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View Full Version : 3.60 M33 PSP Slim Corruption

September 12th, 2007, 21:01
I just turned my slim on after not doing anything (IE played some NES last night and GBC) and it was in Japanese, so I was like what the heck? So I started to try to find the 'system' section of the left most column, and it had the big blue screen of corruption come up saying to hit 'o' to fix it. Then it rebooted and so far the GB (Homers Rin) works fine, FF7 is running, so I'm assuming everything is ok, just wanted to let you guys know something odd happened.

I'll keep this updated if anything else odd happens or if something lost its compatibility since the corruption.

September 12th, 2007, 21:08
All I can remember for possible changes was display level 4 brightness while not plugged in and then maybe turning it off into sleep mode. When I brought it out is when it came happened right away.

I also remember last night I was playing around with usb charging, of which seems to only happen when you actually go to usb connection. It will not charge while just anywhere (such as in game or something)

Maybe there is some workaround, but I'm assuming the usb hardware is off unless you go into that mode or in a homebrew that turns it on and that would be a good reason why.

On the other hand I can't really think of anythign different with what could have caused that corruption and I'll say I never had anything like that happen while on the fat psp since I bought it (when it came out - I have one of the originals with the square button problem)

I will also note that despite having that screen come up, so far I have only lost about 15 seconds of my life waiting for it to reboot, and didn't have to reflash or anything yet.

September 12th, 2007, 21:14
I guess the M33 3.60 isn't stable yet. I say wait for an update from the M33 team.
Have you booted any 1.50 Kernel homebrew? Maybe that's the problem.

September 12th, 2007, 21:16
Well like I said, I'm not going to get picky about it. It runs almost everything without freezing in game and corrupted but fixed itself (so far I haven't found anything not working)

I'll stick to this release on the slim and wait patiently but I would recommend even at this point still picking one up and popping M33 on it. I have a dump of the 3.60 firmware , so I'm not that afraid (whether or not I can reflash the whole thing is another story)

September 12th, 2007, 22:15
Interesting.. Well I'm going to pick one up in an hour or so. When I install M33 I'll keep an eye on what I change and see if we can replicate the problem. But like -Xandu- said it’s probably just that 3.60M33 is very new and is in unknown territory on the PSP Slim. So it’s very likely that there may be a few minor problems. But with everything we can do with the Pandora battery there really is nothing to worry about as it’s only going to get better and should have full support for PSP Slim soon.

Anyways I’ll post any findings here. BTW I'm picking up the Piano Black one :p

September 12th, 2007, 22:18
Did you restore the default settings when you installed it as that happened to me in one of the old OE firmwares.

September 12th, 2007, 23:24
Yeah I think 'O' was to restore the default settings. Thats what I hit, but I was like 'wtf' when it happened so I'm not sure exactly what 'o' said.

September 12th, 2007, 23:25
yeah your config file is corrupt. it happens.

September 13th, 2007, 02:30

Nevermind its working fine, the config reset the M33 menu selection for ICE