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View Full Version : 3 Questions to make a good map

September 23rd, 2007, 06:43
I have been searching frantically for explanations and sources to attack this problem, my maps load up properly and i get sattelites connected no problem (low signal mind you). But my PSP doesn't locate me on the map with GPS mode on. I would say this is because i get a critical error during the GEO data download.

So heres my problem. I don't have complete Geo data, i end up getting 1 million queries necissary and this error is a 404 error that cannot find the data. now, i have checked the net for one size fits all Geo data for australia, Whereis.com has it (being a telstra company of course there is a fee). I have formulated 3 solutions:

Extract it from my UBD directory CD

set the lat and long frequency higher (cannot find out what that will do, i need to know what is going to happen depending on what numbers i specify, cannot find this anywhere)

find a more reliable way to download this geodata..

the settings i have are as follows and if anyone can explain to me what changing what numbers will do what to the frequencies while just getting street data (i don't care about street numbers) for my whole map, that would be fantastic.

lat freq: 0.00244588111731
lon freq: 0.00274658203099

TL lat: -27.0591257843741
TL LON: 152.578125

LAT span: 2.47610377857432
lon span: 2.8125

BR Lat: -29.5352295629484
BR LON: -29.5352295629484