View Full Version : To Continue....or Not Continue....That is the question!

September 16th, 2007, 17:35
So.... its been a long time since ive done any modding.... and well, ive been wonder about this question for a while now.

I have a Halo mod i was working on ( but its not finished ) that i was going to keep to myself. It was using DE1 ( Dungeon Engine 1 ) since MD3 is a much better model format than MD2 ( just not as easy to make a model for )

anyway... when i heard about DE2, i was beginning to think of bring all the DE1 stuff over and putting it to DE2 when DE2 is released, and posibly release the mod ( since the mittle thing that mirosoft did ;) )

So, i guess the question is... Would yall like to see a DE2 Halo Mod, or for me to make somthing different ( dont know what it would be...lol )

Ill make a poll about it and see what the people think :)

Thanks for Everything,

heres a screenshot for the last updated one i was working on ( about a year ago... for DE1 )


September 16th, 2007, 19:54
Here Im gonna grab a beer from the Pub...okay...

Ya you oughta continue making mods. I wouldn't mind seeing a Bioshock mod for something :D

September 18th, 2007, 03:10

looks like there isnt enough intrest in continuing ( or doing a new ) mod....

ill make the poll last one week....and if there isnt atleast 30 votes.....then there is not enough interest nor reason to continue it...



hope more people see it.....but by the looks of it...there wont be...

Thanks for Everything,

September 18th, 2007, 03:18
Continue whatever you're working on. It's extremely easy to get a little done. It's much harder to follow through. If there's one thing every homebrew scene lacks it's the follow through.

September 18th, 2007, 03:28

looks like there isnt enough intrest in continuing ( or doing a new ) mod....

ill make the poll last one week....and if there isnt atleast 30 votes.....then there is not enough interest nor reason to continue it...



hope more people see it.....but by the looks of it...there wont be...

Thanks for Everything,

Because you have to do whatever you want.

And you know, you are my favorite coder :cool: :cool:

September 18th, 2007, 03:42
Continue whatever you're working on. It's extremely easy to get a little done. It's much harder to follow through. If there's one thing every homebrew scene lacks it's the follow through.

its just that id like to see what the community wants ( though i may just continue it.... )

i technically did this mod for myself, but if there would be enough interest...i would finish it for DE2 and release to the public for their enjoyment ;)

its not a matter of my not following threw...its just me wanting to give the best i can for the scene i suppose ( sorry if i lost you on that....lol )

Because you have to do whatever you want.

And you know, you are my favorite coder

heh.... we might have our differences...but i will thank you for the comment :)

i might just do the mod for the hell of it who knows.... again....just wanting to see what the general members like to see... thats all :)

Thanks for Everything,

September 18th, 2007, 03:47
Wh00t! The original PSP modder is back on the scene! Great to have ya back :D

September 18th, 2007, 18:19
Favourite coder? Doesn't he have to code something first before he's considered a coder....modder is more like it.

September 19th, 2007, 01:12
Hey, hes my favorite coder if hes workin on something halo related for psp. I was thinking, why not use lte engine? IT's more powerful than de and its free off ltestudios.com. Its a powerful tool, if only somebody would use it.

September 19th, 2007, 22:41

ill be continuing it.... ill keep people up to date on what im working on currently and how the progress is coming ;)

Thanks for Everything,

September 19th, 2007, 22:59
Well you already know my answer bro! ;)