View Full Version : Death to the Trapezoid... Next USB Connector Will Be Reversible

December 4th, 2013, 20:46
Extreme bandwidth is nice, intelligent power management is cool... but folks should be spilling into the streets in thankful praise that the next generation miniature USB connector will fit either way (http://www.pcworld.com/article/2068940/planned-new-usb-connector-will-fit-both-ways.html). All told — just how many intricate miracle devices have been scrapped in their prime — because a tiny USB port was mangled? For millennia untold chimpanzees and people have been poking termite mounds with round sticks. I for one am glad to see round stick technology make its way into consumer electronics. Death to the trapezoid, bring back the rectangle! So... since we're on roll here... how many other tiny annoyances that lead to big fails are out there?"The new connector will be smaller too.
