View Full Version : Pirates killing our scene

July 4th, 2005, 06:36
All other sites have turned a thumbs up to those new iso loaders. This is the only honourble site left. However I fear Sony will kill the scene before it begins to lift off thanks to these fools.

Say goodbye to all your emulators, forced upgrades here we come.

July 4th, 2005, 16:37
Yep...and since there haven't even been too many games released they(Sony) will certainly be able to do it. Perhaps this was their plot all along :eek:

July 4th, 2005, 18:40
In my view.. forced upgrades makes matters worse for Sony. I believe the UMD games could eventually be modified to remove the firmware update nag. So for people who want to play the games and run homebrew / they will just download the games instead.

July 4th, 2005, 18:57
Two ways to look at it:

1) All firmware upgrades will eventually be hacked, so might as well play today's games than wait for tomorrows hack.

2) An exploit will eventually come up to break any forced firmware or ghost it, so might was well play today's homebrew that has yesterday's games than get tomorrow's games.

July 4th, 2005, 21:47
2) An exploit will eventually come up to break any forced firmware or ghost it, so might was well play today's homebrew that has yesterday's games than get tomorrow's games.

Well this is my theory on that. Firmware will definately get hacked eventually no matter how much Sony Tries the only problem is when more and more great games come out with the update, the regular folk on this message board will be gone and homebrew will be out of there PSP.

The hardcore will sit and wait each update out for the newest hack. Every update though will have a longer wait for a crack as the security will get more and more complicated. What I'm trying to say we should enjoy how quick homebrew is coming out now and get use to long waits.

Also the scene is about to be made much smaller.

Fly On
July 7th, 2005, 02:57
WTF oh noes! PSPs been h4x0r3d! $0ny's updating their pr0gz!
Sony has already basically forced firmware 1.5+ an their new Jap PSPs and all others.
Why would the scene get much smaller? So a few nubbies decide "| w4nt t3h s33t hakz warez!" doesn't mean that the homebrew scene will shrink. Hordes of people still want to see their favorite portable homebrew apps perfected.
Seriously, how many people in this forum alone were waiting for 1.5 to be hacked?

July 30th, 2005, 17:56
All firmware upgrades will eventually be hacked

when the fat lady sings.

3 months and no new firmware hack.
It won't happen

Cap'n 1time
July 30th, 2005, 20:04
All firmware upgrades will eventually be hacked

when the fat lady sings.

3 months and no new firmware hack.
It won't happen

thats the most idiotic reason I have ever heard. :mad:

July 31st, 2005, 05:40
I with the person above *points up*

August 1st, 2005, 08:19
All firmware upgrades will eventually be hacked

when the fat lady sings.

3 months and no new firmware hack.
It won't happen

you bumped this thread for that?!

Well anyways with the recent developments with the 2.0 update I have got more faith in The PSP Scene to get through these obstacles.

Making this thread obsolete. Sony will aim for the pirates but also hit us. But we'll fight through and sadly so will the pirates. Done