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View Full Version : Maxconsole's Stance on Datel's PSP Service Mode Battery

September 18th, 2007, 01:14
Brakken (http://tehskeen.com/) has posted another revealing story, this time about the PSP Scene:

Back on the first of the month Zeus posted an article bashing one of Datel's new products. This product is a special battery when inserted into Sony's PSP turns it into "Service Mode" allowing the end user to install a custom firmware. Zeus, for reasons I'll explain in a minute bashes this product claiming they stole it from Team Noobz.

Okay, who is Team Noobz? They are a small team of coders (programmers) who have been most likely hired by Divineo to do freelance work releasing various hacks for the Sony PSP (much like Dark_Alex who ISN'T retired and is also in Divineo's pockets). Anyway, they released a suite of programs that will allow users with an already modified Sony PSP to create their own Service Mode Battery. Now, one must understand that these service mode batteries are used to fix "bricked" Sony PSP's by official repair centers. The batteries themselves have been in circulation and in the hands of hackers long before the Noobz release. Don't believe me? Check your scene releases sites and you'll find the NFO file for the dump of the files on the battery.

One last thing, which I have been unable to verify is that Datel had already been working on the Service Mode Battery before the Team Noobz released their software suite which makes sense since they announced the battery shortly after Noobz's release and it was already produced and ready to ship. It takes time for R&D and to manufacture these things.... this is only speculation though.

Now, even though Team Noobz was the first team to release a software suite to allow users to create their own Service Mode Battery it still requires the use of an already modified PSP which in most cases is impossible for newcomers to the scene to obtain. Also, take note that Datel's device doesn't come with anything that Team Noobz coded. So in all reality it's a very good product which is also priced the same price as a normal battery costs.

So why is Zeus attacking Datel? Well, like I said before Team Noobz is possibly in Divineo's pockets (although, their members deny these claims) meaning that their work creates a massive amount of traffic for Maxconsole therefor increasing their revenue. Now, I want to address the issues Zeus brought forth in his latest drunken ramblings (you'll notice various typos in the article).

Zeus tries to trash the Battery by stating it comes with none of the necessary files required to install a custom firmware on your PSP. Well, my first impression was how hypocritic this statement is as he's already stated that Datel shouldn't rip off other peoples work. So first he's complaining that the battery itself was ripped off (which is false) and now he's stating it should come with the work of Team Noobz. Well, for obvious legal reasons Datel probably doesn't want to include the necessary files needed to do the job. Now, one should also compare this to the DMS 4 PRO Sony Playstation 2 modchip that DMS, another subsidiary of Divineo produces. The chip comes with no instructions, no diagrams and no software. It's up to the end user to find these things on their own. I think that proves my point.

He also followed up that story with this:

After posting the below article Fanjita from Team Noobz bashed this entire page mainly because of my accusations that Team Noobz is being financed by Divineo. After speaking with various members from the team I am convinced that my source of this information had been mislead. I did jump the gun as I trusted my source without verifying the information. It was my mistake and I'm sorry. The members of the team that I've talked to are okay with this. Hey, I'm only human. Unlike other sites who delete their mistakes I'm leaving the original article intact.

September 18th, 2007, 07:08
Interesting, Datel are to release a Service Mode Battery and a coder is pissed off.

September 18th, 2007, 07:50
Accusing noobz of doing it for the money and being 'in someones pocket' has got to severely irritate the guys, who by every bit of evidence of them and their releases (hosted by many sites) have done nothing but work hard to help the community while asking for nothing in return.