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View Full Version : Maxconsole and PS3 News Threaten Brakken

September 21st, 2007, 00:03
Seems like the Console Hacking Scene is showing its dirty side today, Brakken over at Tehskeen has been voicing his opinions of late and letting the world know some truths behind the PS3 News/Maxconsole (owned by Divineo) sites and the tactics they use.

I can honestly say im not a fan of either site, sure they must have some great members but the way they do things leaves a bitter taste.

check out the tehskeen site (http://www.tehskeen.net/)and let me know your views and remember to digg his news (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Maxconsole_Divineo_Threatens_Legal_Action_Against_ Famous_Blogger) and support your right for freespeech and for the right to unmask those who harm the homebrew community.

September 21st, 2007, 02:53
I havent purchased anything on there its good to know that the sites a poor shame of quality to customers cause now we know not to purchase from there. But i would like to know if its a poor site why i have it linked here. Before this news had appeared on the site i was deciding to purchase something from there. I know the sites all about modding for legal homebrew goods and the sites out to get everyone into some good legal free fun so you'll throw anything to offer if there is away for people to enjoy homebrew. I aint here to start an argument its just i dont see why they should be linked here.

I once again appologize for my poor grammer.


September 21st, 2007, 06:56
Maxconsole must be bad, because I've read quite a bit here about them recently.

September 21st, 2007, 07:30
This is getting out of control. Maybe team c+d can join the dcemu network, and put maxconsole and ps3craps behind them. but it's unlikely. IDK what to say, but that I hope that this will not have a longlasting negative impact on the homebrew community as a whole. as of now it seems like the homebrew community, especially the psp scene is taking major hits, and I can't help thinking that it's the will full intentions of something or someone bigger to try and break up the psp homebrew scene. We at DCEMU and other homebrew sites will have to unite and be stronger than this force trying to break us up

Cap'n 1time
September 21st, 2007, 08:39
I've considered buying from them on more than one occasion but never do. I almost always get told horror stories by previous buyers on IRC.

September 21st, 2007, 09:00
I almost bought off divineo but it was kinda overpriced (69.99 for a sandisk 1gig pro duo). Instead bought off decalgirl and liked the psp selection they have there too bad its down right now.