View Full Version : VGB-Android 3.9.12 Released

December 16th, 2013, 22:56
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

Marat Fayzullin (http://fms.komkon.org/) has updated his GameBoy/Color emulator VGB-Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fms.vgb).

This week´s fresh VGB-Android 3.9.12 release is now available from the Google Play:


VGB-Android emulates GameBoy Classic, GameBoy Color, and Super GameBoy on Android phones and tablets. The new version adds customizable color palettes and the ability to choose what GameBoy model you would like to use, including semi-real but cool "Super GameBoy Color".

I have also added the x86 Android support. If you have an Intel-based Android device, or use desktop Android emulator like AndroVM or Genymotion, VGB-Android should now run for you.

Added "GameBoy Model" screen to the Settings.
Users can choose between GB, GBP, GBC, and SGB hardware modes.
Added support for Android devices based on Intel x86 CPUs.
Now properly building shared library for each architecture.
Added loading palettes from *.pal files.
Place default palette into /VGB/VGB.pal in internal storage.
Place Game.gb game palette into Game.pal.
Each *.pal file should contain 16 colors in #RRGGBB format, one per line.