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View Full Version : Duke 3D PSP Save/Load temporary fix

September 11th, 2007, 07:20

This is stereomike's code that I modified to fix the save/load feature of Duke Nukem 3D for PSP.

It is just a temporary fix, when you load a file, it loads the map you were playing from the beginning. It's not perfect, and it doesn't include any additional data (health, exact location, weapons, etc) but it's better than having to replay the whole game whenever you start it up.
Read the included readme for more information on the subject.

More fixes and updates are in the works. I'm supporting this project personally.

Please PM me with any additional info, bug reports, feedback, etc on the release.

September 11th, 2007, 07:30
you sir are the man!! downloading now ^_^

only 1 problem i had was running it on my 8gig mem stick, i had to run it on a 512mb one.

September 11th, 2007, 08:26
that's weird. see I'm stuck with the 32mb memory stick cause I haven't had any use for a bigger one yet.. I mean, I can only test on the shareware version of duke lol. But I am going to get a bigger one. I've coded for x86 platforms only and thought this would be fun to work on something entirely different, and I plan on continuing with this so I'll go ahead and grab a bigger memory stick, and after I get these annoying problems taken care of I might add some multiplayer to it with some kind of server browser included, I dunno yet. You guys have to bare with me, it's the first time I ever messed with the build engine source code :)

September 11th, 2007, 16:41
no prob man take yer time :-)

More Bugs from the original version of the port, nothing you caused btw..haha

- FMV's not working

-Sound *Squeaky Duke*

-music *none at all

-memory card size limited to 1gig

September 12th, 2007, 02:01
yay duke3d fixes! i hope this project gets fully continued

September 12th, 2007, 02:18
no prob man take yer time
-memory card size limited to 1gig

I aways used my 2 GB MS and Duke 3d for PSP worked fine. And is a fake Sony MS.

September 12th, 2007, 09:58
winxp64: Your problem is with the fact you're using an 8gb memory stick for homebrew, which is based on the 1.5 kernel and that doesn't support memory sticks larger than 4gb, not this app.

You need to get a 4gb or smaller card to run 1.5 based homebrew without issues.
I have heard of people saying things work if they are on the 'first 1/2 of the card', which I assume means deleting everything and adding the homebrew up till its 4gb full then adding whatever else. I have no idea if this makes any difference personally though.

Perhaps with the slim's release and unlocking homebrew may start to be more commonly released in 3.x kernel format.

michael chan
September 24th, 2007, 03:54
Hey pmr. Peunut =D. how u doin havent heard for a while. u should keep this thread updated so we know hows the project i goin.

next realese. maybe u can add music support n fix dukes voice. and maybe u can use the analog to strafe?

for some reason when i started episode 1. i started on level 2.

October 1st, 2007, 09:24
I don't need save/load fixes..
but man, I've made lots of duke nukem awesome levels, a super metroid stage, resident evil outbreak stage, resident evil survivor starts at beginning-wins at the arcade.. and when I want to play them, I rename them to E2L1.map-E2L8.map.. and it will replace the in-game maps, and load your map instead.. but can anyone fix the video scenes? I can't play episode 4 because there comes a video at the beginning.. and every time I beat some boss I get blue screen of death.. we duke nukem players on PSP need some serious coder that can fix these things.. I just hope some of us donate for that.. I'm only 16 and don't have any credit card so I can't donate. but I'd almost do everything for those bugs to be fixed..

EDIT: but anyway, thanks. I'll put this on my duke nukem PSP because I need it.. love duke nukem so much..

EDIT again after playing: yeeaah! he fixed the 4th episode! but starts at duke burger.. but that's fine, and this is a great fix.. my last post, I didn't play it then, but this is a very nice fix.. I'm gonna try and see if it doesn't crash when I beat some boss..

EDIT: no, wait every level starts at second level o_o but you can now finally select user maps.. witch is great.. but the configuration is a little bad.. you don't run, just walk.. I'll just use my old configuration. and you can't choose guns with this config.. but damn, I have to go through all my user maps and get to the final boss.. I'll edit again if the video screen after beating a boss works or turns blue screen of death..

EDIT: I just won the boss, and well.. I got blue screen of death.. these video scenes need to be fixed somehow.. is it possible to change the game and skip all videos?

November 10th, 2007, 21:54
Hey guys
Sorry I haven't been around but I got two straight weeks of vacation so I'll be back at it, as soon as I get my ass up from playing final fantasy 8 again (weird choice of game, I know, I love it though :) ) I'm in one of my phases where I want to play older games.

Anyway back on subject, I'm taking a different route this time. I got a case of beer and I'm going to start migrating the eduke32 code (instead of jfduke) and go from there. Instead of using stereomikes ported code I'm just gonna go at it from the ground up, using eduke instead of jf. I have tried this before but I was getting linker errors and examined stereomike's code to see what was different from his code. I was doing it more modular (the engine in a library, the game in another) but he has the game code and engine code tied in the same module. I'm going to do it that way and see where I get

But I'll be back with updates, at least for two weeks lol retail is a bitch, especially Christmas time.

November 10th, 2007, 22:10
Before I migrate, what I'm CURRENTLY working on is a duke 3d command line interpreter. It's basically an agent that you boot instead of duke 3d and it will have options on it that you can throw in the command line (run duke with custom maps, etc) or other test options. It's mainly for my testing purposes but it may help some others as well (to the fellow who wanted to play custom maps) just select your map from a list, and go.

November 10th, 2007, 23:43
This is excellent, keep up the great work. This is what Psp homebrew is all about. Thanks

November 11th, 2007, 03:52
Mr. Peanut, this is some of the best news I've heard in a long time. Keep up the good work.

November 13th, 2007, 09:13
Hi guys,
Just giving everyone a quick update. I've been looking into the high pitched duke voices and the problem seems to lie within the SDL_Mixer API for the psp. Unfortunately, I don't know any other solutions than SDL_Mixer, other than FMOD (can't use, as in you need to be a licensed psp developer to use it).

If you want to know the technical details, from what I've learned about SDL_Mixer read on, and read on for my solutions:

I'm almost 100% positive I'm right because only SOME of the sounds are higher pitched. The water drop sound is dead on, I headphoned the sound on my pc and the psp :) But others (namely, duke's voice) are way off.

You load every sound the exact same way, and that way is provided to you by SDL_Mixer itself. So why are others higher pitched if they're all loaded the same way?

When the sounds were sampled (recorded) they were done so at a specific frequency, and if the frequency is offset from 11025, 22050, or 44100 the playback of the sound will be offset (pitch shifted) from the recorded speed. This seems to be only a problem with SDL_Mixer. It rounds the frequency to the nearest 11, 22, or 44k.

The only way I know how to fix this besides writing my own mixer (ha), and finding another sound mixer api for the psp is to resample the vocs to wavs. Voc is a crappy format anyway :P We only need to do the ones that sound bad.

So guys, the sounds that sound funky from the original version, tell me which ones they are and I'll write a batch conversion utility that will extract them from the grp, encode the offending vocs as wavs, and put it back in the group, and they will sound fine.

November 20th, 2007, 22:49
Just want to say fine work you are doing :) Anway so I was just wondering MrPeanut, if in the furture you plan to support the loading of custom maps or total conversions? Also if you plan you include any type of hardware accerlation such as OpenGL or whatever? On more of a technical note, I was just wondering why you are working on porting eduke32 and not jfDuke?

February 11th, 2009, 14:31
I clcik on the link and the file is not there anymore :(.. anyone know where I can get the fix? I luv duke!!!!


This is stereomike's code that I modified to fix the save/load feature of Duke Nukem 3D for PSP.

It is just a temporary fix, when you load a file, it loads the map you were playing from the beginning. It's not perfect, and it doesn't include any additional data (health, exact location, weapons, etc) but it's better than having to replay the whole game whenever you start it up.
Read the included readme for more information on the subject.

More fixes and updates are in the works. I'm supporting this project personally.

Please PM me with any additional info, bug reports, feedback, etc on the release.

February 17th, 2009, 07:56
The latest Duke3D is Chilly Willy's Personal Build.
