I'd be kinda nice if u'd let me know what u think of the manual itself and IF you have further questions, tell me :)

Oh, and here some additional information:

the rar archive, like the pdf are password protected. Both of PWs are "Murdock". I just don't want every1 to copy it and use it ... anyway, ppl. wanting to do that will do it of course, but ... whatever ... :)

September 11th, 2007, 20:08
it's more like renaming a .png to a .bmp

i already know it shows up as corrupt in the xmb

launch it via iRshell or anything else that "launches". fact is it works, and it tells you to rename to psp. look at the first post. have a nice day

September 12th, 2007, 05:17
it's more like renaming a .png to a .bmp

i already know it shows up as corrupt in the xmb

launch it via iRshell or anything else that "launches". fact is it works, and it tells you to rename to psp. look at the first post. have a nice day

well ... whatever ... I used the rather blatant example to make shure ppl. get the point.

You already know that? Oh great, then TELL THE OTHERS! And don't write things here which cause nothing more than problems for the other users in these forums.

And to instal another homebrew to get the previous one working is kinda like ... okay, no more examples :) let's just call it stupid.

However, the only thing I'd care about is whether it worked. Would u be so kind to tell me Spotfist? ;)


September 12th, 2007, 16:25
Sorry Murdock, I kinda gave up on the DOSBox stuff cuz it seemed that no1 knew what they were talking about hehe ;)

My friend has broken his PSP with some update, it's stuck in limbo on 1.5/3.52... so been kinda busy with that but I will give ur app a go ASAP.

Thanks for all of the usefull information, I seemed to recall reading something about compiling but it just said to rename if you want in the first post and then Sterist said that this was correct so...

September 12th, 2007, 17:39
dcemu member aTomIC has EBOOTed the binaries & zipped ready
for d/l HERE (http://www.emunews24.de/dosemus.html#sony psp257)
If you want to repeat the process yourself for any reason, you'll need a good
search engine, & find elf2pbp.

September 13th, 2007, 08:09
Managed to sort out my friends psp, what a mission and a half! so will try this dosbox tonight ;)

how fast do the games run? would lazy larry 6 be playable?

September 13th, 2007, 13:43
how fast do the games run? would lazy larry 6 be playable?

ehm .. maybe u mean THAT game:




:D :thumbup: :D

yep, Larry runs :) I have to admit it's not fullspeed, but I think about 90 to 95 percent.

It's the same with LSL5, the older ones I haven't tried yet, just kike LSL7 ... doesn't that need Win95?

Anyway, some games which run and I have tried are Prince of Persia 1 & 2, Battle Isle, Gods, Civilisation, Colonisation and many more :)

If u want a complete list of games I have tried and confirmed working, register at this forum:

http://forum.whiteone.us/viewtopic.w1?t=1557 (direct link to my thread)

here u'll find much more stuff u might find "useful" ;) believe me, it's worth registering

Hope 2 see ya there some time. Leave me a message in my thread about DosBox games, I'd really appreciate it!

[EDIT]: Sorry that the pictures r so damn large :) I can't do anything about it ... hahahaha

September 13th, 2007, 20:09
hehehe they made my browser go all wonky and my vision go all blocky hehe

Awesome game! I like the bit with the chick behind the counter hehe :thumbup:

September 14th, 2007, 12:07
Thanks Murdock for compiling this! As an OSX user and too damn lazy to install Virtual PC it's much appreciated!

September 14th, 2007, 12:17
Thanks Murdock for compiling this! As an OSX user and too damn lazy to install Virtual PC it's much appreciated!

To install an entire virtual environment for "just" comiling a lill file realy is unnecessary work ;)

Anyway, I hope u like it and if u want, I'd be happy to see you at http://forum.whiteone.us/viewtopic.w1?t=1209, too :) there u may also find a list of games running. And the ability to d/l them ... SHAREWARES, of course! :p :rolleyes:

September 14th, 2007, 13:03
Sweet I got Dosbox working on my PSP! took me a while to sort out the mount folder bit in the CFG file cuz it won't point to the correct folder on the mem stick for each PSP, perhaps you should mention that in your helpme file Murdock... It's odd how you have to use forward slash instead of backslash too.

I have a question with regards to mapping keys too. Im trying to play lazy larry and I need the ctrl + alt + x keys to bypass the questions. so I set them up in a LL1.bat file and tell that bat file to run the Larry.bat file but it just kicks me back to dos navigator :(

if the keys are changed when launching a game do they return to normal once exiting the game?

also on the keyboard pic that come with your zip, it show the shift keys in red plus and up arrow. how is this performed? for instance, I want to tpye : not ; how is this done?


September 14th, 2007, 13:24
Sweet I got Dosbox working on my PSP! took me a while to sort out the mount folder bit in the CFG file cuz it won't point to the correct folder on the mem stick for each PSP, perhaps you should mention that in your helpme file Murdock... It's odd how you have to use forward slash instead of backslash too.

I have a question with regards to mapping keys too. Im trying to play lazy larry and I need the ctrl + alt + x keys to bypass the questions. so I set them up in a LL1.bat file and tell that bat file to run the Larry.bat file but it just kicks me back to dos navigator :(

if the keys are changed when launching a game do they return to normal once exiting the game?

also on the keyboard pic that come with your zip, it show the shift keys in red plus and up arrow. how is this performed? for instance, I want to tpye : not ; how is this done?


First, you can do changes in the dosbox.conf. I mounted my games folder:

mount c ./games

In this example, it will mounts the "games" folder in my dosbox folder. No one need to write

mount c ms0:/psp.... etc.

and second ;) :
Do you call the exe file in your batch like this:


If you mapped the key, you can call

INPUTMAP exec larry5.exe

as example.

September 14th, 2007, 13:44
Sweet I got Dosbox working on my PSP! took me a while to sort out the mount folder bit in the CFG file cuz it won't point to the correct folder on the mem stick for each PSP, perhaps you should mention that in your helpme file Murdock... It's odd how you have to use forward slash instead of backslash too.

I have a question with regards to mapping keys too. Im trying to play lazy larry and I need the ctrl + alt + x keys to bypass the questions. so I set them up in a LL1.bat file and tell that bat file to run the Larry.bat file but it just kicks me back to dos navigator :(

Well ... :) Do u know how to map multiple keys on one PSP button? I wasn't successful with that yet. And CrazyC unfortunately didn't reply to that wuestion (I thin kI posted it somewhere about 3 pages ago). IF u managed to get this working, then try to link in your ll1.bat file to sierra.exe instead of the bat file. I think this should work :)

if the keys are changed when launching a game do they return to normal once exiting the game?

I do NOT think so. :(

But this is generally not relevant, since you only need the mouse when u have Dos Navigator. Otherwise, if u don't use this app, you can have a look at the last point of the manual, 3.c) ... they key combo allows u to always switch between mapped keys and p-sprint input method. ;)

also on the keyboard pic that come with your zip, it show the shift keys in red plus and up arrow. how is this performed? for instance, I want to tpye : not ; how is this done?


hmm, certain key on this picture are DISabled, as far as I know. For example the functional keys like F1 - F12 .... but you can type capital letters, this is possible. ... *2 mins later* ... I just tried to type the ":" symbol instead of the ";" one and it worked :D use p-sprint and do the following:

If u want to type a capital letter OR the second symbol u usually get when holding SHIFT, u type the first PSP button which is on the picture.

THEN, before hitting the second button, hit the UP-ARROW

LASTLY, hit the second key on the pic and you have the capitalized letter or the alternative symbol. U got me?



: = TRIANGLE (holding) -> UP-ARROW (release of TRIANGLE -> LEFT-ARROW

Got it? :thumbup:

[EDIT]: Sorry, I just noticed that I told u crap :) you actually CAN "spell" the function keys with p-sprint ... sorry about the wrong information! It's kinda hard to explain .. I'll write it in my next release of the manual (now with PICTURES :eek: ) and I'll post it here soon!

[EDIT2]: New Version of the Manual online ... V. 1.1


September 14th, 2007, 19:30
hehehe koo thnks guys, I managed to sort out the mounting thing but just wanted to tell Murdock that he should explain just a bit more about how it's being mounted as it seems to be a tad different from the PC version of dosbox and actual dos as I sat for a while trying different things cuz there was only one example in his documentation ;)

Murdock u really have been a help on this, I had a look on the actual dosbox forum as I was gona ask there and I noticed you were getting into a bit of trouble with some bad english hehehe uv'd defo helped me so thanks ;)

As for the key mapping I didn't read the last bit of ur PDF as it was late heh I need the combination toe skip the question at the start of lazy larry 1 remake, I have the crack somewhere, I think I found it on an abandonware site but I couldn't find it :( (I found it at work though hehe)

DOS rules!

September 18th, 2007, 09:09
I don't know if any1 cares, but this is my latest pdf manual for DosBox. I added a simple "contents" section at the beginning and linked the main titles to the chapters.

Makes browsing throught the file a little easier :)

Advantages of THIS release:

- I tried to explain as explicit as possible
- Pictures added to illustrate what I'm explaining (rookie friendly ;) )
- easy browsing through the sections
- other minor advantages ... but just my opinion.

I hope you like it. I also added DosBox and all the tools, so this is an AIO (all-in-one) rar-archive, including:

1. The manual 1.2, newest version
2. DosBox 10th of september release, compiled
3. DosNavigator added for easy browsing through the DOS files you've copied into x:\DosBox (see manual for further instructions)
4. elf2pbp3, compiler for elf files, including the latest release in elf format (for practicing)

here's the file:

no pass needed to extract, read, etc.

Have fun with it :)

September 18th, 2007, 09:43
looks real useful Murdock, but the d/l via teliaSonera #2
aint working for me.
can U manage a file attachment here?

September 18th, 2007, 16:41
looks real useful Murdock, but the d/l via teliaSonera #2
aint working for me.
can U manage a file attachment here?

Oh, I didn't even know this is possible ... :) thx for the hint. I added it to this reply .. at least I tried ...

[EDIT] It worked :) further down you find the files uploaded here on DCEMU

September 18th, 2007, 23:04
yup, goodStuff.
urm, talking of hints, I didnt find keyhint=true in your .cfg.
Added the necessary line in [sdl] to get it going tho.
Actually the biggest hassle for me with this emu (other than
the lack of OSK) is finding DOS 5.0 compatible games/apps online.
A list of 'known working' and d/l links 'd be kinda handy.
Also, a version of elf2pbp that runs... in dosbox

September 19th, 2007, 07:46
yup, goodStuff.
urm, talking of hints, I didnt find keyhint=true in your .cfg.

Damn ... sorry, that was a mistake by me .... I don't know why the line is missing. Maybe I added the wrong file. Sorry about that, really!
I reuploaded the file package and edited the rapidshare link and also the file uploaded here on DCEMU (look below)

Actually the biggest hassle for me with this emu (other than
the lack of OSK) is finding DOS 5.0 compatible games/apps online.
A list of 'known working' and d/l links 'd be kinda handy.
Also, a version of elf2pbp that runs... in dosbox

How do u know that DosBox eulates Dos 5.0? I didn't find any hint about that. I assumed that it's somewhat of DOS 6.xx ... but anyway ...

in this thread of whiteone's forum u can find a list of games running in DosBox:

I found 90 % of the games running I've tried so far. One exception for example is Alien Breed: Tower Assault. It crashs DosBox entirely and DosBox gives out some very strange error message. So I doubt it's the incompatibility with the emulated Dos version which is the problem, but the emulator itself. Another game which is running, but unplayable is Archon Ultra. It starts with almost 100 % speed I think, but the mous cursor doesn't respond to any input, just like to any button pressing.


September 19th, 2007, 11:48
Thx, dont worry too much about the missing keyhint, the
gremlinz NEVER ignore anythng worthwhile.
for a while I thought the DOS version must be 6.0, but take a look at
System Information in the Utilities menu of Navigator..

September 20th, 2007, 12:16
that game list on whiteone's forum:eek: , could you please imput the danzeff keyboard or sony's own psp keyboard so i can type something easy?

becouse those games on that topic are soooo cool, i wanna play em on my psp:D

Are commander keen 4,5 and 6 playable by the way:D ?

September 20th, 2007, 13:20
that game list on whiteone's forum:eek:

becouse those games on that topic are soooo cool, i wanna play em on my psp:D

Are commander keen 4,5 and 6 playable by the way:D ?

ehm .. what?!

you can play those games instantly! Just download them (not telling you where ;) ) and copy them to your psp.
If u've taken my release, copy them to x:\dosbox (this folder should already exist if you've installed my release correctly, put the folder of the game in there!)

Then, execute the prepared *.bat file, most likely called game_psp.bat (game = name of the game or an abbriviation of it) and u can play!

, could you please imput the danzeff keyboard or sony's own psp keyboard so i can type something easy?

What do you mean with danzeff keyboard? a ready-to-use on screen keyboard for psp apps? Or what? DosBox uses p-sprint for now! CrazyC already helped us by implementing keyhint! be patient until he releases a version with an osk if you don't like the temporary versions.

I've made DosBox as easy to use as possible. You don't even have to type anything in order to get the games working! If u are still not pleased, I am afraid you've just have to wait then ... sorry!

September 20th, 2007, 16:51

how do i run those bat files?

I got commander keen 4, 5 and 6 working!!!:D

EDIT2: i got biomenace also running well now, i got one problem though, i want to run jazz jack rabbit but it doesnt start with the .bat file, but the .exe works, but then you dont have key mapping:(

Can you help me with that one, and i would like the normal jazz, not the christmas edition:p

September 20th, 2007, 22:13
The key mapping aint working for me . Dosbox says

Illegal command: INPUTMAP .
is this somethng to do with intro.prg ?

September 21st, 2007, 07:40
i got one problem though, i want to run jazz jack rabbit but it doesnt start with the .bat file, but the .exe works, but then you dont have key mapping:(

Can you help me with that one, and i would like the normal jazz, not the christmas edition:p

It doesn't matter which version u wanna run, Christmas or normal ... same problem, strange. In previous versions this problem didn't happen. But there's a solution:

If you've mapped keys already in the dosbox.conf file, these keys are remembered by DosBox. Threrfore, you can switch between the mapped keys and p-sprint. :) Have a look into the manual, the "secret combos" explain you how to do that :thumbup:

Nevertheless, if you really want to play Jaz Jack Rabbit, I think you should take the port of the game, especially made for the PSP. It's on the main page. It runs faster I think.

September 21st, 2007, 07:50
the port of jazz jackrabbit for psp is not good, at some functions the psp crashes, and loading/saving is not possible.

Thats why i want the dos version.
Can you make a .bat file for me that releases all the keys, so that jazz jackrabbit creates new ones?
Only if that'l help starting the game.

But i dont want to use p-sprint for playing that game.

BTW: do you want the .bat files i made for running commander keen 4, 5 and bio menace 1, 2 and 3?

EDIT: Abuse uses a mouse to aim...are the controls of that game nice?(saw ur topic:p)
and 3d games run slow in the emulator:(

September 21st, 2007, 10:55
the port of jazz jackrabbit for psp is not good, at some functions the psp crashes, and loading/saving is not possible.

Oh, hmm, I didn't know that. What a pitty! I've downloaded it and tried it once, but only played for a short time. So I didn't notice these problems.

Can you make a .bat file for me that releases all the keys, so that jazz jackrabbit creates new ones?
Only if that'l help starting the game.

Ehm, I am not that shure what u want me to do ... you can not write a bat file "releasing" the mapped keys ... you write a bat file which tells DosBox which key is now mapped to which PSP button and that's it. If you execute another bat file, containing other information, like a new mapping of the keys, DosBox uses that mapping from that moment on.

So you cannot "release" keys, since it is not neccessary :o

What I was proposing was the following:

Add the following lines to your dosbox.conf, at thebeginning of the [autoexec] section IF they aren't there already:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle d
INPUTMAP square lshift
INPUTMAP cross lctrl
INPUTMAP circle lalt

If they already exist, then everything is fine and you needn't add them again.

Now you can execute the *.exe file of Jazz Jack Rabbit. When the game starts, do the following:

Hit LSHOULDER + RSHOULDER + SELECT + DOWN-ARROW at the same time ... this is the key combo I explained in the manual. Which that you can switch between the mapped keys and p-sprint.

After you have pressed all of them together, you can play Jazz, use the PSP buttons as they are mapped in the bosbox.conf [autoexec] section!

But i dont want to use p-sprint for playing that game.

:p of course not, since this makes playing games impossible

BTW: do you want the .bat files i made for running commander keen 4, 5 and bio menace 1, 2 and 3?

thx, but it's okay. I've added bat files for Commander Keen 1-6 to all my ... ehm ... games ... ;)

I don't have Bio Menace yet and I've never heared of it, but I'm gonna have a look at it. But anyway, creating bat files is easy as you know. To download them and copy them to where they belong is more work than just editing an existing one of my other games :) but thx anyway!

EDIT: Abuse uses a mouse to aim...are the controls of that game nice?(saw ur topic:p)
and 3d games run slow in the emulator:(

Abuse does not run at full speed yet. To be hinest, it runs pretty poor :o To make it playable, I've mapped the four buttons on the right side of the psp as the ARROWS of the keyboard. PSP's DOWN-ARROW is the button to select the weapons and the analog stick is the mouse. This mapping worx very well for me :thumbup: I only hope I can figure out how to tune DosBox to make abuse more playable because of the speed :)

September 21st, 2007, 11:06
maby you should search torrents for commander keen 6 without passwords, becouse you need passwords to play commander keen 6.
Take a look at it, and start a new game, you'l see:(

September 21st, 2007, 11:55
maby you should search torrents for commander keen 6 without passwords, becouse you need passwords to play commander keen 6.
Take a look at it, and start a new game, you'l see:(

Keen 6 is Keen Dreams, right? ehm ... even though this is really OFF TOPIC, I got a version that runs well ... no password needed ... I don't know what you mean, sorry!

But anyway .. back to topic.

September 21st, 2007, 13:10
ok, I picked up the hint to get key mapping working from the .cfg ,
using the secret key combo.But INPUTMAPs from a .bat still
generate Dosbox errors.
Anyway , got Pinball fantasys kind of working
~found a massive speed increase by changing to
instead of =sync.
still feels like playing in zero-g tho.
any suggestions for maximum possible speed configs welcome.

September 21st, 2007, 13:22
Keen 6 is Keen Dreams, right? ehm ... even though this is really OFF TOPIC, I got a version that runs well ... no password needed ... I don't know what you mean, sorry!

But anyway .. back to topic.

Commander Keen 6 was Aliens Ate My Babysitter. Keen Dreams was a crappy spinoff.

September 21st, 2007, 13:48
keen dreams come between commander keen 3 and 4.
To show what graphics commander keen 4 will have:p

Anyways in commander keen 6 - aliens ate my babysitter(i love that game's name:rofl: ), there are passwords required to start a new game...:(

September 21st, 2007, 14:22
Commander Keen 6 was Aliens Ate My Babysitter. Keen Dreams was a crappy spinoff.

yeh, I just started Keen 6 and u r right ... it's not keen dreams ... anyway ... it stays the same ... there is no password needed to play it ... :o I don't know what kind of version u got, but probably a strange one, since no Commander Keen needs any passwords, as far as I know.

Anyways in commander keen 6 - aliens ate my babysitter(i love that game's name ), there are passwords required to start a new game...

ehm .. no ... I just started a new game, no pass needed.

ok, I picked up the hint to get key mapping working from the .cfg ,
using the secret key combo.But INPUTMAPs from a .bat still
generate Dosbox errors.
Anyway , got Pinball fantasys kind of working
~found a massive speed increase by changing to
instead of =sync.
still feels like playing in zero-g tho.
any suggestions for maximum possible speed configs welcome.

Tell me in what games you've ssen the speed increase ... what was running a lil slow that runs better now?

I've been meessing around with those lines, too, but I had no success in getting more speed :(

Someone claimed to have gained a speed increase setting cycles to "max" in warcraft, but it slowed down Dos Commander and Warcraft kept running at about the same speed for me.

[EDIT]: So I've just tried to set it to auto instead of sync ... no speed improvement for games which do not run at full speed for me ... Space Quest 5 didn'T get any faster, just like Lords of the Realm 2. I might try some others, but I am pretty certain they will have the same result: none :(

September 21st, 2007, 15:53
the game's Pinball Fantasies.
Loading time reduced from 5mins to 20secs.
In game speed ×3 or more.
(good,but still not quite quick enough tho)

*EDIT: strangely seems
to run faster at cpu222 ?*

BTW noticed a ref. to 'mapper.txt' at the start of .cfg ..

September 21st, 2007, 15:58
the game's Pinball Fantasies.
Loading time reduced from 5mins to 20secs.
In game speed ×3 or more.
(good,but still not quite quick enough tho)
BTW noticed a ref. to 'mapper.txt' at the start of .cfg ..

hmm, well then try other games and see whether this is working with them, too. download Space Quest or Warcraft and tell me if you see a change in speed with your two different settings.

Maybe those things r working with some games, but the majority is not affected I suppose, unfortunately.

September 21st, 2007, 23:23
murdock, can you please try to get pinball dreams 2 running well with a nice keyboard layout?
if you can give it a try, il give you commander keen 7+the bat file for the psp, its continuing the storyline after keen6:D
ofcource its a unofficial version but you wouldnt say it if you played it.

September 22nd, 2007, 09:26
murdock, can you please try to get pinball dreams 2 running well with a nice keyboard layout?
if you can give it a try, il give you commander keen 7+the bat file for the psp, its continuing the storyline after keen6:D
ofcource its a unofficial version but you wouldnt say it if you played it.

Okay, I'll try to get that game and do a bat file for it. But it might be Monday until I can post sth. about it here. It#s weekend and my girl needs some attention :D

September 22nd, 2007, 09:47
ok thanks:)
and what should i typ in a bat file to assign a psp button to the F5 keyboard button?
(nessacery to save the game in keen 1, 2 and 3.)

September 23rd, 2007, 12:57
murdock, can you please try to get pinball dreams 2 running well with a nice keyboard layout?

I did what you wanted :) took me some time, but now I've set it up well I think.

They keys might appear a little unsorted at the first glance, but I think it makes sense.
To ensure that u get my bindings I also added two pictures, made with Photoshop, which explain what PSp buttons does what in the game.

I hope you like it. UNfortunately, uploading games isn't allowed here I think. So go to whiteone's forum, in my thread, there's the game:

I've also added Pinball Dreams 1, ready to play for you with the same key mapping.

The only thing you MIGHT want to make is setting the sound in the setup of the game. I noticed that in the title screen, the midi sounds are there, but the "normal" sound during game is missing. Just set it up in the setup.exe (or install.exe, I don't remember atm). Have fun!

September 23rd, 2007, 15:31
pmmed you with keen7, and bio menace to add to your collection:)
thanks for doing that for me:thumbup:

September 24th, 2007, 03:17
Performance of SQ2 & Navigator made it clear
that sync is faster than auto.As you guessed,Murdock,the problem
is specific to Pinball Fantasies.
Sync crashes in PF low res, Auto copes, but only at 60% speed.
Both struggle with sound emulation.

After much booting,tinkering,configging (& playtesting!) I've
achieved near FULL SPEED with lagless IN-GAME MUSIC & SFX.
Not perfect,but very playable.

Configs & guide in attached zip,
DCemu guests can d/l http://www.geocities.com/dangee63/PbfPspDb.zip

September 24th, 2007, 06:42
Performance of SQ2 & Navigator made it clear
that sync is faster than auto.As you guessed,Murdock,the problem
is specific to Pinball Fantasies.
Sync crashes in PF low res, Auto copes, but only at 60% speed.
Both struggle with sound emulation.

After much booting,tinkering,configging (& playtesting!) I've
achieved near FULL SPEED with lagless IN-GAME MUSIC & SFX.
Not perfect,but very playable.

Configs & guide in attached zip,
DCemu guests can d/l http://www.geocities.com/dangee63/PbfPspDb.zip


VERY good guide!

I like it a lot! :) nice work

You've expressed yourself clearly, gave examples and so on. And thebest is you've linked my files :D :thumbup:

No really, I like it.

One thing I do not understand 100 % is why it takes more time to load when you've enabled sound. CrazyC said that it doesn't matter whether sound is enabled or disabled, because it's still emulated. This means there is no possibility to switch off sound emulation to save resources. Therefore, I am not quite sure why switching sound on makes the game load slower.

hmm, is the gameplay slower, too? I mean does the game run faster if you switch the sound off? That'd astonish me. The only thing I can guess atm is that the loading of the sound file(s) makes the load times longer, but the game itself should run at the same speed. Is this correct?

[EDIT] Oh, and did u change the conf file, too? Or is it still the same? Any new functions in dosbox.conf?

September 24th, 2007, 10:58
..is the gameplay slower,too?
Gameplay speed is near 100% with/without sound.
"no sound" is a PF game option ('nosound' in the .conf is unchanged).
I'm guessing it cuts load time by not loading/converting the .mod sound
files (total size about 1mb)

..and did U change the conf file,too?
lmao! - only MASSIVELY! have a look at PF.CFG
(and btw, try typing Z: at the C:\ prompt)

September 24th, 2007, 14:28
Ok, I've been trying to get this to work since it 1st aired on the news stream! But NO! For sum reason it doesn't like me.

Ive downloaded all the 'n00b' style versions of Dosbox I could find, the normal old 'heres the folder's and all the stuff just put it on the memory stick'. A lovely looking Boot shows up nicely,'DOSBox', playing music bla bla. But when we try to load it theres an error "The game could not be started (80020148)"

Now is it because I'm running 3.71 M33 and it just wont work?
Or is it that I haven't got the right configuration setup? eg. need 3.71 kernel etc.
Or is it something else.......

Please Help...

September 24th, 2007, 14:31
Gameplay speed is near 100% with/without sound.
"no sound" is a PF game option ('nosound' in the .conf is unchanged).
I'm guessing it cuts load time by not loading/converting the .mod sound
files (total size about 1mb)

Yeah, right. I thought so, too!

lmao! - only MASSIVELY! have a look at PF.CFG
(and btw, try typing Z: at the C:\ prompt)

Yep, just had a look at ur dosbox.conf. You've disabled midi and reduced sound quality and stuff. Does this really improve the speed of DosBox? I mean generally, not only in one game.

I don'T see a reason to disable joystick emulation. I doubt this will improve the speed of DosBox in any way. Or why did u do this?

One thing I don't understand is this "scaler=" thing. What does it do?

Sorry, I don't have time to try your config with the game atm. Maybe next weekend.

Oh, and why did u disable the UMB, XMS and EMS?

September 25th, 2007, 14:15
Does this really improve the speed of DosBox?
Unsure,as it's the 1st game I've configged for Dosbox,but game
performance seemed specially sensitive to
maxcycles, and irq level of the sound emulator.

I usually disable all subsystems that are unused in software under
emu, to ease load on the CPU.
Before I found the low-res problem, I tried everyStupidThng
to pump up game speed%. Thats why those configs are off.

Don't know 2 what "scaler="

September 25th, 2007, 20:00
Unsure,as it's the 1st game I've configged for Dosbox,but game
performance seemed specially sensitive to
maxcycles, and irq level of the sound emulator.

I usually disable all subsystems that are unused in software under
emu, to ease load on the CPU.
Before I found the low-res problem, I tried everyStupidThng
to pump up game speed%. Thats why those configs are off.

Don't know 2 what "scaler="

LOL u seem to be even more clueless than I am ;)

maxcicles are the maximum number of "cicles" or herz emulated per second. It's the MHz/1000.

So of course setting this higher makes DosBox faster, IF cycles is NOT set to sync, I think.

That the IRQ effects the Speed of DosBox in anyway is very unlikely. Rather oplrate should affect the speed if it's set to a lower rate, but I haven't tested this yet. but try sth. around 11000, I think it's 11025. Got to look this up.

September 26th, 2007, 10:20
LOL u seem to be even more clueless than I am
Unsure about this. I'd have a better idea if I knew your
cluelessness level in % (eg 100 = total & absolute knowledge)

the irq effects overall performance (speed + sound quality), and yep, dropping oplrate
can help. I feel good about 14400 (below 8000 crashes dosbox)
maxcycles works with sync if autocycles=true

September 26th, 2007, 12:08
the irq effects overall performance (speed + sound quality), and yep, dropping oplrate
can help. I feel good about 14400 (below 8000 crashes dosbox)
maxcycles works with sync if autocycles=true

can u explain me (the dummy :rolleyes: ) how IRQ affects the speed of the emulator?

September 26th, 2007, 12:39
Murdock, you like/add the games i pmmed you
didnt get any response...

September 26th, 2007, 13:19
can u explain me (the dummy :rolleyes: ) how IRQ affects the speed of the emulator?
lol,you're no dummy,and your guide decreased
my cluelessness quotient.

I'd really like to hear a 'gods voice' about the irq.

atm, my best guess is that it emulates an x86 interrupt priority level,
Setting too high can swamp the CPU and slow down graphics, too
low can cause sound dropout.

January 26th, 2008, 19:30
Thanks for the link (RapidShare), Murdock!
DOSBox is awesome now I can play classic DOS games on PSP like Mario, Super Angelo, Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and lot more.

When I tried loading Alien Attack, Space Invaders clone, I got a BSOD. Wolfenstein 3D works OK though, but runs a little bit slower than on DOSBox Build 1.07.2007.

I set 3000 CPU cycles and 32 MB of memory in dosbox.conf.
Is it right? My PSP is 333 MHz and 32 MB of RAM.

February 2nd, 2008, 21:30
Hi, does anyone got ultima underworld2 to work? -having problem with sound setup -no music. would love to play that game again!! Would be wonderful if someone have a good working dosbox.conf with that game.


June 9th, 2008, 12:08
I've found unoficial readme :cool: : http://www.spiffup.org/Dosbox.txt
i run dosbox idk wath version but i cant run any files (exe or bat). and it shows tath it cant find ms0: and it shows tath my drive is z: not c: but i dont care!!!! i want some old games :mad: !!!!

June 10th, 2008, 08:35
I've found unoficial readme :cool: : http://www.spiffup.org/Dosbox.txt
i run dosbox idk wath version but i cant run any files (exe or bat). and it shows tath it cant find ms0: and it shows tath my drive is z: not c: but i dont care!!!! i want some old games :mad: !!!!
Look at murdock's post on the first page of this thread and make an effort to type in English in a public forum.

February 24th, 2009, 16:38
lol,you're no dummy,and your guide decreased
my cluelessness quotient.

I'd really like to hear a 'gods voice' about the irq.

atm, my best guess is that it emulates an x86 interrupt priority level,
Setting too high can swamp the CPU and slow down graphics, too
low can cause sound dropout.

I know this post comes late, but I just wanted to clarify the purpose of interrupts, so people don't go changing their interrupt values due to what Dangee is saying.

There is no "priority level" when it comes to an interrupt, an interrupt is exactly what it says it is. In a nutshell, when a piece of hardware wants CPU time, it puts a request on the interrupt line (I believe the SB16 emulation uses line 5 by default). The CPU will then jump and handle that interrupt request.

Adjusted the interrupt value in the dosbox.conf will have not effect on performance.