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View Full Version : PSP: Daedalus blog update - 19 September 2007 - Back Online

September 19th, 2007, 22:52
Source: StrmnNrmn's blog (http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/2007/09/back-online.html)

People have been a little impatient and worried about the sudden absence of the infamous Daedalus PSP developer StrmnNmrn, but no reason to worry; the developer just updated his blog, explaining it. Here you have the full post:

Apologies for the lack of updates. I've not had internet access at home since moving flat at the end of August. My ADSL was activated today so I'm finally up and running again. I can't believe how long it's taken!

Between the flat move and a busy few weeks at work (getting ready for the Tokyo Game Show (http://tgs.cesa.or.jp/english/)) I've not had that much time to work on Daedalus, but I have made some progress on a really cool feature people have been asking for for some time, namely savestate support.

For those not familiar with savestates (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savestate), the basic premise is very much like 'hibernate' or sleep modes on PCs and laptops. A savestate can be created at any point during emulation. At a later time the savestate can be reloaded to restore the emulator to the exact state it was in when the savestate was created.

What's really useful about savestates is that they work even if the underlying save mechanism used by a rom isn't supported properly. I'm hoping that by adding savestate support Daedalus will become significantly more usable for many roms. Savestates also make development a lot easier as it means I can jump straight into the middle of a game when debugging/profiling rather than sitting through the title sequence dozens of times.

I still have a little bit of work left to do on the savestate system, mostly on the UI side, but there are a number of additional optimisations I want to finish off before I release R13. I'm currently planning to get everything ready for release on either the weekend of the 29th Sept, or possibly the first weekend in October.


Thanks for updating us, StrmnNrmn!

September 19th, 2007, 23:25
Woo thanks blackrave!

Savestate support sounds neat. :)

September 19th, 2007, 23:37
Hmm hardly any work has gone into it and yet it could be released next week?

I'd rather wait a few months untill something is perhaps full speed, i'll skip this one again like i did with R12.

September 19th, 2007, 23:43
I'm currently planning to get everything ready for release on either the weekend of the 29th Sept, or possibly the first weekend in October.
Knowing him, we may have to wait until November.

September 19th, 2007, 23:46
Hmm hardly any work has gone into it and yet it could be released next week?

I'd rather wait a few months untill something is perhaps full speed, i'll skip this one again like i did with R12.

Hehe, a lot of improvements have been made, I tell you. Just look up the older posts from StrmnNrmn. StrmnNrmn is just underestimating his own work. You'll see. ;)

It's good news that StrmnNrmn has settled in his new flat now. I'm looking very much forward to the update being released, it should only be a week or two till now.

Thanks again!

Knowing him, we may have to wait until November.

Nah, I doubt that. And what do you mean? He has kept his release dates very precise earlier, except for that one time, which people won't let go of. We should all be very glad that he's devoting so much time to work on it, and then sharing it with us for free. :)

September 19th, 2007, 23:53
Shoot i cant wait for this release its gonna be a good one for sure. But we gonna have to wait for full compatibility once that will happen the psp will the best.

On The Rise
September 20th, 2007, 00:15
Strmnrmn always sticks to his word for release dates, so don't be worried. Savestates is a nice feature. I was looking for a huge improvement on his blog due to how long he hasn't responded. Anyways before that he had some nice speed ups.:)

September 20th, 2007, 00:52
That is great progress. I wasnt even worried about save states though. I understand why he has to have them for development. So cool!!!

September 20th, 2007, 01:16
damn he took forever to update....better late than never, though

September 20th, 2007, 03:04
Finally an Update. Glad to hear savestates are being added.

Next week is going to be great, Halo 3 and Daedalus R13.

September 20th, 2007, 03:31
thats next week!! men i cant wait that long!!! *cries* in all seriousness i am looking forward to this, savestate is going to be great, great to know he doesnt want to rush it!

September 20th, 2007, 06:34
I Can,t wait either 65 N64 games strong.

dark heart
September 20th, 2007, 08:07
damn straight! thanks for the update! fantastic news.

September 20th, 2007, 08:35
Yeah I'm so glad to see he updated, and I'm glad he had such a good excuse but I'm very happy about the results. But I really want to hear more about the dynarec hack and such, hey Xg finally!

September 20th, 2007, 08:55
Glad to see he is still making progress! It is just amazing how far this emulator has come along! Someday we will be playing Super Mario 64 and others true speed the exact same if not better than the original N64. PSmonkey estimated that it would take close to a years worth of work to get an N64 emulator for the PSP to that point and its getting close now.

September 20th, 2007, 17:30
at last.. puuhhh. thought he had leaved us. hopefully there will be at least 50 % speedup before he leaves the project!

September 21st, 2007, 04:49
Well I don't care how long it takes. I feel lucky that he is working so hard to bring us one hell of an emulator. You can't go by just this blog post update alone. Prior to this, some really cool optimizations were achieved.

If any of the people thinking that its "about time" for an update have donated a lot of money to the project I can understand. But otherwise, let the poor guy live his life and enjoy his new flat. It'll be ready when he can have it ready.

I'm very excited about the next release. I'm just hoping that this emulator can work on the Slim & Lite.

dark heart
September 21st, 2007, 10:22
odd, ever since i offered to help him with his Daedalus project, strmnnrmn hasn't approved any of my posts on his blog.

September 21st, 2007, 22:11
he doesnt like help from other ppl :P

September 22nd, 2007, 00:36
I hope he gives an update soon about his further developments with that Dynarec hack, and to see what he thinks about Wally and I's polls would be nice too.

November 3rd, 2007, 20:10
Knowing him, we may have to wait until November.

Nah, I doubt that. And what do you mean? He has kept his release dates very precise earlier, except for that one time, which people won't let go of. We should all be very glad that he's devoting so much time to work on it, and then sharing it with us for free. :)
I was right. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

November 3rd, 2007, 20:21
well it cant be that tricky to guess a month for this release.

November 3rd, 2007, 20:41
Yeah thanks for bumping a useless thread for a useless point to prove.